Town-wide Service: There will be a town-wide Memorial Service today at the Advent Christian Church on School Street, beginning at 10:00. If you would like to go to that service, you are free to leave a little early.
Wood Donation Fund: Anyone interested in donating money or supplies to the Wood family who lost their home to fire recently (the old Johnson’s Dairy Farm), an account has been established at NE Credit Union, PO Box 1240, Plymouth, NH 03802 (Acct #56493893.) Donations and supplies can be dropped off at the back of the house in the garage, to family friend: Nick Isia, 8 Old Turnpike Rd, Northwood, NH 03261, 942.8575
Return the Blessings: It’s not too late for you to make a pledge or estimate of giving for our next fiscal year. You can directly contact Matt Caron, Financial Secretary at or fill in an Estimate of Giving card (found on table outside of Fellowship Hall.)
Annual Meeting: The Church’s Annual meeting will be held after worship, next Sunday, June 6th. This is an important meeting, and in order to conduct our business, we need a quorum to be present. The Envisioning Committee will present its results to the Congregation, the Nominating Slate will be voted into office, the By-Laws Changes will be voted in, and the Budget will be accepted for the next fiscal year. If you are a member it is important that you understand the work of this church and that you are present to have your voice heard. Annual Reports and the proposed budget will be available today outside of Fellowship Hall for you to review.
Communion Offering: is to support Heifer Project International, which provides farm animals to people throughout the world. Each Sunday in May, our children will be working in Sunday School to learn about Heifer Project and to make crafts which they will sell during the first two Sundays in June. Also on sale will be special Fair Trade Green Mountain coffee. Green Mountain Coffee and Heifer Project have paired to help coffee growers become more sustainable by finding crops they can sell in the off season. The money which comes in for the Mission Offering will be paired with the kids’ craft sale proceeds to buy as many animals as we can. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)
Boards/Committees: Are you looking for some way to live out your commitment to this community of faith? The Nominating Committee is looking for good people to serve on the various Boards and Committees to carry on the ministry of this church. If you think there is something in particular you would like to do, please contact Sue Masison, Norma Heroux, Gayle Robbins-Monteith or Torri Ostrey-Richards.
Coffee Hour Fellowship: Coffee hour is when we can gather as a community and welcome those who have worshiped with us. This is more than filling our bellies with good food, this is nurturing the soul of the congregation. Please consider signing up to provide treats and serve coffee for a week sometime in the future. You can sign up with a friend to make the load lighter and the food more varied. There is a sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall.
Post-Sabbatical Pot-Luck: Save June 11 for a pot-luck dinner and a report on Gayle’s Sabbatical. She will show you pictures, share stories
and insights, and answer any questions. We are hoping that it will be a wonderful combination of a fun evening and a way for you to learn about Gayle’s adventures while on Sabbatical.
NCC’s Annual Strawberry Festival: Mark your calendars for the annual Strawberry Festival at Northwood Congregational Church, Route 4 in Northwood on Saturday, June 19th from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. Enjoy a hearty pancake and sausage breakfast with strawberries, butter and maple syrup. If you do not make it for breakfast, we will be barbequing hotdogs and hamburgers for lunch, served with other tasty lunch fare, available from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. Delicious strawberry baked goods, strawberries dipped in chocolate, and homemade strawberry shortcakes topped with whip cream and ice cream will be served up all day long! Plenty of locally picked strawberries will be for sale for your own baking. Stock up! There will be fun activities for the whole family, including face painting and a yard sale. For more details, call Catey McCann at 664-7288 or email her at
NASCAR Volunteer Opportunity: Once again this year we have an opportunity to volunteer at the NASCAR races at NH Motor Speedway in Loudon, NH to raise funds for our church. We are looking for volunteers for on Thursday, June 24, Friday, June 25, Saturday, June 26 and Sunday, June 27. We are scheduled to staff the air conditioned executive suites so it should be fun and not too tiring. If you are available to volunteer any of those days, please sign up on the sheets on the table in the area before fellowship hall. Please indicate if you are interested in the morning or afternoon shift, or both. For more information, please contact Michael Magoon at 603-608-5444.
Summer Flowers: Would you like to help beatify the Alter? Please see a Deacon to let them know you are interested in bringing in your fresh cut flowers/bush trimmings.
“Fix Me” Board: Anyone with a church "care concern" (i.e. fix this please!), let a trustee know or place it on the easel located in Fellowship hall. Your Trustees are Rena, Bruce, Chris, Scott, Dan and Rick.
Centering Prayer: You are all invited to a time of centering prayer every Wednesday at 8:00 am for 30 minutes. Jo Chase is hosting us in her home at 306 Catamount Road.
Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC: If you do any shopping at Shaws, Best Buy, Wal-Mart, or Irving Gas (or any number of stores) a pre-paid card to make your purchases. A percentage of the sales comes back to the church and you aren’t spending any more money than you would have anyway. We place the orders on the 3rd Sunday of the month and they are delivered on the 4th Sunday. Please contact Tiffany George if you have any questions about the program at 332-5808 or
Tuesday 6:30pm Christian Ed
Wednesday 8:00am Centering Prayer
Thursday 7:00pm Choir
Next Sunday Annual Meeting after Worship
881 First NH Turnpike, Northwood, NH 03261 603.942.7116. Our regular worship is Sunday at 9:30am.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
May 23 - Announcements & Meetings
Welcoming new friends: It is our joy to welcome the people who Gayle journeyed with to San Jose Villaneueva in El Salvador. Many are students from Bishop Brady High School and Concord’s St. John’s or Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Churches. Please greet them downstairs at coffee hour as we share our pictures of this trip with you. Gayle is deeply grateful to Brad Bittman, Bridget Bittman, Casey Manning and Donna Manion for sharing their gift for music with us.
