
Friday, June 26, 2015

Announcements for our last week of June/first week of July 2015

Today’s Worship is led by Margie Nickerson

Our Guest Pianist is Lonnie Wescott

For the next three Sunday's, Northwood Congregational Church welcomes Lonnie Wescott as our guest pianist.  Lonnie is the Music  Director for R. W. Traip Academy in Kittery, Maine.  Traip is the public high school for Kittery and Kittery Point.  He is originally from Casco, Maine.  Growing up, he attended the Casco Village Church, U.C.C., where his mother was the church organist for over 50 years and his dad sang bass in the choir.  He and his wife Leisa live in Berwick, Maine, and have four children and two grandsons.  They enjoy traveling, motorcycling, and on most weekends Lonnie plays piano and saxophone with his Motown band, “The SoulMate Band”.  Leisa never misses a show!

Our Annual Strawberry Festival is tomorrow!!

Hope to see you all there at our annual fun event!!

Special Thank You for Children’s Sunday

A big thank you to Tiffany George, our Christian Faith Formation Leader, and to Jolene Levesque, our Sunday School  teacher, and all our children, for making last week’s Children’s Sunday a success.

Special Music During Summer Sunday Services

The choir does not sing during July and August, so we are looking for individuals who would like to sing or play an instrument for our Special Music during Summer Sunday services.  If you have a suggestion, or would like to volunteer your talent, please speak with Faith Levesque.

Blessing of the Animals, July 12

Movie Night, July 19

Christmas By Design 2015 request

Faith is looking for somebody to make a few birch tree reindeer for our Christmas By Design Fair.  She has a sample and the wood but needs a talented person to create them.  Please contact Faith if you are able to help.

Soup Lunches at the Church

Our wonderful free soup and bread lunch will continue through Summer.  Come for fellowship and food, every Thursday from 11:30am -1:00pm.   We welcome additional help for serving, cooking, or donating money for food.  If you would like to volunteer, please contact Betty Smith.

Have a great week everyone!! ~ Mona

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Announcements for our fourth week of June 2015

Sunday’s Worship is led by our Sunday School children

The children have worked very hard on this special Worship service.  Enjoy!

Strawberry Festival  June 27

We need volunteers to pick strawberries, make shortcakes, provide various food/supplies, as well as many volunteers for the day.  Sign up sheets are on the table in Fellowship Hall. 

Bake Sale @ Strawberry Festival:  It’s time to be creative with a strawberry theme and make or bake an item for the Bake Sale.  Chocolate covered strawberries, bread, jams, or jellies, cupcakes, brownies with strawberry frosting, etc. will enhance this table.  There are 2 strawberry cookbooks in Fellowship Hall to assist your creativity!

Yard Sale @ Strawberry Festival:  Beginning this afternoon, items will begin to get priced so that there is less to do Friday evening under the tent.  It would be helpful if your donations could be dropped off in the living room area, off of the old vestry, by this Wednesday if possible.  The church will be open Wednesday morning from 10:00am - 12:00pm, as well as 4:30pm - 7:30pm Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings. 

Our Strawberry Festival Chair is Pam English.

Strawberry Festival June 27, Press Release

Northwood – That “berry-sweet” time of year has arrived, and on Saturday, June 27 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. the Northwood    Congregational Church, UCC will be having their Annual Strawberry Festival and Outdoor Yard Sale. 
Start your day with a hearty breakfast of strawberry (or plain) pancakes and sausage, or stop by for a grilled hot dog or hamburger served with fresh potato salad and other tasty lunch fare between 11:00 and 2:00.  Strawberry smoothies, homemade strawberry shortcakes piled with whip cream and ice cream will be served all day long.  There will also be a Bake Sale offering creatively themed strawberry items, including pies, handmade in kitchens of the local chefs of our church!  Plenty of quarts of locally picked strawberries will also be on sale for you to take home for your own baking and canning.

