
Saturday, June 6, 2015

More announcements!

Does anyone know the whereabouts of Susan Pratt-Smith's glass cross that hangs over the glass doors in Fellowship Hall?  If you do, please call and leave a message on the church phone at 942-7116.
Just to clarify a notice in the recent newsletter, ALL of you are invited to come to the potluck party hosted by Grace Levergood and the choir, in order to see Judy Frase and thank her for her 14 years of beautiful music given to us, and of course to visit with each other.  The party is on Sat., June 20th, beginning at 5:00pm.    A grill will be up and running.   We will provide plates, napkins, paper cups, cutlery, and lemonade.  Otherwise, it's BYOB.    Please RSVP with an idea of the sort of thing you want to bring to share.  If needed, directions to Grace's house will be given upon receipt of an RSVP.  RSVP to Grace at: or phone 942-8904; Jo at: or phone 942-8940.  Looking forward to seeing you there!
And also, a big THANK YOU to Mike and Matt Magoon for creating a great indoor-outdoor service last Sunday, and to Renae Vater and her supportive husband  for arranging a beautiful potluck table of food and beverages for all of us.  No one seemed to mind at all that we were "eating our picnic lunch" at 10:30 in the morning, with great folk music played and sung in the background by Dr. Piper on guitar.  It was a lovely church family gathering.
 Blessings to all!  ~ Mona

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