Tuesday, December 13, 2011

From Pastor Gayle

This week was our children's pageant and it was wonderful.   It included cows almost falling off the podium, a busy angel who guided Mary, the shepherds, and the Wise Men, and our great children.  What particularly struck me about this week's worship service is how much we mean to each other.  It was not just the parents of the children who delighted in the pageant.  It brought back wonderful memories for me when my three sons were the Wise Men in our church pageant, but we referred to them as the Wise Guys. Many of us watched our children retell the story with their actions and we were moved.  And I think this points out one of the great strengths of a faith community.  We live in a world divided by so many things;  wealth, age, gender, interests, educational experience.  EXCEPT IN THE CHURCH where we share a common faith in Jesus Christ and that helps us cross a lot of uncommon ground.  Grandmother smiles at the high school student who just received an award.  Grouchy, tired workers pass the peace to someone who has just come back from a mission trip.  Young adolescent teaches the middle aged man all about his world view.    You are so good to have made the commitment to be a part of this congregation.  You are people who are motivated by your faith to be transformed by the wonder of our relationship with God.  You reflect the differences that there are in people everywhere.  But we are a community together because our love for God is stronger than our differences  and the community feeds each other.  Thank you.

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