
Friday, November 7, 2014

Announcements for our first week of November, 2014

Mission for November - Doctors Without Borders

Currently, Doctors Without Borders is on the forefront of battling the Ebola epidemic.  Our November mission will be to support this organization.

Ministry Fair Continues

In order for our new structure to work we need to know what your gifts and passions are.  So please sign up at Coffee Hour for the things you might be willing to do.  By the signing up you are NOT committed to anything, just indicating interest.


Church Member Dues

The UCC Conference assesses dues for every church member and these dues have gone up; therefore our Finance Committee has had to raise member dues to $12 per member.  Because we voted to take this line item out of our budget, we are asking each Church member to contribute to this obligation.  We usually begin collecting dues at our annual meeting.  This did not happen, so we will focus on this during November.   You are welcome to add this to your offering in a single check; please note in the memo field how much is for dues and how much is for offering.  Thank you!! ~ Matt Caron, Finance Secretary


 Proposed Bylaw Changes

The proposed Bylaw changes have been made available by email.  There are also printed copies outside Fellowship Hall.  Please review carefully.  There will be a hearing to discuss any concerns on November 23rd, with a Congregational vote at the next Quarterly Congregational Meeting on December 7th


Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic

The dates of the Mission Trip have been set.  We will go from  January 31 - February 7, 2015, and our project will be to build a dormitory for Christian Medical Missions.  There are only 4 spots left and the first deposit of $700 is due on November 15.  Total cost of the trip is $1500 and there is generous scholarship money available.  Questions?  Please talk to Bill Nickerson or Gayle.


Operation Christmas Child ~ Collection Week November 17 - 24

The gold box has returned to Fellowship Hall to accept donations for the Sunday School children to put into shoeboxes next Sunday, November 16th for Operation Christmas Child.  If you would like to pack your own shoebox, help yourself to either a wrapped shoebox or an "official" Operation Christmas Child shoebox from the gold box, along with a pamphlet that has a tag for you to indicate whether your shoebox is for a girl or a boy either 2-4 years old, 5-9 years old, or 10-14 years old.  Filled shoeboxes need to be returned by Sunday, November 23rd.


Lunch with Gayle is Moving Locations!

Starting December 3, we will have lunch at Ma’s and Mine on Route 4 across from the Irving Station.  We will be there Wednesdays from 11:30am to 1:00pm.  Please join us.


Have a great week everyone!!  ~ Mona

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