Hello friends:
Pastor Renee is on vacation and will not be doing a
remote service on Sunday.
I hope the following two articles may lift your spirits
and give you direction for the next week.
Praying for each of you and for our world that we look
and lean on our Savior in all days and all ways.
Until we meet again, God bless
Margie Nickerson
What can we do to encourage, support, and love each other? Click on the link below for 4 practical ideas:
Credit: You Version
Hints To Study Scripture While At Home
For years I have approached the Bible, book
by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. I go into each chapter on four
different roads. The more ways you enter, the more you see. Road one: What
does the chapter say? Here I stop and write a summary in my own words. Road
two: What does it say that I don’t understand? Here I stop and write down the
problems and difficulties. Road three: What does it say in other portions of
Scripture? Here is where I cross-reference the verses in the chapter. The
Bible is its own best commentary, so I want to throw the light of the rest of
Scripture on the passage I’m studying. Road four: What does it say to me?
Here is where I pray over the passage and write out a personal application
God has shown me for my own life. And then I seek to do it.
I encourage you to make the Bible a personal
message from the heart of God to you.
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