does it mean to be a Christian?
you describe what it means to you to be a Christian in 7 words or
less? Email
Gayle at ncc@,myfairpoint.net
881 First NH Turnpike, Northwood, NH 03261 603.942.7116. Our regular worship is Sunday at 9:30am.
Good People of the Northwood Congregational Church, Sunday is Rally Day and we have a great day planned. You being there would make it perfect. In worship we will welcome each other back from time away this summer, there is a beautiful boy we will baptize, we will dedicate Baby kits collected over the summer, and we will tell stories about the Northwood Congregational Church. So come to church with your stories to strengthen our sense of shared community. After worship, we will gather at Michael and Kat Magoon's home for a church picnic. They live at 43 Main Street in Northwood. We will provide hotdog, hamburgers and drinks, so please bring salads, desserts, and munchies to share. There is a pool, games, and the great company of each other. You are important to this community and so we hope you will join us Sunday. Gayle Murphy