881 First NH Turnpike, Northwood, NH 03261 603.942.7116. Our regular worship is Sunday at 9:30am.
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Sacred Ally Quilt Exhibit
Northwood Congregational Church will be hosting the Sacred
Ally Quilts from August 7-14, 2022. These 10 quilts were lovingly made by 9 UCC
churches in New Hampshire to memorialize the last words of George Floyd as he
lay dying on the street with a police officer kneeling on his neck. They are
traveling around the state, the nation, and will go international soon but we
are blessed with the opportunity to exhibit them here for one week.
Public Viewing dates and times:
Sun 8/7, 2-5pm
Mon 8/8, 6-8 pm
Tues, 8/9, 6-8 pm
Wed, 8/10 5-7 pm
Thurs, 8/11, 6-8 pm
Fri, 8/12, 6-8 pm
Sat, 8/13, 10 am -1 pm
Sat, 8/13, 6-8 pm
Sun, 8/14, 1-3 pm
Sun, 8/14, 6-8 pm
Blessing Bag Summer Donation Mission
For our summer ‘donation’ mission, see our newsletter for a list of items you can gather and bring to church for blessing bags for the homeless (leave in the old vestry on the seats under the tables). After we fill the bags we will divide them between us and distribute.
The missions this summer is to create and give out blessing
bags. While you can do this at home alone (and report back during church!) I’m
asking for you to bring some contents over the next month and a half for a
blessing bag filling extravaganza at the end of September. What is a
blessing bag? It is a gallon-size Ziploc® bag that contain snacks, travel-size
toiletries, socks, a bottle of water, grooming supplies and other useful items.
See the list below!
Gallon Ziplock bags
First-aid kit with single-dose packs of Advil, band-aids,
and antibiotic ointment
Facial Wet Wipes
Lip balm
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Face towel
Hand lotion
Hand sanitizer
Hand Warmers
Bag of Quarters
individually wrapped snacks
Breakfast/cereal/granola bars
Instant Coffee/Cider/Cocoa
Peanut butter crackers
Single packaged nuts/trail mix
Tuna packs
Single-serving apple sauce and fruit cups
Canned soup
Beef Jerky
Paper towels
Prepaid phone card,
Restaurant gift card
Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Veterans Dinner
Festival and Yard Sale July 23
Breakfast, Beans, Blueberry and Bluegrass festival
with our annual Church Yard Sale
Saturday, July 23
9 am - 2 pm
Breakfast 9 am - 11 am
Lunch, serving homemade beans and hot dogs 11 am - 2
Fresh Blueberries and some baked goods will be available
for sale with both breakfast and lunch
Live music by the Fretbenders, Diane and Bob Kordas and
friends 9 am - 1 pm
Vendors are welcome, please email NCCFundraiser@gmail.com
if you are interested in selling your hand-crafted items at this
Thursday, May 5, 2022
Stewardship Sunday - May 15, 2022
Thursday, April 21, 2022
Movie Night
April 25 - Racial Justice is hosting the movie "Dawnland", a documentary focusing on Native Americans. Beginning at 7pm. Please use the link below to join via Zoom:
Potluck Dinner
We will be hosting a potluck dinner April 22 from 6-8 PM in Fellowship Hall. Bring salad or dessert and a friend.
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Saturday, March 26, 2022
Crank Up The Heat Chili Cookoff - Saturday April 9
We will either serve a cup of chili or provide a taste of each chili donated by local restaurants participating in the contest.
This is a fundraiser to help the church pay for the added cost of heating the building this year and also for our mission fund to help those in need pay for their heating bills this year.
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
February Mission
Greetings! The deep cold and snow of January has us at
Northwood Congregational Church dreaming of spring, flowers and gardens! To
celebrate the coming of spring, we will hold a Seed Exchange in the Fellowship
Hall (lower level of the church) on Sunday, February 13th at 11 a.m.
Bring seeds to share, wear your face masks and for admission, bring an
item that's in good condition to help keep the homeless warm. Hope to see you
Sound and Service Updates, Zoom Links to Current and Past Services
*We made some equipment changes for the sound this week and believe the service experience will be much improved.*
Our service now begins at 9:30 AM. We will be wearing masks and staying in the sanctuary to help maintain social distancing.
You may access past services by using this link:
For this Sunday, you may click on this link https://zoom.us/j/5671566234 to connect by video.
Zoom Call In and ID #:
Meeting ID# 5671566234
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
2022 Epiphany Arts Festival Submissions
Here are a few recent submissions to our 2022 Epiphany Arts Festival:
We have moved the submission deadline to January 26th so be sure to submit your work - we would love to see it!
Dear Santa
On Omicron
On Delta
On Covid
And Vixen . . .
All we want
For Christmas
This year
Is some
Serious fixin’.
With love,
your friend
PS Your cookies and
carrots will be on the red table by the door.
Wednesday, January 5, 2022
2022 Epiphany Arts Festival
Northwood Congregational Church
Epiphany Arts Festival January 6
through February 27
Northwood Congregational Church
The Northwood Congregational Church Epiphany Arts Festival for 2022 is back by popular demand. Again this year, due to COVID safety concerns, we will be celebrating it online.
The Epiphany Arts visual and
performance arts festival will be displayed on Facebook and on our
website http://northwoodcongregationalchurch.blogspot.com/p/2020-epiphany-arts-festival.html
Epiphany is also known as Three
Kings Day and commemorates the day that the three kings arrived at the
birthplace of baby Jesus after having followed the star in the Eastern sky for many
days. They showered the infant Jesus with the gifts they had bought, gold and
frankincense and myrrh and so we, to honor the occasion and celebrate the
season of Epiphany, will showcase the artistic gifts of our church family
including but not limited to: photographs, sculpture, paintings, poetry,
jewelry, drawings, wood work, pottery, calligraphy, needlework, knitting,
quilting etc.
To enhance the Epiphany Arts
Festival, the church is also accepting videos in place of the annual
coffee house. Church family and friends can share their gifts of music
and writing by recording those performances and sending a video.
Please send all photos or art
work and videos of songs or spoken performances to adminncc@myfairpoint.net.
Please email the photos. The videos will need to be on youtube in order to
share with others.
The deadline for your submissions
will be January 19.
Thank you!
Sunday, January 2, 2022
Time Change For Sunday Services
Services will start at 9:30 on Sunday mornings rather than 9:00 am for the winter. 🕤 We will let you know when that changes.