Graduating Seniors: We celebrate our seniors who are graduating from Coe-Brown Northwood Academy this week. Many of these young people have we have watched grow up into impressive young men and women. Please greet them after church and watch in the newsletter for their future plans.
Care Day Gratitude: Thanks to all who worked hard yesterday to care for the needs and demands of this wonderful and old building. We had as much fun as we were productive.
Return the Blessings: It’s not too late for you to make a pledge or estimate of giving for our next fiscal year. You can directly contact Matt Caron, Financial Secretary at or fill in an Estimate of Giving card (found on table outside of Fellowship Hall.)
Annual Meeting: The Church’s Annual meeting will be held after worship on Sunday, June 6. This is an important meeting, and in order to conduct our business, we need a quorum to be present. The Envisioning Committee will present its results to the Congregation, the Nominating Slate will be voted into office, the By-Laws Changes will be voted in, and the Budget will be accepted for the next fiscal year. If you are a member it is important that you understand the work of this church and that you are present to have your voice heard. Annual Reports and the proposed budget will be available ahead of time for you to review.
Communion Offering: is to support Heifer Project International, which provides farm animals to people throughout the world. Each Sunday in May, our children will be working in Sunday School to learn about Heifer Project and to make crafts which they will sell during the first two Sundays in June. Also on sale will be special Fair Trade Green Mountain coffee. Green Mountain Coffee and Heifer Project have paired to help coffee growers become more sustainable by finding crops they can sell in the off season. The money which comes in for the Mission Offering will be paired with the kids’ craft sale proceeds to buy as many animals as we can. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to
NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)
Boards/Committees: Are you looking for some way to live out your commitment to this community of faith? The Nominating Committee is looking for good people to serve on the various Boards and Committees to carry on the ministry of this church. If you think there is something in particular you would like to do, please contact Sue Masison, Norma Heroux, Gayle Robbins-Monteith or Torri Ostrey-Richards.
Coffee Hour Fellowship: Coffee hour is when we can gather as a community and welcome those who have worshiped with us. This is more than filling our bellies with good food, this is nurturing the soul of the congregation. Please consider signing up to provide treats and serve coffee for a week sometime in the future. You can sign up with a friend to make the load lighter and the food more varied. There is a sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall.
Post-Sabbatical Pot-Luck: Save June 11 for a pot-luck dinner and a report on Gayle’s Sabbatical. She will show you pictures, share stories and insights, and answer any questions. We are hoping that it will be a wonderful combination of a fun evening and a way for you to learn about Gayle’s adventures while on Sabbatical.
NCC’s Annual Strawberry Festival: Mark your calendars for the annual Strawberry Festival at Northwood Congregational Church, Route 4 in Northwood from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. Enjoy a hearty pancake and sausage breakfast with strawberries, butter and maple syrup. If you do not make it for breakfast, we will be barbequing hotdogs and hamburgers for lunch, served with other tasty lunch fare, available from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. Delicious strawberry baked goods, strawberries dipped in chocolate, and homemade strawberry shortcakes topped with whip cream and ice cream will be served up all day long! Plenty of locally picked strawberries will be for sale for your own baking. Stock up! There will be fun activities for the whole family, including face painting and a yard sale. For more details, call Catey McCann at 664-7288 or email her at
Summer Flowers: Would you like to help beatify the Alter? Please see a Deacon to let them know you are interested in bringing in your fresh cut flowers/bush trimmings.
“Fix Me” Board: Anyone with a church "care concern" (i.e. fix this please!), let a trustee know or place it on the easel located in Fellowship hall. Your Trustees are Rena, Bruce, Chris, Scott, Dan and Rick.
Centering Prayer: You are all invited to a time of centering prayer every Wednesday at 8:00 am for 30 minutes. Jo Chase is hosting us in her home at 306 Catamount Road.
Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC: If you do any shopping at Shaws, Best Buy, Wal-Mart, or Irving Gas (or any number of stores) a pre-paid card to make your purchases. A percentage of the sales comes back to the church and you aren’t spending any more money than you would have anyway. We place the orders on the 3rd Sunday of the month and they are delivered on the 4th Sunday. Please contact Tiffany George if you have any questions about the program at 332-5808 or
Children's Sunday, June 13th
On this special Sunday, we are looking for children to
participate in several aspects of our service.
Here’s a list of what you can do!
Candle lighters
Offering Plate passers
Musical talents
Welcoming new friends: It is our joy to welcome the people who Gayle journeyed with to San Jose Villaneueva in El Salvador. Many are students from Bishop Brady High School and Concord’s St. John’s or Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Churches. Please greet them downstairs at coffee hour as we share our pictures of this trip with you. Gayle is deeply grateful to Brad Bittman, Bridget Bittman, Casey Manning and Donna Manion for sharing their gift for music with us.
Graduating Seniors: We celebrate our seniors who are graduating from Coe-Brown Northwood Academy this week. Many of these young people have we have watched grow up into impressive young men and women. Please greet them after church and watch in the newsletter for their future plans.
Care Day Gratitude: Thanks to all who worked hard yesterday to care for the needs and demands of this wonderful and old building. We had as much fun as we were productive.
Return the Blessings: It’s not too late for you to make a pledge or estimate of giving for our next fiscal year. You can directly contact Matt Caron, Financial Secretary at or fill in an Estimate of Giving card (found on table outside of Fellowship Hall.)
Annual Meeting: The Church’s Annual meeting will be held after worship on Sunday, June 6. This is an important meeting, and in order to conduct our business, we need a quorum to be present. The Envisioning Committee will present its results to the Congregation, the Nominating Slate will be voted into office, the By-Laws Changes will be voted in, and the Budget will be accepted for the next fiscal year. If you are a member it is important that you understand the work of this church and that you are present to have your voice heard. Annual Reports and the proposed budget will be available ahead of time for you to review.
