
Friday, June 12, 2015

Announcements for our Third Week of June 2015

Sunday’s Worship is led by Ted Grimbilas

Thomas "Ted" Grimbilas is 45 years old, lives in Strafford, and originally from Portsmouth-North Congregational Church.  He has been married to Jodi for 20 years.  Together they have two boys.  Nicholas who is 14, will be attending Bishop Brady High School in the fall.  Christopher is 10 and attends Shaker Road School in Concord.  Ted’s passions are family, friends, vacations, coaching youth sports (football and baseball), Boston sports, and golf.  He has worked for OASIS Alignment Services in Rochester, NH for 25 years as the Sales/Project Engineer.

Annual Congregational Meeting/By-Laws Vote is Sunday, June 14

The Annual Congregational Meeting and By-Laws Vote will be held after Worship and coffee hour this Sunday.  This is a very important meeting and hope all of you are able to attend.

Children’s Sunday is June 21

The children are working very hard on this special Worship service.  During the Annual Meeting of June 14, Miss Jolene and Miss Becca will be staying to help the children practice while the meeting is in session.  Also, if you know of any seniors or graduates who can be recognized during the service, please let Tiffany George know. 

Potluck Dinner June 20

Just to clarify a notice in the recent newsletter, ALL of you are invited to come to the potluck party hosted by Grace Levergood and the choir, in order to see Judy Frase and thank her for her 14 years of beautiful music given to us, and of course to visit with each other.  The party is on Sat., June 20th, beginning at 5:00pm.  A grill will be up and running.   We will provide plates, napkins, paper cups, cutlery, and   lemonade.  Otherwise, it's BYOB.  Please RSVP with an idea of the sort of thing you want to bring to share.  If needed, directions to Grace's house will be given upon receipt of an RSVP.  RSVP to Grace Levergood  or to Jo Chase.  Looking forward to seeing you there!

Strawberry Festival  June 27
We need volunteers to pick strawberries, make shortcakes, provide various food/supplies, as well as many volunteers for the day.  Sign up sheets are on the table in Fellowship Hall. 
Bake Sale @ Strawberry Festival:  It’s time to be creative with a strawberry theme and make or bake an item for the Bake Sale.  Chocolate covered strawberries, bread, jams, or jellies, cupcakes, brownies with strawberry frosting, etc. will enhance this table.  There are 2 strawberry cookbooks in Fellowship Hall to assist your creativity!
Yard Sale @ Strawberry Festival:  Beginning next Sunday afternoon, items will begin to get priced so that there is less to do Friday evening under the tent.  If you would like to help during the day or evening, please contact Faith Levesque.  Please drop off your donations in the living room area off of the old vestry by Wednesday, June 24.   Our Strawberry Festival Chair is Pam English.

Christmas By Design 2015 request

Faith is looking for somebody to make a few birch tree reindeer for our Christmas By Design Fair.  She has a sample and the wood but needs a talented person to create them.  Please contact Faith if you are able to help.

Have a great week everyone!!  ~ Mona

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