
Saturday, August 29, 2015

Gift Cards Orders Due September 8

As you may know the church participates in a gift card fundraiser.   It is ongoing, year round, and doesn’t cost the purchaser of the gift card anything.  I will be placing an order for cards Sept. 8 after church.  Read below for how you can plan ahead and truly assist the church with meeting its budget.

There are two ways to get the gift cards, the quick method and the slower method.  Here’s the slow method (though it is usually a week turnaround or less):  Fill out an order form for any gift cards you’d like to purchase.  (Order forms are on the table.) Write a check payable to the Northwood Congregational Church or (NCC) in the amount of your order.  Drop your order form and check off to the church.  For example, let’s say you’d like to give someone a $50 gift card to Best Buy for their birthday.  You would fill in the order form for one gift card to Best Buy and write a check to the NCC in the amount of $50.   After the church order is placed and received, I will bring your gift card(s) to church.  The church receives a percentage of each card, but you receive face value.

If you are interested in participating, please take a look at the attached list of participating stores, restaurants, gas stations, etc.  There are hundreds.  And many more options than is available by the “quick” method.

The quick way to get gift cards:  show up Sunday at church.  We have many cards on hand. 

Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, Bertucci’s, Buffalo Wild Wings, Chili’s, Chipotle, Cold Stone Creamery, Chuck E Cheese, D’Angelo’s, Ninety Nine, Pizza Hut, Panera Bread, , Ruby Tuesdays, Subway, TGIFridays, Texas Roadhouse, Uno’s, Darden Restaurants (which is about 6 different restaurants),, Lowes, Home Depot,  Best Buy, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Claire’s, Bath & Body Works, iTunes, Cabela’s, Barnes & Noble, JC Penney, Sears, Kohl’s, LL Bean, Macy’s, TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Home Goods, Michaels, Pottery Barn, Jo-Ann Fabrics, American Eagle, Old Navy, Gap, Banana Republic, Athelta, Piperline, Staples, Circle K, Shell, AMC theatre tickets, Regal, etc.  etc.  

Thanks for considering purchasing your gift cards this “old school” way.   (There is a way to purchase online, but it costs the church money because we are a small congregation.)

Pam English

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