Gayle’s Study Week: Gayle will be engaged in a week of study from Monday through Friday of this week. The answering machine will be checked daily and Gayle will be available through her cell phone or email if you need to contact her. (942-0209 /
New hours for Kat: Starting in November, Kat will be in the church office on Fridays only. Please continue to send any Newsletter information to her email address and leave messages on either machine.
LARGE PRINT: There are now large print bulletins available for anyone who would find them helpful. Please speak to one of the Deacons if you like one.
Tangible Worship: Please notice the tables at each door of the Sanctuary. On them will be items which will express the theme of the worship service in a tangible way. See if you can figure out what will be happening in worship from the items on the tables.
World Communion Sunday: Sunday, October 3rd will be a special worship service as we celebrate World Communion Sunday. We will have two special guests helping in worship: Jean Dixon, who is active in our UCC Partnership with Zimbabwe, and Dennis Gaboury, who is involved in a Mission in Zimbabwe called Zimkids, which helps to support children and build relationships through dolls that the children make. Join us for special people, special music and a special coffee hour.
Trustee Work Day: On Saturday, October 23rd, from 8:30 to 12:30, will be a trustee-sponsored workday. The following are targeted projects: clean out the old cabinets and sink, from the vestry kitchen in the old building, rake leaves, cut the grass one last time, wash windows, do any other yard clean up work, last minute painting, possibly, if we have the time and workers, start on the pew tightening up. In addition, we are looking for people willing to put together light refreshments and drinks for the workers. Please contact Dan Ferguson at 603.828.3170 to volunteer for either.
Free Lunch and Fellowship!: What a good idea…thank you Norma Heroux! Seventeen people enjoyed soup and cornbread, brownies and ice cream on September 15th.We had such a good time that Lucy Silva has offered to provide an additional lunch on Wednesday, October 6th from 11:30am-1:00pm at the Northwood Congregational Church. Future free lunches by Norma will be from 11:30am - 1pm on Wednesdays, October 20 and November 17. Please bring anyone you think might like to come! Norma has felt called to a ministry which will provide food and hospitality for church people and members of the community. Mark your calendars!
Deerfield Fair: Deerfield Fair is a great fundraiser for NCC. There are lots of volunteer opportunities available and in order to fulfill our commitment, we'll need everyone possible to help with at least one shift. Our days to volunteer as Ticket Takers will be Thursday, Sept. 30 and Saturday, Oct. 2. Approximate shift times are 7:30-2:30pm, 2:30-9:00pm and one person to start at 6am each day. Approximately 15 people are needed for Thursday and 9 people for Saturday. Sign up sheets will be available at the church on Rally Day. For information or to volunteer, please contact Pam English at 942-8501 or John and Jean Lane at 942.5486 to sign up.
Real Mugs for Real coffee: Bring your own mug to church so we can cut back on use of paper products during coffee hour. It will taste better and you can take it home to wash it. Thanks!
Communion Offering: The September Mission offering will be dedicated to the American Cancer Society. You can visit their website at: As we have experienced with the recent loss of our wonderful church member Robin Drown, many of our congregational members have been touched by cancer. The American Cancer Society continues its research and fighting this disease that affects so many people we love and who are in need of our prayers. (Please note:
when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)
Centering Prayer: A time of Centering Prayer is held on Wednesdays at 8:00am. We meet at MaryAnn Lippincott’s home at 11 Blaisdell Drive.
Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC: While you can order any number of pre-paid card on the third Sunday of each month, we have purchased extra cards of the most popular places. They include Dunkin’ Donuts, Regal Cinema, Restaurant pass, and Lowes, and they are available every Sunday after church while the supplies last. Contact Tiffany George with your questions at 332-5808 or
Hymn Sing Today: The Northwood Advent Christian Church in the Narrows (Rte 107/113 School Street) invites you to their Hymn Sing today at 6:00pm. Sing your favorite old hymns and maybe some special selections.
Pittsfield Players: Hello Dolly! is coming to the Scenic Theatre, Pittsfield, NH in November. They are in desperate need of males for both singing and non-singing roles. If you are interested, contact Jon Martin at 603.398.0709 or John Charron at 603.765.5280.
High Tea anyone?: The Women’s Club of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church are hosting a high tea on Sunday, September 26th at 2:00pm at their church in Northwood. You are invited to dress up and bring your daughters/sons, mothers/fathers or anyone who will enjoy this experience. Please contact Pat Jacobsmeyer at 603.942.8912 if you’d like to attend.
Outdoor Ministry Board: OMB is celebrating 40 Years at Horton Center! Everyone is encouraged to join us for the celebration of 40 years of organized youth camping! On Friday, October 1st, arrive late afternoon and Saturday, Oct. 2nd the event will end mid-afternoon at Horton Center, Pine Mountain. A free-will offering will be taken. Friday evening bring a dish to share for dinner and celebrate with a family friendly concert by Steve Schuch. Saturday meals will be provided. The weather may be turning cool, but everyone will be warmly welcomed to the mountain for fun, fellowship and Christian community! Reservations requested—please email Heather Flint Davis at Please indicate number of adults and children attending, and contact information.
N. Barnstead Women’s Fellowship: NBWF will host ‘Friendship Night 2010’ on Thursday, October 14th at 6:30pm. Rabbi Robin Nafshi of Temple Beth Jacob will discuss “What is Judaism?” Dessert will be served and the event will be held at North Barnstead Church. Please contact Lucy Silva at 603.942.9848 for further info or to RSVP.
Today 10:30pm Informational meeting
on Confirmation
Wednesday 8:00 am Centering Prayer
Thursday 7:00pm Choir