You may also find a treasure (or two) at our outdoor Yard Sale under the big tent!  New this year, is an opportunity for individuals to purchase a 12' x 15' space for $20.00 so that we can offer additional buying opportunities for our customers.  An invitation is also being   extended to vendors to purchase a 5' x 10' space for $10.00 so that your display can be set up, giving you an opportunity to hand out business cards and/or catalogs.

The Northwood Congregational Church is located next to Coe-Brown Northwood Academy, 
881 First NH Turnpike/Route 4.

Christmas By Design 2015 request

Faith is looking for somebody to make a few birch tree reindeer for our Christmas By Design Fair.  She has a sample and the wood but needs a talented person to create them.  Please contact Faith if you are able to help.

Have a great week everyone! ~ Mona

Friday, June 12, 2015

Announcements for our Third Week of June 2015

Sunday’s Worship is led by Ted Grimbilas

Thomas "Ted" Grimbilas is 45 years old, lives in Strafford, and originally from Portsmouth-North Congregational Church.  He has been married to Jodi for 20 years.  Together they have two boys.  Nicholas who is 14, will be attending Bishop Brady High School in the fall.  Christopher is 10 and attends Shaker Road School in Concord.  Ted’s passions are family, friends, vacations, coaching youth sports (football and baseball), Boston sports, and golf.  He has worked for OASIS Alignment Services in Rochester, NH for 25 years as the Sales/Project Engineer.

Annual Congregational Meeting/By-Laws Vote is Sunday, June 14

The Annual Congregational Meeting and By-Laws Vote will be held after Worship and coffee hour this Sunday.  This is a very important meeting and hope all of you are able to attend.

Children’s Sunday is June 21

The children are working very hard on this special Worship service.  During the Annual Meeting of June 14, Miss Jolene and Miss Becca will be staying to help the children practice while the meeting is in session.  Also, if you know of any seniors or graduates who can be recognized during the service, please let Tiffany George know. 

Potluck Dinner June 20

Just to clarify a notice in the recent newsletter, ALL of you are invited to come to the potluck party hosted by Grace Levergood and the choir, in order to see Judy Frase and thank her for her 14 years of beautiful music given to us, and of course to visit with each other.  The party is on Sat., June 20th, beginning at 5:00pm.  A grill will be up and running.   We will provide plates, napkins, paper cups, cutlery, and   lemonade.  Otherwise, it's BYOB.  Please RSVP with an idea of the sort of thing you want to bring to share.  If needed, directions to Grace's house will be given upon receipt of an RSVP.  RSVP to Grace Levergood  or to Jo Chase.  Looking forward to seeing you there!

Strawberry Festival  June 27
We need volunteers to pick strawberries, make shortcakes, provide various food/supplies, as well as many volunteers for the day.  Sign up sheets are on the table in Fellowship Hall. 
Bake Sale @ Strawberry Festival:  It’s time to be creative with a strawberry theme and make or bake an item for the Bake Sale.  Chocolate covered strawberries, bread, jams, or jellies, cupcakes, brownies with strawberry frosting, etc. will enhance this table.  There are 2 strawberry cookbooks in Fellowship Hall to assist your creativity!
Yard Sale @ Strawberry Festival:  Beginning next Sunday afternoon, items will begin to get priced so that there is less to do Friday evening under the tent.  If you would like to help during the day or evening, please contact Faith Levesque.  Please drop off your donations in the living room area off of the old vestry by Wednesday, June 24.   Our Strawberry Festival Chair is Pam English.

Christmas By Design 2015 request

Faith is looking for somebody to make a few birch tree reindeer for our Christmas By Design Fair.  She has a sample and the wood but needs a talented person to create them.  Please contact Faith if you are able to help.

Have a great week everyone!!  ~ Mona

Saturday, June 6, 2015

More announcements!