Communion Offering: is to support Heifer Project International, which provides farm animals to people throughout the world. Each Sunday in May, our children will be working in Sunday School to learn about Heifer Project and to make crafts which they will sell during the first two Sundays in June. Also on sale will be special Fair Trade Green Mountain coffee. Green Mountain Coffee and Heifer Project have paired to help coffee growers become more sustainable by finding crops they can sell in the off season. The money which comes in for the Mission Offering will be paired with the kids’ craft sale proceeds to buy as many animals as we can. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to
NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)
Boards/Committees: Are you looking for some way to live out your commitment to this community of faith? The Nominating Committee is looking for good people to serve on the various Boards and Committees to carry on the ministry of this church. If you think there is something in particular you would like to do, please contact Sue Masison, Norma Heroux, Gayle Robbins-Monteith or Torri Ostrey-Richards.
Coffee Hour Fellowship: Coffee hour is when we can gather as a community and welcome those who have worshiped with us. This is more than filling our bellies with good food, this is nurturing the soul of the congregation. Please consider signing up to provide treats and serve coffee for a week sometime in the future. You can sign up with a friend to make the load lighter and the food more varied. There is a sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall.
Post-Sabbatical Pot-Luck: Save June 11 for a pot-luck dinner and a report on Gayle’s Sabbatical. She will show you pictures, share stories and insights, and answer any questions. We are hoping that it will be a wonderful combination of a fun evening and a way for you to learn about Gayle’s adventures while on Sabbatical.
NCC’s Annual Strawberry Festival: Mark your calendars for the annual Strawberry Festival at Northwood Congregational Church, Route 4 in Northwood from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. Enjoy a hearty pancake and sausage breakfast with strawberries, butter and maple syrup. If you do not make it for breakfast, we will be barbequing hotdogs and hamburgers for lunch, served with other tasty lunch fare, available from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. Delicious strawberry baked goods, strawberries dipped in chocolate, and homemade strawberry shortcakes topped with whip cream and ice cream will be served up all day long! Plenty of locally picked strawberries will be for sale for your own baking. Stock up! There will be fun activities for the whole family, including face painting and a yard sale. For more details, call Catey McCann at 664-7288 or email her at
Summer Flowers: Would you like to help beatify the Alter? Please see a Deacon to let them know you are interested in bringing in your fresh cut flowers/bush trimmings.
“Fix Me” Board: Anyone with a church "care concern" (i.e. fix this please!), let a trustee know or place it on the easel located in Fellowship hall. Your Trustees are Rena, Bruce, Chris, Scott, Dan and Rick.
Centering Prayer: You are all invited to a time of centering prayer every Wednesday at 8:00 am for 30 minutes. Jo Chase is hosting us in her home at 306 Catamount Road.
Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC: If you do any shopping at Shaws, Best Buy, Wal-Mart, or Irving Gas (or any number of stores) a pre-paid card to make your purchases. A percentage of the sales comes back to the church and you aren’t spending any more money than you would have anyway. We place the orders on the 3rd Sunday of the month and they are delivered on the 4th Sunday. Please contact Tiffany George if you have any questions about the program at 332-5808 or
Children's Sunday, June 13th
On this special Sunday, we are looking for children to
participate in several aspects of our service.
Here’s a list of what you can do!
Candle lighters
Offering Plate passers
Musical talents
Please R.S.V.P. Sunday, May 30th for participation in
the service and attendance of Sundae making.
Today 10:30am Brunch honoring CBNA
Monday 6:30pm Finance Committee
Wednesday 8:00am Centering Prayer
Thursday 7:00pm Choir
Monday, May 17, 2010
2010 Proposed bylaw changes
Note 2010 proposed revisions included
Page numbers in table of contents not relevant
Northwood Congregational
United Church of Christ

Congregational Church
Congregational Church
United Church of Christ
ARTICLE I - NAMEThe name of this Church shall forever
be The Northwood Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, Northwood,
The purpose of this Church shall be to
maintain public services for the worship of God and the teaching of
the Gospel, and to promote the interest of the Kingdom of God according
to the teachings of Christ.
FULL MEMBERSHIP: Any person may become a full member by affirming
a belief in Christ as their Lord and Savior, whether by Christian Baptism
or by reaffirmation of faith or on receipt of a letter of transfer from
any recognized Trinitarian Christian Body. (Article V.l.G)
who desire to maintain a membership in this Church are expected to contribute
to the support of this Church with monies or talents and to receive
communion at least once a year. If any person neglects to do this for
a period of one year, the Diaconate may recommend at the annual meeting
that his/her name be placed on an “inactive” list and he/she shall
no longer be eligible for privileges under “Full Membership”. (Article
A. Only members are allowed to:
i. Vote at Church meetings of the congregation
ii. Hold Office (Moderator, Vice Moderator, Clerk
and Treasurer)
iii. Chair a Committee
release or transfer from the Church shall be:
i. By death
- ii. By letter - any member desiring a letter of
(The term “member” in these bylaws,
unless otherwise stated, shall refer to a member of this Church)
ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP: Any Christian may become an associate member
at the discretion of the Pastor and Diaconate.
A. Associate members have the same privileges
as full members.
- B.
A.. The
term of office for all officers shall be defined as the period beginning
September 1 and ending August 31. Newly elected officers shall
be present for meetings from the time of election.
A. Shall be called by a 2/3 vote of the active
members of the Church. To be accomplished by ballot and absentee ballot.
B. Shall share with the Diaconate the charge
of the spiritual welfare of the Church.
C. Shall preach the gospel.
D. Shall administer sacraments and rites.
E. Shall share with the Diaconate the charge
of public worship.
F. Shall recommend Christian Education delegates
and expenses to Christian Education meetings.
