
Friday, November 21, 2014

Announcements for our third week of November, 2014

Proposed Bylaw Changes - Hearing this Sunday

We are having a hearing immediately following coffee hour this Sunday to discuss the proposed Bylaw changes. Please stay and join us.  There will be a Congregational vote on these proposed by-laws at the next Quarterly Congregational Meeting on December 7th


Christmas Cards to Snowbirds

Christmas Cards to snowbirds and those confined are ready for your small notes and/or signatures and are located in Fellowship Hall.  If you do not know some of these people, you are encouraged to sign as a new friend or member of the church and are welcome to extend a greeting.


New Members Class on Tuesday December 2, at 7:00pm

If you think you would like to become a more formal part of this congregation, we invite you to attend our New Members’ class.  There you will learn about our congregation, what membership means, and be offered the opportunity to join the Church on December 7.  Please let Gayle or the church office know if you are interested.


Lunch with Gayle is Moving Locations

Starting December 3, we will have lunch at Ma’s and Mine on Route 4 across from the Irving Station.  We will be there Wednesdays from 11:30am to 1:00pm.  Please join us.


Have a great week everyone!  ~ Mona

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