Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sunday 8/2/2009


The Rev. John Schroeder is our preacher and worship leader today. He is a retired American Baptist Pastor who is now living in Northwood. His claim to fame in our congregation is that he is the father of Jo Chase.

Gayle Murphy is on vacation until August 11th as her son gets married! This week, Rev. John Schroeder will be our worship leader and preacher. On August 9, Neil English will be our lay preacher and worship leader. The Deacons will be on call for any emergencies and will check the phone daily. Please contact Jo Chase at 942.8940 or 545.4195 if there is an emergency and they will make sure you get the pastoral care you need.

Kat will be taking her summer hiatus during the weeks of August 10 and 17, returning Wednesday, August 26th. I wish you all a wonderful summer and will see you late August.

Special offerings for the month of August will be sent to the Rochester District Visiting Nurse Association. This is the organization that makes it possible for many of our Northwood neighbors to remain in the comfort of their own homes and receive the medical care that they need. What a welcome relief to people who would otherwise be required to enter a nursing home! Their Support Services Program also offers Personal Care Service Providers, Homemakers, Staff Companions and In Home Providers. For further information call 332-1133 or visit As always, the Missions Committee thanks you! (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)

Our children are tending a garden in summer Sunday School. We still need adults and youth to help our children. There will be a sign-up outside of Fellowship Hall for you to sign up for one Sunday during the summer to help. We also need someone who will put up a fence around the garden to keep our neighborly critters from eating all the fruits of the children’s work.

Join friends, family, and church members for the 4th Annual NCC attendance at a NH Fishercats ballgame on Thursday, August 6th. This year we have an opportunity to be part of the pre-game, non-denominational faith discussion with a group of Fishercats in the baseball chapel. A group will leave from the NCC parking lot at 4:30pm, or you can meet us at the Box Office. Tickets are limited, so please sign up outside of Fellowship Hall to reserve your tickets. Tickets are $10 each. For more information, contact Michael Magoon at 603-608-5444. If you let Michael know today, he can probably get tickets for you to join us.

Please share the bounty of your gardens by donating flowers for the Communion Table to brighten our Worship. There is a sign-up sheet outside of Fellowship Hall.

Centering prayer is silent and peaceful…where we offer our time as a love offering to God. It allows us to invite God’s presence and open ourselves to grow in relationship with God. The Centering prayer group meets Wednesday mornings at 8:00am at 11 Blaisdell Dr. The prayer time lasts 30 minutes. Anyone is welcome. If you have questions or need directions, speak with Mary Ann Lippincott 942.6070.

The Wednesday 6:00pm book discussion group is reading various books on authors of the New Testament, the growth of early Christianity and early beliefs that were not included in our

Scriptures. Five books by Bart Ehrman are being circulated as well as several by other authors. This discussion will probably continue through August. Please join us on Wednesday.

Last Week: Income $ 816.00 Budgeted: $ 1,097.00

Attendance: 31 Adults, 1 Children


Come celebrate Indonesian Independence Day! Maranatha Congregational Church in Madbury is hosting a free supper on Saturday, August 15th from 5-6:00pm. Directions: Rte. 155 North towards Dover, turn left after playing fields onto Town Hall Road, turn right into Town Hall parking lot.

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