Monday, May 17, 2010

From Missions, May 2010

The Mission Committee has met to establish a mission schedule for the majority of the year and we thought it might help some of you in your planning to know what worthy causes we expect to offer over the coming months.  To that end, the following Monthly Missions will be collected as follows:
May 2010 - Heifer International - this organization helps people typically by providing farm animals or other animals to raise families be self-sustaining, particularly in poor countires.  Amy Lindsay is also coordinating with the Christian Education Committee to work with our children in classes to create crafts to raise money for animals.
June 2010 - Common Cathedral (Youth Missions) - during the summer and beginning in June, the youth of our church will attend three events including the Common Cathedral on the Boston Commons, a local Soup Kitchen and Families in Transition.  Other church members are encouraged to participate in these events and offer help in attending or preparing for these efforts.  Please note we may split the available June offering in support of one, two or all three causes.
July 2010 - Cocheco Valley Humane Society (Animal Shelter) - during July we have the blessings of the animals for the congregation and our Mission offering will benefit the amazing work done by the Cocheco Valley Humane Society in caring for and coordinating placement of the many pets making their way to the facility due to difficult ecomonic times.
August 2010 - Minister's Discretionary Fund - as we approach the fall months and likely continued economically challenging times, the Mission Committee anticipates some families may be needing help to prepare their children for school in the fall and because their family resources may be depleted.  Since the Minister's Discretionary Fund was depleted well before the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays last year, we are dedicating the August Missions to this important local need.
September 2010 - American Cancer Society - many of our congregational members, friends and family members suffer from cancer, are undergoing treatment or are beyond current treatment methods.  The September Mission will be dedicated to the American Cancer Society to continue the research and fight this disease that affects so many people we love and are in need of our prayers. 
October 2010 - Domestic Violence Prevention - Annually in October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  We will dedicate the October Mission offering to an appropriate agency to assist in prevention of domestic violence which has been increasing as a result of some of the economic challenges faced by many families.
November 2010 and December 2010 - As we move into the holiday months, we will reassess the need to supplement funds for Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets. Last year we found that due to generous donations from the membership and Northwood Country Market, we had a surplus of funds that was able to be dedicated, in part, to the Northwood Emergency Food Pantry.  We will assess the situation as we approach the holiday season before we decide on appropriate Mission Offerings during these two months. 
In addition to the scheduled monthly Mission Offerings described above, the Northowood Congregational Church Mission Committee is approached by many other individuals and agencies that could use our help.  Since we cannot possibly meet the needs of all these worthwhile causes, we will occasionally describe them here and will be posted on the Mission Committee section of the bulletin board in Church. 
Sandy Garrett - Mission Trip to Haiti - Attached is a letter from Sandy Garrett of Higher Ground Baptist Church.  She is attempting to raise $1,350 in funds to go to Haiti in October 2010 on a Mission Trip and is requesting donations and checks be made out to: "Monadnock Bible Conference" and sent to Sandy Garrett, 52 Deer Run Lane, Northwood, NH 03261.  Her sponsorship is needed to be fully raised by August 2010 and the Mission Committee has agreed to provide her letter to members for individual consideration. 
Doctors Without Borders - another church member recently returned from India and requested the Mission Committee give consideration to raise funds for Doctors Without Borders    As we have already dedicated quite a bit of effort throughout the year to international causes (Zimbabwe, El Salvador, Haiti, China, Heifer) we have not dedicated a specific month for this worthwhile cause in 2010.  However, we recommend all members consider this worthwhile organization and donate as you see fit.
May Christ be with you!
Northwood Congregational Church
Mission Committee
Tom Bobowski

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