G. Shall give Pastoral guidance and oversight.
H. Shall be reasonably involved with Church activities
in cooperation with the various boards and committees.
I. Shall seek to enlist persons as followers
of Christ.
J. Shall be an ex-officio member to all Church
bodies with full voting privileges but may serve as chairman only in
the absence of the regularly appointed chairperson and their substitutes
and never as Church Moderator.
- A. Shall be elected at the annual meeting to serve a two-year term. Moderator and Vice-Moderator shall be elected in the same calendar year and may serve no more than two terms consecutively. The total number of terms served is indefinite.
B. Shall preside at the annual meeting and all
called meetings of the Church.
C. Shall oversee all Church committees.
D. Shall chair the Church Council.
- A. Shall be elected at the annual meeting to serve a two-year term and may serve no more than two terms consecutively. The total number of terms served is indefinite.
the moderator.
C. Shall be a member of the Church Council.
A. Shall be elected at the annual meeting to
serve a two-year term to be elected in even-number calendar years.
- B. Shall keep a register of dates of admission of members, names,
- C. Move to section 8 Nominating in Standing
- D. Move to section 1 Diaconate in Standing
meetings of the Church.
and copying the Sunday bulletin and
- H. Shall be a member of the Church Council and take minutes at this meeting.
A. Shall be elected at the annual meeting for
a two-year term to be elected in odd-number calendar years.
B. Shall pay all orders properly due within the
limitations of the funding as voted upon by the membership.
C. Shall keep a record of all transactions and
have the accounts ready for examination by the Auditors at the end of
the fiscal year.
D. Shall prepare and present financial reports
quarterly to the membership and at the annual meeting.
E. Shall work closely with the Moderator.
F. Shall be a member of the Finance Committee.
(Article V.5.A)
G. Shall be a member of the Church Council.
A. Shall be elected at the annual meeting for
a two-year term to be elected in even-number calendar years.
- B. Shall keep an accurate account of all monies received by the church, and deposit the same in the name of the church in a bank or other financial institution.
- C. When contributors use envelopes or personal checks, or in some other way identify themselves, the Financial Secretary shall distribute annual statements of accounts to each contributor.
- D. Shall work closely with the Treasurer in the handling of monies and funds.
E. May, with the Treasurer, with the consent
of the congregation, elect to deposit funds of the church in any area
bank most convenient to their workday and personal schedules.
F. Shall be a member of the finance committee.
(article V.5.A)
G. Shall keep all information regarding
individual giving confidential.
- H. Shall be a member of the Church Council.
- A. Position to be filled in an “as needed basis” such as when transitioning to a new Financial Secretary or due to illness of the current Financial Secretary.
A. Two Auditors shall be elected at the annual
meeting for a two-year term to be elected in odd-number calendar years.
B. They shall submit a written report for the
previous fiscal year to the Church Council on or before the second Sunday
C. To the greatest extent possible, there shall
be no conflict of interest by connections with the Treasurer or Financial
- A. Elections shall take place at the annual meeting by ballot/absentee ballot or voice vote. Terms of multiple years shall be elected on a staggered basis.
- B. Members of committees may serve no more than two terms consecutively. The total number of terms served is indefinite. A term shall be defined as the period beginning September 1 and ending August 31. Newly elected members shall attend meetings from the time of election.
meetings to the Church Council prior to or at the Church Council meeting.
- D. Shall make an annual written report to the Church at the annual meeting. This report must be provided to the Clerk 2 weeks prior to the annual meeting.
vacancies. (Article V.2.A)
F. At least one month prior to the annual meeting
will submit written budget proposals to the Finance Committee.
G. Shall have the power to establish ad hoc committees
for a specific purpose, committee to cease to exist when purpose is
H. Shall establish a quorum for meetings as the
majority of the committee members.
I. Shall elect their own chairperson annually.
J. Whenever possible, there shall be a youth
member under the age of 21 elected to serve a one-year term to each
standing committee, which is in addition to the normal committee member
- K. All standing committees shall send a representative to the Church Council meeting.
A. Shall consist of eight persons who are active
members of the Church.
B. Shall be elected for a three year term.
C. Shall work with the Pastor in overseeing the
Spiritual life of the Church as well as caring for the poor, sick, sorrowing
and indifferent, and report their findings to the Pastor and fulfill
the role of a Worship Committee by preparing the Sanctuary and church
rooms for activities, worship and special services.
D. Shall meet as necessary and provide the congregation
with a report at the annual or called meetings.
E. Shall be responsible for assisting the Pastor,
or in absence of the Pastor, in creating the Sunday and special services
of worship.
F. Shall secure Ushers for the services.
G. Shall meet with those wishing to join the
church and present them for membership.
H. Shall have charge of the examination of the
confirmation class.
I. Shall recommend at the annual meeting any
changes or revisions in membership, the result of which will be voted
on by the membership. (Article III.1.2)
J. Shall in conjunction with the Pastor/Parish
Relations Committee and within the guidelines of these by-laws, nominate
the minister with contract, subject to being called by a 2/3 membership
vote. (Article IV.1.A)
- K. Shall issue necessary letters (
- A. Shall consist of the Pastor, the officers (Moderator, Vice Moderator, Clerk, Treasurer, and Financial Secretary) and one person from each standing committee (selected by that committee). In addition three members (full or associate) from the congregation shall be elected for a one year term.
if necessary to communicate and coordinate their respective activities.
Within seven days of a meeting shall provide a summary in writing to
the clerk for inclusion in the Church’s Newsletter.
C. Shall be the pulpit committee, seeking a minister
and recommending the same to the Diaconate and Pastor/Parish Relations
Committee. (Article V.1.J; Article V.3.C)
D. Shall be empowered to determine and by appointment
fill all vacancies (officers, directors, standing committees and all
volunteer appointments) until the next annual meeting.
