881 First NH Turnpike, Northwood, NH 03261 603.942.7116. Our regular worship is Sunday at 9:30am.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Announcements for our last week of November, 2014
Advent Begins Today, November 30
Advent is a time of waiting and preparation. This year we will be focusing around “Loving Accompaniment” and recognizing that the ultimate loving accompaniment is God’s in the form of Jesus Christ dwelling among us.
Here are the upcoming events we would like to invite you to:
~ Sunday, December 14 - Children’s Pageant at 9:00am
~ Wednesday, December 17 - Pot Luck Dinner at 6:00pm, Caroling at 6:45pm, and at 7:15pm, the Rev. Maren Tirabassi will entertain with Christmas Stories.
~ Christmas Sunday, December 21 at 9:00am.
~ Christmas Eve Services:
7:00pm is a Family service with music and candles
11:00pm is a service with candles, music, and Holy Communion
Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic
We will be having a meeting November 30, immediately following coffee hour, for anyone interested in going on the Mission Trip. The trip dates are January 31 - February 7, 2015. We are committed to removing financial barriers so please talk to Bill Nickerson or Gayle if you are interested in coming with us.
New Members Class on Tuesday December 2, at 7:00pm
If you think you would like to become a more formal part of this congregation, we invite you to attend our New Members’ class. There you will learn about our congregation, what membership means, and be offered the opportunity to join the Church on December 7. Please let Gayle or the church office know if you are interested.
Lunch with Gayle is Moving Locations
Starting this Wednesday, December 3, we will have lunch at Ma’s and Mine on Route 4 across from the Irving Station. We will be there Wednesdays from 11:30am to 1:00pm. Please join us.
Christmas Cards to Snowbirds
“Christmas By Design" ~ December 6th
Sign up sheets are on a table in Fellowship Hall for donations of popover ingredients, to make a crockpot of soup or a loaf of bread, and/or to bake for the bake sale. There is also a Volunteer sign-up sheet to help on the day of our Fair.
Quarterly Congregational Meeting/Proposed Bylaw Changes - Vote is December 7
There will be a Congregational vote on the proposed by-laws at the next Quarterly Congregational Meeting on December 7th, immediately following our coffee hour. Please join us. We need to approve our by-laws and make other important decisions and we need a quorum.
Christmas Cards to snowbirds and those confined are ready for your small notes and/or signatures and are located in Fellowship Hall. If you do not know some of these people, you are encouraged to sign as a new friend or member of the church and are welcome to extend a greeting.
Have a great week everyone!! ~ Mona
Friday, November 21, 2014
Announcements for our third week of November, 2014
Proposed Bylaw Changes - Hearing this Sunday
We are having a hearing immediately following coffee hour this Sunday to discuss the proposed Bylaw changes. Please stay and join us. There will be a Congregational vote on these proposed by-laws at the next Quarterly Congregational Meeting on December 7th.
Christmas Cards to Snowbirds
Christmas Cards to snowbirds and those confined are ready for your small notes and/or signatures and are located in Fellowship Hall. If you do not know some of these people, you are encouraged to sign as a new friend or member of the church and are welcome to extend a greeting.
New Members Class on Tuesday December 2, at 7:00pm
If you think you would like to become a more formal part of this congregation, we invite you to attend our New Members’ class. There you will learn about our congregation, what membership means, and be offered the opportunity to join the Church on December 7. Please let Gayle or the church office know if you are interested.
Lunch with Gayle is Moving Locations
Starting December 3, we will have lunch at Ma’s and Mine on Route 4 across from the Irving Station. We will be there Wednesdays from 11:30am to 1:00pm. Please join us.
Have a great week everyone! ~ Mona
Friday, November 14, 2014
Announcements for our second week of November, 2014
Thanksgiving Baskets
Through your generosity, this church provides Thanksgiving Baskets to 14 families in Northwood. There is a sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall for all the good food for the boxes. All food needs to be here by the beginning of worship on November 23.
