
Friday, September 18, 2015

Announcements for our fourth week of September 2015

Report Back to the Church on Gayle’s Sabbatical

             Sunday - Worship Service will reflect the Sabbath/Sabbatical theme.
             Sept 27 - Thanks to all who made the Sabbatical so successful. After Worship there will be a Slide show and Presentation of what Gayle did, studied, and thought about.  Gayle will provide treats.

Want to Help Plan Worship?
This group is starting on Wednesday, Sept. 23, 9:00am - 10:30am, at the church. We are a group of people who will meet with Gayle weekly to determine what God has to say this week. No homework! No depth of knowledge required! We will look at the Scripture passage and see what speaks to us, what is confusing, what is hard to accept. Then we will outline the flow of sermon and what the service can do to carry the message. This is a practice Gayle saw at Countryside Church and the group finds it so exciting they plan their week around it and worship is much better. See Gayle if you are interested.

Bibles to 4th Graders

It is our joy to give every 4th grader a Bible.  If you know someone we should include, please give us a call.

Flu Shot Clinic on Sept. 30

A Flu Shot Clinic will be held here at the church from 4-6:00pm on Wednesday, Sept. 30, sponsored by Hannaford’s Pharmacy.  We have paperwork in Fellowship Hall that can be filled out ahead of time.  Please bring your insurance card.  If you don’t have insurance, the shot will cost $20.00 unless you are under 21.  All shots for children are free.

Eric Elnes is Coming to NH

Eric Elnes, the author of the Phoenix Affirmations, will be coming on October 4-5.   Eric is one of today's most articulate spokespersons for Progressive Christianity.  He will talk about his new book Gifts of the Dark Wood which proposes that those places which are dark and we try to avoid, in fact, have great gifts to give us.   The cost of the event is $45. for both days, $25 for a single day.   It will take place at the Brookside Church.  Eric featured predominately in Gayle's travels and study during Sabbatical.

Deerfield Fair Volunteers Needed

A sign up sheet and instructions are available outside Fellowship Hall for those wishing to participate in the Deerfield Fair, Thursday, October 1.

Craigslist Help

We are still looking for someone who can take pictures of several items leftover from the Strawberry Festival Yard Sale and post them on Craigslist, to bring some additional income into the church.  If you can help, please contact Faith Levesque to discuss.

Fellowship Meals

We would like you to approach our fellowship dinners in a new way.  When asked for meals for the sick or needy, people think to themselves that they are not a good cook, or they have no time, or it is too expensive.  When it comes to helping a church family member, gourmet meals are not needed.  We are looking for Fresh Homemade comfort food.
This is not Meals On Wheels.  The intention is to provide two meals a week to supplement the quick meals that their caregivers are preparing.  We are sending a warm meal along with our prayers!  Please ask yourselves:
*  What do you like to cook?
*  Do you have a meal you can double easily?
*  Is it affordable?
*  Do you make it a couple times a month?
*  Does it  freeze well?
*  How is it reheated?
If you can commit to cooking one meal a month we should be able to extend this fellowship.  Please let me know your thoughts on this approach or any other helpful comments.  Thank you !
                                                                                                                                      ~  Diane Kizirian 

Items for Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

As a new school year begins, great deals can be found on crayons, colored pencils, chalk, glue sticks, erasers, small notebooks, stationery, pens, pencils, and hand-held sharpeners at Wal-Mart, Target, Staples, Office Max, etc.  Please keep our shoeboxes in mind, when you walk by these store displays or get flyers in the mail.  Our Operation Christmas Child “gold box” will be set up in Fellowship Hall to accept your donation(s) until National Collection Week in November.  If you have any questions, please contact Faith Levesque.

                        Autumn Starts September 23!


Have a great week everyone!!   ~ Mona

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