- E. Shall have the authority to make decisions relating to committee proposals.
- F. Shall have the authority to make decisions to carry out the work of the church between annual meetings.
A. Shall consist of three members of the church
who are elected for a three year term.
B. Shall pass individual or congregational concerns
to the pastor and shall assist the pastor in his/her concerns.
C. Shall, in conjunction with the Diaconate and
within the guidelines of these by-laws, draft the church’s contract
with the Pastor, nominate the pastor with contract, subject to being
called by a 2/3 membership vote. (Article IV.1.A, See Article V.3.E)
D. Shall be responsible for evaluating the pastor
and conferring the same with him/her at least on an annual basis.
E. Shall, in conjunction with the Finance Committee,
establish the Pastor’s annual compensation.
F. Shall confer with the pastor regarding
concerns of the congregation about his/her call to serve this church.
If it should become evident that the best interest of the charge and
pastor will be served by a change of pastor, it is this committee that
shall call a Church meeting to decide requesting the resignation or
dismissal of the pastor. The resignation/dismissal vote must be
affirmed by 2/3 membership vote of those members present, through a
ballot/absentee ballot vote.
A. Shall consist of seven active members of the
Church body.
B. Shall be elected for a three year term.
C. Shall meet monthly and report at the next
called Church meeting.
D. Shall see that the Church is legally incorporated
according to the laws of the State; shall hold the property of the Church,
but having no power to buy, sell, mortgage, or transfer property, without
a specific vote of authority by the Church; and shall make an annual
report of their doings at the annual meeting of the Church.
E. Shall have, by vote and direction of the Church,
the care and custody of the Church property (except as otherwise provided),
and shall do so with the understanding of the historical nature of the
Church grounds and buildings.
F. Shall see the grounds, building(s) and equipment
are in safe and proper order.
G. Shall see that adequate fuel and janitor services
are provided and see that proper insurance coverage is held.
H. Shall determine, subject to the vote of the
Church, whether any part of the Church property may be used by outside
parties and to collect compensation. The Pastor shall have the authority
to make decisions for use of the Church for weddings, funerals, or other
religious occasions especially when time is of the essence.
I. Shall prescribe regulations for such use and
act or designate members or persons to enforce them.
- J. To ensure that the architectural, historical, and cultural features of the Northwood Congregational Church will be retained and maintained in their current or better condition, the congregation requires all work on the historic structure to be undertaken in accordance with the United States Secretary of the Interior’s Standard for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings, as they may be amended from time to time (36 CFR 68).
- A. Shall consist of six members: The Treasurer (Article IV.5.F), the Financial Secretary (Article IV.6.F), and four members from the congregation who are elected for three year terms, or the Assistant Financial Secretary (Article IV.7.E), and three members who are elected for three year terms.
- B. Shall be responsible for soliciting pledges, and managing the collection and distribution of gifts,
the preparation of a recommended annual budget to be presented at the
annual meeting.
Relations Committee, establish the Pastor’s annual compensation.
A. Shall consist of six members who will be elected
for a three year term.
B. Shall have supervision of the educational
activities of the Church.
C. Shall recommend teachers and all materials
for the Church School with the approval of the Pastor.
D. May recommend delegates and expenses to Christian
Education meetings with the approval of the Pastor. (Article IV.1.F)
E. May institute or share in leadership of educational
A. Shall consist of five members who will be
elected for a three year term. At least one Music Committee member shall
not be a choir member.
B. Shall have charge of all Church musical instruments
and materials.
C. Shall recommend an organist and Choir Director.
The Choir Director shall be an ex- officio member of the committee.
D. Shall assist the choir director as needed.
A. Shall consist of five members who will be
elected for three year terms.
B. Shall actively solicit input from the membership
and committees in identifying candidates for elected positions and shall
receive consent from prospective candidates.
C. At the annual meeting, shall present a slate
of candidates and accept other nominations from the floor, for officers
and committees (not otherwise specifically provided for in these by-laws).
- D. Shall notify all members, officers, delegates, etc., of their election or appointment. [MOVED FROM SECTION 4 CLERK]
A. Shall consist of three members who will be
elected for a three year term.
B. Shall receive written suggestions from the
membership and committees.
C. Shall present in writing to the members proposed
by-law changes prior to a hearing.
D. Shall conduct hearings on proposed by-law
changes at least five weeks prior to the annual meeting. The hearing
date shall be announced from the pulpit at least the preceding two Sundays.
E. Shall present to the membership in writing
finalized proposed changes at least two weeks prior to the annual meeting.
F. Shall present the amendments to the by-laws
at the annual meeting for membership vote. (Article VI.3)
- A. Shall consist of six (6) persons, two (2) of whom are elected each year for three (3) year terms.
B. Shall work with the Pastor to recommend
and coordinate activities which are grounded in Christian spirit and
are designed to reach out to the wider community.
C. Shall focus on variety of activities to appeal
to all ages and abilities of the congregation.
- D. Shall solicit and accept suggestions, advice, and aid from the congregation in carrying out activities which shall include the coordination of Mission offerings
an active agenda of mission activities.
- F. Shall report upcoming and completed activities
- Shall consist
of five member. Two members shall be elected for three years, two elected
for two years and one elected for one year. All members subsequent
will be elected for three year terms.
- Shall meet
monthly or as necessary.
- Shall develop
annual fundraising goals.
- Shall work
with the finance committee: - Determine
the amount of yearly funds to be raised; and - For any special
needs/fundraisers that may fall outside of the annual fundraising budget. - A member of
the Finance Committee will be assigned as a point of contact for the
Fundraising Committee
- Shall coordinate
the fundraising activities as outlined in the annual goals.
- Shall keep
a record of the funds raised annually.