Operation Christmas Child ~ Return filled shoeboxes by Sunday, Nov 23 at 10:00am
There is one more week to fill your own shoebox if you are interested. Please take a shoebox from the gold box in Fellowship Hall, along with a pamphlet that has a tag for you to indicate whether your shoebox is for a girl or a boy either 2-4, 5-9, or 10-14 years old. It is NOT too late to donate items to include in the Sunday School children's shoeboxes. Please bring to church either this week or next Sunday and put in the gold box. Item suggestions include but are not limited to: school supplies, personal hygiene, small toys, and clothing. Candy is being discouraged but chewing gum and hard candy are okay. Please DO NOT donate food, toothpaste, liquids, lotion, aerosol cans, breakable items, balloons, seeds, or war related items.
Gift Card Orders
A Gift Card order will be taken this Sunday. This is a great opportunity to start thinking about gift cards to buy things for the holidays or to give as gifts. There will be one more chance to order before Christmas but don't wait too long!!
~ Pam and Trina
Proposed Bylaw Changes
The proposed Bylaw changes have been made available by email. There are also printed copies outside Fellowship Hall. Please review carefully. There will be a hearing to discuss any concerns on November 23rd, with a Congregational vote at the next Quarterly Congregational Meeting on December 7th.
"Christmas By Design" ~ December 6th
Sign up sheets are on a table in Fellowship Hall for donations of popover ingredients, to make a crockpot of soup or a loaf of bread, and/or to bake for the bake sale. There is also a Volunteer sign-up sheet to help on the day of our Fair.
FINAL APPEAL -- If nobody steps forward to oversee the Soup Luncheon by next Sunday, a local organization will be sought to take it on....and they will receive half of the proceeds. Please contact Faith Levesque at 608-1121 (landline) if you would like to be the Luncheon Coordinator and keep all of the proceeds here at NCC.
Lunch with Gayle is Moving Locations
Starting December 3, we will have lunch at Ma’s and Mine on Route 4 across from the Irving Station. We will be there Wednesdays from 11:30am to 1:00pm. Please join us.
Have a great week everyone!! ~ Mona
Friday, November 7, 2014
Announcements for our first week of November, 2014
Mission for November - Doctors Without Borders
Currently, Doctors Without Borders is on the forefront of battling the Ebola epidemic. Our November mission will be to support this organization.
Ministry Fair Continues
In order for our new structure to work we need to know what your gifts and passions are. So please sign up at Coffee Hour for the things you might be willing to do. By the signing up you are NOT committed to anything, just indicating interest.
Church Member Dues
The UCC Conference assesses dues for every church member and these dues have gone up; therefore our Finance Committee has had to raise member dues to $12 per member. Because we voted to take this line item out of our budget, we are asking each Church member to contribute to this obligation. We usually begin collecting dues at our annual meeting. This did not happen, so we will focus on this during November. You are welcome to add this to your offering in a single check; please note in the memo field how much is for dues and how much is for offering. Thank you!! ~ Matt Caron, Finance Secretary
The proposed Bylaw changes have been made available by email. There are also printed copies outside Fellowship Hall. Please review carefully. There will be a hearing to discuss any concerns on November 23rd, with a Congregational vote at the next Quarterly Congregational Meeting on December 7th.
Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic
The dates of the Mission Trip have been set. We will go from January 31 - February 7, 2015, and our project will be to build a dormitory for Christian Medical Missions. There are only 4 spots left and the first deposit of $700 is due on November 15. Total cost of the trip is $1500 and there is generous scholarship money available. Questions? Please talk to Bill Nickerson or Gayle.
Operation Christmas Child ~ Collection Week November 17 - 24
The gold box has returned to Fellowship Hall to accept donations for the Sunday School children to put into shoeboxes next Sunday, November 16th for Operation Christmas Child. If you would like to pack your own shoebox, help yourself to either a wrapped shoebox or an "official" Operation Christmas Child shoebox from the gold box, along with a pamphlet that has a tag for you to indicate whether your shoebox is for a girl or a boy either 2-4 years old, 5-9 years old, or 10-14 years old. Filled shoeboxes need to be returned by Sunday, November 23rd.
Lunch with Gayle is Moving Locations!
Starting December 3, we will have lunch at Ma’s and Mine on Route 4 across from the Irving Station. We will be there Wednesdays from 11:30am to 1:00pm. Please join us.
Have a great week everyone!! ~ Mona