
Friday, September 19, 2014

Announcements for our fourth week of September 2014

Gayle on vacation

Gayle and her husband will be biking in southwestern England from  September 9-22.  The Deacons will check the phone daily, so if there is an emergency, please leave a message on the phone.


Gift Card Orders on Sunday

Sunday is the day for our Gift Card Order for the fall.  You can purchase these for friends and family but also remember that gift cards are wonderful for your own everyday purchases.  This is a great fundraiser for our church as the church receives a percentage of each card purchased.  Please see Tiffany George to place your order.


Reminder:  Annual Meeting next Sunday, September 28

This meeting will be full of exciting things for our Church and decisions for you to make, such as:  a new way of organizing the structure of the church, proposal for by-laws changes, an update on the Capital Campaign, and approval of the budget for our next fiscal year.  Join us for this important day.


Save the Date - Deerfield Fair

Our day to work the Deerfield Fair is Thursday, September 25th.  We will have 2 shifts available:  Morning from 7:30pm-2:30pm and in the Evening from 2:00pm-8:30pm.  There is a sign-up sheet outside of Fellowship Hall.  See Pam English if you have any questions.


Sunday School Teachers and Helpers Needed

The best way to nurture the developing faith of the children in our church is with our Sunday School program.  We need loving adults who will teach our kids.  We have a great curriculum and there will be another adult in the classroom to help.  Please sign up on the sheet on the table in Fellowship Hall.  You will find it a delight and you will be helping in a very significant ministry.


 Wicked FIT Run on October 25

We are looking to form a team who will walk or run in the Wicked FIT Run on October 25.  This is a fun 5 kilometer road race where people wear costumes and raise money for Families in Transition.  It is held at Rollins Park in Concord.  There is a sign up sheet on the table outside of Fellowship Hall.


Upcoming Mission Trip in November

The Mission Committee is inviting you to go on a Mission Weekend on November 7 - 9.  We will gather for dinner together Friday evening, participate in various projects, worship with our host church, and be home for dinner on Sunday evening.  Details of costs and the projects will come soon.  If you are interested, there is a sign-up sheet on the table outside of Fellowship Hall.  Anna Prescott Nichols is our Captain.  See her if you have any questions.


Soup Lunches at the Church - We Need Your Help

Our free soup and bread lunch will continue through the fall and winter since they have been such a success.  Come for fellowship and food, every Thursday from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm.   We welcome additional help for serving, cooking, or donating money for food.  If you would like to volunteer, please contact Betty Smith or Gayle Murphy.


~~ Autumn begins on September 22 ~~


Have a great week everyone!  ~ Mona

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