The annual meeting of the members of the Church shall be held on the
first Sunday in June, called by the Moderator and read by the Minister
from the pulpit the preceding two (2) Sundays.
The Minister shall, when requested by and in conjunction with the Moderator,
call from the pulpit, special meetings: e.g. special business or committee
meetings with the subject of the meeting being stated.
At the annual meeting, by-law amendments as presented in writing (Article
V.9.E) shall be voted upon. A 2/3 vote of the membership present is
necessary to pass by-law amendments. This is to be accomplished by show
of hands and absentee ballot. The vote shall be taken prior to
action on business and elections related to the coming year.
In order to transact business:
A. Twenty-five percent (25%) of the membership
shall constitute a quorum at church meetings.
B. A majority vote by those members present is
required to pass any proposal except as noted in these by-laws (Article
IV.1.A; Article V.3.C & F)
- Roberts Rules of Order,
Newly Revised
current Edition shall be the guide
for all situations not already defined by these by-laws.
From Missions, May 2010
The Mission Committee has met to establish a mission schedule for the majority of the year and we thought it might help some of you in your planning to know what worthy causes we expect to offer over the coming months. To that end, the following Monthly Missions will be collected as follows:
May 2010 - Heifer International - this organization helps people typically by providing farm animals or other animals to raise families be self-sustaining, particularly in poor countires. Amy Lindsay is also coordinating with the Christian Education Committee to work with our children in classes to create crafts to raise money for animals.
June 2010 - Common Cathedral (Youth Missions) - during the summer and beginning in June, the youth of our church will attend three events including the Common Cathedral on the Boston Commons, a local Soup Kitchen and Families in Transition. Other church members are encouraged to participate in these events and offer help in attending or preparing for these efforts. Please note we may split the available June offering in support of one, two or all three causes.
July 2010 - Cocheco Valley Humane Society (Animal Shelter) - during July we have the blessings of the animals for the congregation and our Mission offering will benefit the amazing work done by the Cocheco Valley Humane Society in caring for and coordinating placement of the many pets making their way to the facility due to difficult ecomonic times.
August 2010 - Minister's Discretionary Fund - as we approach the fall months and likely continued economically challenging times, the Mission Committee anticipates some families may be needing help to prepare their children for school in the fall and because their family resources may be depleted. Since the Minister's Discretionary Fund was depleted well before the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays last year, we are dedicating the August Missions to this important local need.
September 2010 - American Cancer Society - many of our congregational members, friends and family members suffer from cancer, are undergoing treatment or are beyond current treatment methods. The September Mission will be dedicated to the American Cancer Society to continue the research and fight this disease that affects so many people we love and are in need of our prayers.
October 2010 - Domestic Violence Prevention - Annually in October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. We will dedicate the October Mission offering to an appropriate agency to assist in prevention of domestic violence which has been increasing as a result of some of the economic challenges faced by many families.
November 2010 and December 2010 - As we move into the holiday months, we will reassess the need to supplement funds for Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets. Last year we found that due to generous donations from the membership and Northwood Country Market, we had a surplus of funds that was able to be dedicated, in part, to the Northwood Emergency Food Pantry. We will assess the situation as we approach the holiday season before we decide on appropriate Mission Offerings during these two months.
In addition to the scheduled monthly Mission Offerings described above, the Northowood Congregational Church Mission Committee is approached by many other individuals and agencies that could use our help. Since we cannot possibly meet the needs of all these worthwhile causes, we will occasionally describe them here and will be posted on the Mission Committee section of the bulletin board in Church.
Sandy Garrett - Mission Trip to Haiti - Attached is a letter from Sandy Garrett of Higher Ground Baptist Church. She is attempting to raise $1,350 in funds to go to Haiti in October 2010 on a Mission Trip and is requesting donations and checks be made out to: "Monadnock Bible Conference" and sent to Sandy Garrett, 52 Deer Run Lane, Northwood, NH 03261. Her sponsorship is needed to be fully raised by August 2010 and the Mission Committee has agreed to provide her letter to members for individual consideration.
Doctors Without Borders - another church member recently returned from India and requested the Mission Committee give consideration to raise funds for Doctors Without Borders As we have already dedicated quite a bit of effort throughout the year to international causes (Zimbabwe, El Salvador, Haiti, China, Heifer) we have not dedicated a specific month for this worthwhile cause in 2010. However, we recommend all members consider this worthwhile organization and donate as you see fit.
May Christ be with you!
Northwood Congregational Church
Mission Committee
Tom Bobowski
Friday, May 14, 2010
Last Chance!
May 16, 2010 - Announcements & Meetings
Annual Meeting: The Church’s Annual meeting will be held after worship on Sunday, June 6. This is an important meeting, and in order to conduct our business, we need a quorum to be present. The Envisioning Committee will present its results to the Congregation, the Nominating Slate will be voted into office, the By-Laws Changes will be voted in, and the Budget will be accepted for the next fiscal year. If you are a member it is important that you understand the work of this church and that you are present to have your voice heard. Annual Reports and the proposed budget will be available ahead of time for you to review.
Next Sunday: A number of the students who went to El Salvador with Gayle will be present to lead our worship service next Sunday.
Communion Offering: is to support Heifer Project International, which provides farm animals to people throughout the world. Each Sunday in May, our children will be working in Sunday School to learn about Heifer Project and to make crafts which they will sell during the first two Sundays in June. Also on sale will be special Fair Trade Green Mountain coffee. Green Mountain Coffee and Heifer Project have paired to help coffee growers become more sustainable by finding crops they can sell in the off season. The money which comes in for the Mission Offering will be paired with the kids’ craft sale proceeds to buy as many animals as we can. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)
Church Care Day: is May 22nd from 8am until 1pm. Many items will be attended to if we have the peoples’ support. A running tally of all that is needed to be fixed in the church is located in Fellowship Hall on the “Fix Me” Board. We are actively seeking food donations to feed our hungry workers for our burger cookout following our hard work, so if you can help support us, please let one of us know! Your trustees are Rena, Dan, Chris, Scott, Bruce and Rick.