Does anyone know the whereabouts of Susan Pratt-Smith's glass cross that hangs over the glass doors in Fellowship Hall?  If you do, please call and leave a message on the church phone at 942-7116.
Just to clarify a notice in the recent newsletter, ALL of you are invited to come to the potluck party hosted by Grace Levergood and the choir, in order to see Judy Frase and thank her for her 14 years of beautiful music given to us, and of course to visit with each other.  The party is on Sat., June 20th, beginning at 5:00pm.    A grill will be up and running.   We will provide plates, napkins, paper cups, cutlery, and lemonade.  Otherwise, it's BYOB.    Please RSVP with an idea of the sort of thing you want to bring to share.  If needed, directions to Grace's house will be given upon receipt of an RSVP.  RSVP to Grace at: or phone 942-8904; Jo at: or phone 942-8940.  Looking forward to seeing you there!
And also, a big THANK YOU to Mike and Matt Magoon for creating a great indoor-outdoor service last Sunday, and to Renae Vater and her supportive husband  for arranging a beautiful potluck table of food and beverages for all of us.  No one seemed to mind at all that we were "eating our picnic lunch" at 10:30 in the morning, with great folk music played and sung in the background by Dr. Piper on guitar.  It was a lovely church family gathering.
 Blessings to all!  ~ Mona

Friday, June 5, 2015

Announcements for our Second Week of June 2015

Sunday’s Worship is led by Gregory Kelley

Gregory Kelley has his roots at Northwood Congregational Church, where he attended as a youth and into his twenties.  He and his wife of three years, Lydia, currently worship at Abounding Grace Ministries in Rochester.  Gregory teaches at Jesse Remington High School and is waiting for God to open an opportunity for pastoral ministry.  

Annual Congregational Meeting/By-Laws Vote on June 14

The Annual Congregational Meeting and By-Laws Vote will be held after Worship and coffee hour on Sunday, June 14.  This is a very important meeting and hope all of you are able to attend.

Children’s Sunday is June 21

The children are working very hard on this special Worship service.  During the Annual Meeting of June 14, Miss Jolene and Miss Becca will be staying to help the children practice while the meeting is in session.  Also, if you know of any seniors or graduates who can be recognized during the service, please let Tiffany George know. 

Potluck Dinner June 20

Just to clarify a notice in the recent newsletter, ALL of you are invited to come to the potluck party hosted by Grace Levergood and the choir, in order to see Judy Frase and thank her for her 14 years of beautiful music given to us, and of course to visit with each other.  The party is on Sat., June 20th, beginning at 5:00pm.  A grill will be up and running.   We will provide plates, napkins, paper cups, cutlery, and  lemonade.  Otherwise, it's BYOB.  Please RSVP with an idea of the sort of thing you want to bring to share.  If needed, directions to Grace's house will be given upon receipt of an RSVP.  RSVP to Grace at: or phone 942-8904;  or RSVP to Jo at: or phone 942-8940.  Looking forward to seeing you there!

Strawberry Festival June 27

Spring Cleaning?  Please save your gently used or nearly new items you’re cleaning out this Spring for our church’s yard sale during the Strawberry Festival!  If you really want them out of your house, you may put them in the last classroom on the left.  Please mark them Yard Sale.  More information coming soon from our Strawberry Festival Chair, Pam English.

Bible Reading Group today 

Our Bible Reading group will meet weekly after coffee hour, one-half hour of reading and free conversation.  We will be in the Choir Room on the second floor.

Birthday Card

On July 22, Marion Schroeder becomes 100 years old.  On Sunday, Aug. 2,  there will be an Open House at the Edgewood Centre where she lives.  All who remember her are invited to come 2:00-3:30pm to share some cake and punch with Marion in the Sun Porch Room on the East Wing (see address below).  If you can come to Marion's Open House, please RSVP, so we get the cake size just right! Please RSVP to Johanna Chase.  
For those who cannot come, we invite you to send a birthday card.  She loves mail!   Here is her mailing address:

Mrs. Marion J. Schroeder
The Edgewood Centre
928 South St.
Portsmouth, NH 03801

Have a great week everyone!!  ~  Mona