Friday, March 14, 2014

Our Lenten Poem for the Week

By expenditure of hope,
Intelligence, and work,
You think you have it fixed.
It is unfixed by rule.
Within the darkness, all
Is being changed, and you
Also will be changed

Now I recall to mind
A costly year; Jane Kenyon,
Bill Lippert, Phillip Sherrard,
All in the same spring dead,
So much compansionship
Gone as the river goes.

 But won’t you be ashamed
To count the passing year
At it’s mere cost, your debt
Inevitably paid?

For every year is costly,
As you know well.  Nothing
Is given that is not
Taken, and nothing taken
That was not first a gift.

The gift is balanced by
Its total loss, and yet
And yet the light breaks in,
Heaven seizing it’s moments
That are at once its own
And yours.

By Wendall Barry

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