“Fix Me” Board: Anyone with a church "care concern" (i.e. fix this please!), let a trustee know or place it on the easel located in Fellowship hall. Your Trustees are Rena, Bruce, Chris, Scott, Dan and Rick.
Centering Prayer: You are all invited to a time of centering prayer every Wednesday at 8:00 am for 30 minutes. Jo Chase is hosting us in her home at 306 Catamount Road.
Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC: If you do any shopping at Shaws, Best Buy, Wal-Mart, or Irving Gas (or any number of stores) a pre-paid card to make your purchases. A percentage of the sales comes back to the church and you aren’t spending any more money than you would have anyway. We place the orders on the 3rd Sunday of the month and they are delivered on the 4th Sunday. Please contact Tiffany George if you have any questions about the program at 332-5808 or
FOUR! Coe-Brown Northwood Academy will hold its 5th Annual Golf Tournament. On Saturday, June12th, please join them at Nippo Lake Golf Club, Barrington, NH for a day of fun! Deadline for registration receipt is Wednesday, May 26th and you may pick up your forms containing all the details on the table outside Fellowship Hall or by visiting
Heavenly Praise: The Suncook Valley Chorale will present Heavenly Praise at St. John the Evangelist Church on 72 Main St. in Concord. This concert will take place on Friday May 21 and Saturday, May 22. Doors open at 6:30 pm and the show starts at 7:00pm. Tickets are $15 General/$12 Seniors & Students and are available at Ballards, from Chorale Members and at the door. Visit
Today 2:00pm Rockingham Assoc. Annual Meeting & Ecclestical
Council: Abby Henderson
Monday 7:00pm Trustees
Tuesday 7:00pm Church Council
Wednesday 8:00am Centering Prayer
9:30am Lay Visitors
Thursday 7:00pm Choir
Friday 5:30pm Envisioning Committee
Saturday 8am-1pm Church Care Day
Next Sunday: A number of the students who went to El Salvador with Gayle will be present to lead our worship service next Sunday.
Communion Offering: is to support Heifer Project International, which provides farm animals to people throughout the world. Each Sunday in May, our children will be working in Sunday School to learn about Heifer Project and to make crafts which they will sell during the first two Sundays in June. Also on sale will be special Fair Trade Green Mountain coffee. Green Mountain Coffee and Heifer Project have paired to help coffee growers become more sustainable by finding crops they can sell in the off season. The money which comes in for the Mission Offering will be paired with the kids’ craft sale proceeds to buy as many animals as we can. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)
Church Care Day: is May 22nd from 8am until 1pm. Many items will be attended to if we have the peoples’ support. A running tally of all that is needed to be fixed in the church is located in Fellowship Hall on the “Fix Me” Board. We are actively seeking food donations to feed our hungry workers for our burger cookout following our hard work, so if you can help support us, please let one of us know! Your trustees are Rena, Dan, Chris, Scott, Bruce and Rick.
“Fix Me” Board: Anyone with a church "care concern" (i.e. fix this please!), let a trustee know or place it on the easel located in Fellowship hall. Your Trustees are Rena, Bruce, Chris, Scott, Dan and Rick.
Centering Prayer: You are all invited to a time of centering prayer every Wednesday at 8:00 am for 30 minutes. Jo Chase is hosting us in her home at 306 Catamount Road.
Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC: If you do any shopping at Shaws, Best Buy, Wal-Mart, or Irving Gas (or any number of stores) a pre-paid card to make your purchases. A percentage of the sales comes back to the church and you aren’t spending any more money than you would have anyway. We place the orders on the 3rd Sunday of the month and they are delivered on the 4th Sunday. Please contact Tiffany George if you have any questions about the program at 332-5808 or
FOUR! Coe-Brown Northwood Academy will hold its 5th Annual Golf Tournament. On Saturday, June12th, please join them at Nippo Lake Golf Club, Barrington, NH for a day of fun! Deadline for registration receipt is Wednesday, May 26th and you may pick up your forms containing all the details on the table outside Fellowship Hall or by visiting
Heavenly Praise: The Suncook Valley Chorale will present Heavenly Praise at St. John the Evangelist Church on 72 Main St. in Concord. This concert will take place on Friday May 21 and Saturday, May 22. Doors open at 6:30 pm and the show starts at 7:00pm. Tickets are $15 General/$12 Seniors & Students and are available at Ballards, from Chorale Members and at the door. Visit
Today 2:00pm Rockingham Assoc. Annual Meeting & Ecclestical
Council: Abby Henderson
Monday 7:00pm Trustees
Tuesday 7:00pm Church Council
Wednesday 8:00am Centering Prayer
9:30am Lay Visitors
Thursday 7:00pm Choir
Friday 5:30pm Envisioning Committee
Saturday 8am-1pm Church Care Day
Friday, May 7, 2010
May 9, 2010-Announcements & Meetings
Happy Mother’s Day: On this Mother’s Day, we recognize the Mothers in our midst, the Mothers who nurtured us ,and the women who have mothered us. May God’s blessing and grace be upon them, in them, and through their actions.
Many thanks! all who contributed to the Roast Beef supper yesterday. Many people cooked, baked, served, set-up, cleaned up and sold tickets. Special appreciation to Bill McGowen and Charlie Henry, our “Master Chefs,” and Ann Kelley and Pam English for their organizing efforts!
