
Friday, September 26, 2014

Announcements for our last week of September and beginning of October, 2014

Annual Meeting is this Sunday, September 28 - Please stay and participate!

This meeting will be full of exciting things for our Church and decisions for you to make, such as:  a new way of organizing the structure of the church, proposal for by-laws changes, an update on the Capital Campaign, and approval of the budget for our next fiscal year.  We need everyone’s input and vote.


Deerfield Fair THANK YOU from Pam

Hello Volunteers of the Deerfield Fair ~ WOW.  You all truly gave a great gift to our church by donating hours of your time Thursday at the Fair.  I was impressed by each one of you; you all were happy, flexible, and great ambassadors for the fair trying to answer any and all questions, and ready to help.  A special thanks goes out to non-”church” volunteers Michelle Stevenson & Greg Doane!  I hope you had fun, and I hope you’ve put in your calendar for next year October 1.  :)  Thank you very much!!!  ~  Pamela English


Fall Gathering NHCUCC Women’s Fellowship October 8

The NHCUCC Women’s Fellowship will have their Fall Field Meeting on Wednesday, October 8, 2014, at the First Congregational Church in Haverhill, NH. The morning speaker will be Marty Fuller and the program is “We’re not getting older; we’re getting BETTER.” The afternoon speaker will be Muff Kruseand the program will be “Yoga for all of us.” Registration is at 9:45 AM. The cost is $10 per person and includes lunch. Please make checks payable to NHCUCC Women’s  Fellowship.  Your check will be mailed to Trudie Bergeron.  Trudie's contact information is in this week's printed bulletin, or you can call or email Mona here at the church for it.   


NH Conference Annual Meeting Delegates needed

Our church is entitled to 2 delegates to the NH Conference Annual Meeting on Saturday, October 25.  If connecting with the larger church, worshipping, and meeting the UCC President interests you, we would love you to represent us.  Contact Gayle if you are interested.


 Wicked FIT Run on October 25

We are looking to form a team who will walk or run in the Wicked FIT Run on October 25.  This is a fun 5 kilometer road race where people wear costumes and raise money for Families in Transition.  It is held at Rollins Park in Concord.  There is a sign up sheet on the table outside  of Fellowship Hall.


Upcoming Mission Trip in November

The Mission Committee is inviting you to go on a Mission Weekend on November 7 - 9.  We will gather for dinner together Friday evening, participate in various projects, worship with our host church, and be home for dinner on Sunday evening.  Details of costs and the projects will come soon.  If you are interested, there is a sign-up sheet on the table outside of Fellowship Hall.  Anna Prescott Nichols is our Captain.  See her if you have any questions.


Soup Lunches at the Church - We Need Your Help

Our free soup and bread lunch will continue through the fall and winter since they have been such a success.  Come for fellowship and food, every Thursday from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm.   We welcome additional help for serving, cooking, or donating money for food.  If you would like to volunteer, please contact Betty Smith or Gayle Murphy.


Have a great week everyone!  ~ Mona

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