Dedication of Green Paraments: Today we have the joy of dedicating a covering for the Communion Table, marker for the Bible and hanging for the Pulpit—all in memory of Polly Wilson. Polly’s family indicated Memorial Gifts could be given to the Church in Polly’s memory, and those gifts were used to commission the Paraments from Mayan Hands. Mayan Hands is a weaving cooperative in Guatemala which helps women to become economically self-sufficient.
Communion Offering: is to support Heifer Project International, which provides farm animals to people throughout the world. Each Sunday in May, our children will be working in Sunday School to learn about Heifer Project and to make crafts which they will sell during the first two Sundays in June. Also on sale will be special Fair Trade Green Mountain coffee. Green Mountain Coffee and Heifer Project have paired to help coffee growers become more sustainable by finding crops they can sell in the off season. The money which comes in for the Mission Offering will be paired with the kids’s craft sale proceeds to buy as many animals as we can from Heifer Project. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)
Church Care Day: is May 22nd from 8am until 1pm. Many items will be attended to if we have the peoples’ support. A running tally of all that is needed to be fixed in the church is located in Fellowship Hall on the “Fix Me” Board. We are actively seeking food donations to feed our hungry workers for our burger cookout following our hard work, so if you can help support us, please let one of us know! Your trustees are Rena, Dan, Chris, Scott, Bruce and Rick.
“Fix Me” Board: Anyone with a church "care concern" (i.e. fix this please!), let a trustee know or place it on the easel located in Fellowship hall. Your Trustees are Rena, Bruce, Chris, Scott, Dan and Rick.
Centering Prayer: You are all invited to a time of centering prayer every Wednesday at 8:00 am for 30 minutes. Jo Chase is hosting us in her home at 306 Catamount Road.
Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC: If you do any shopping at Shaws, Best Buy, Wal-Mart, or Irving Gas (or any number of stores) a pre-paid card to make your purchases. A percentage of the sales comes back to the church and you aren’t spending any more money than you would have anyway. We place the orders on the 3rd Sunday of the month and they are delivered on the 4th Sunday. Please contact Tiffany George if you have any questions about the program at 332-5808 or
FOUR! Coe-Brown Northwood Academy will hold its 5th Annual Golf Tournament. On Saturday, June12th, please join them at Nippo Lake Golf Club, Barrington, NH for a day of fun! Deadline for registration receipt is Wednesday, May 26th and you may pick up your forms containing all the details on the table outside Fellowship Hall or by visiting
Today Mother’s Day
Monday 7:00pm Trustees
Tuesday 6:30pm Finance Committee
(at Ken Flesher’s home)
7:00pm Deacons
Wednesday 8:00am Centering Prayer
Thursday 7:00pm Choir
Saturday 8am-1pm Church Care Day
Happy Mother’s Day: On this Mother’s Day, we recognize the Mothers in our midst, the Mothers who nurtured us ,and the women who have mothered us. May God’s blessing and grace be upon them, in them, and through their actions.
Many thanks! all who contributed to the Roast Beef supper yesterday. Many people cooked, baked, served, set-up, cleaned up and sold tickets. Special appreciation to Bill McGowen and Charlie Henry, our “Master Chefs,” and Ann Kelley and Pam English for their organizing efforts!
Dedication of Green Paraments: Today we have the joy of dedicating a covering for the Communion Table, marker for the Bible and hanging for the Pulpit—all in memory of Polly Wilson. Polly’s family indicated Memorial Gifts could be given to the Church in Polly’s memory, and those gifts were used to commission the Paraments from Mayan Hands. Mayan Hands is a weaving cooperative in Guatemala which helps women to become economically self-sufficient.
Communion Offering: is to support Heifer Project International, which provides farm animals to people throughout the world. Each Sunday in May, our children will be working in Sunday School to learn about Heifer Project and to make crafts which they will sell during the first two Sundays in June. Also on sale will be special Fair Trade Green Mountain coffee. Green Mountain Coffee and Heifer Project have paired to help coffee growers become more sustainable by finding crops they can sell in the off season. The money which comes in for the Mission Offering will be paired with the kids’s craft sale proceeds to buy as many animals as we can from Heifer Project. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)
Church Care Day: is May 22nd from 8am until 1pm. Many items will be attended to if we have the peoples’ support. A running tally of all that is needed to be fixed in the church is located in Fellowship Hall on the “Fix Me” Board. We are actively seeking food donations to feed our hungry workers for our burger cookout following our hard work, so if you can help support us, please let one of us know! Your trustees are Rena, Dan, Chris, Scott, Bruce and Rick.
“Fix Me” Board: Anyone with a church "care concern" (i.e. fix this please!), let a trustee know or place it on the easel located in Fellowship hall. Your Trustees are Rena, Bruce, Chris, Scott, Dan and Rick.
Centering Prayer: You are all invited to a time of centering prayer every Wednesday at 8:00 am for 30 minutes. Jo Chase is hosting us in her home at 306 Catamount Road.
Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC: If you do any shopping at Shaws, Best Buy, Wal-Mart, or Irving Gas (or any number of stores) a pre-paid card to make your purchases. A percentage of the sales comes back to the church and you aren’t spending any more money than you would have anyway. We place the orders on the 3rd Sunday of the month and they are delivered on the 4th Sunday. Please contact Tiffany George if you have any questions about the program at 332-5808 or
FOUR! Coe-Brown Northwood Academy will hold its 5th Annual Golf Tournament. On Saturday, June12th, please join them at Nippo Lake Golf Club, Barrington, NH for a day of fun! Deadline for registration receipt is Wednesday, May 26th and you may pick up your forms containing all the details on the table outside Fellowship Hall or by visiting
Today Mother’s Day
Monday 7:00pm Trustees
Tuesday 6:30pm Finance Committee
(at Ken Flesher’s home)
7:00pm Deacons
Wednesday 8:00am Centering Prayer
Thursday 7:00pm Choir
Saturday 8am-1pm Church Care Day
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