
Saturday, August 22, 2015

Announcements for our fourth week of August

August Mission:  End 68 Hours of Hunger

This is a nationwide program housed locally here at our Church.  Each weekend for 68 hours children don’t have school lunches or breakfasts, so this program gives them backpacks filled with kid-friendly, nutritionally sound, shelf stable foods.  You can help by bringing in food for the backpacks, money to fill holes in donations, or volunteer your time.  The foods they would like are: peanut butter and jelly (no glass jars), soup, mac + cheese, fruit cups, canned pasta, real fruit juice boxes, chili, protein bars, crackers, cereal, tuna + chicken (canned), baked beans, pudding cups, fruit snacks, and ramen noodles.

Our Co-Worship leader and Guest Musician is Matt Mackay

Matt MacKay is an artist and songwriter who creates infectious and inspiring songs that are to glorify the Lord and lead others to do the same every day.  From leading college services, spontaneous worship experiences, Sunday services, and guest worship leading, Matt is an effective communicator and Worship leader.  His relevant and growing ministry has been a blessing to the body of Christ for years.  Matt began leading in ministry from a young age and has lead to exalt God through his talents of music and design for over 15 years.  He loves the local church and has played many roles on church teams as a Worship leader, youth ministry director, Sunday School teacher, media coordinator, and even serving a great deal in building his first home church!  With all of that said, nothing Matt does is for his own fame - his ministry, music, designs, and anything else he does is to give glory to the Lord.  His servant heart and humbling testimony help make him an effective minister for where he knows God has been leading him.


Construction Update

*Preservation Timber Frame Co. of Maine has been hired to do our Restoration work and the contract is signed.  *Details of the project have been submitted to LCHIP.  *Structural engineer will visit within the week.  *Hopefully it will be an early September start!  Thank you for the generosity which has made this happen.  ~  Chris Kofer..

Unity Sunday!! - Sunday, September 13

Come one, come all to celebrate, share Fellowship, and worship together again.  The Northwood Congregational Church will rally and re-unite from summer travel, Sabbatical leave, finding God in other  places, and WE WANT YOU HERE!   Unity Sunday will be the kick-off to the new year, Sunday School, choir, and small groups.  Be a part of the anticipation and excitement of the new year. 
Immediately after Worship, we will have a Quarterly Congregational Meeting to vote on items for our starting renovation project, keep you informed about what is going on, share some exciting fall plans, and  receive your guidance in our new structure.   Then, because our Sunday morning brunches have been such a hit, we invite you to eat with us.  It is a great spread and a sign-up poster will be in Fellowship Hall for the next 3 weeks.


New Fiscal Year begins in September

Sunday September 6 begins the new Church Fiscal year and the new pledge offering year.  If you would like a new set of offering envelopes for this year, there is a sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall to request them.  Matt will check and put out requested sets starting this Sunday for those already requesting them.  You can also email Matt to request new envelopes.  These are available for any member, pledging or otherwise for their convenience.  If you had envelopes this past year, the set number will change again as we  exhaust our supply.  This will not affect the tracking of your giving for your annual statements.
Thank you all for your continued support of our Church. 
~ Matt Caron

Choir Starts Up Again on September 10

We will host an ice cream social for all choir members and those who might like to become a part of our Church Choir.  The first Sunday for choir participation is September 20.

Strawberry Festival Yard Sale Final Wrap-Up

There are several items that did not sell in June that we would like to try selling on craigslist.  If you would be interested in taking pictures of these items and posting them on-line, please speak to or call Faith Levesque.

Fellowship Meals

We would like you to approach our fellowship dinners in a new way.  When asked for meals for the sick or needy, people think to themselves that they are not a good cook, or they have no time, or it is too expensive.  When it comes to helping a church family member, gourmet meals are not needed.  We are looking for Fresh Homemade comfort food.
This is not Meals On Wheels.  The intention is to provide two meals a week to supplement the quick meals that their caregivers are preparing.  We are sending a warm meal along with our prayers!  Please ask yourselves:

*  What do you like to cook?
*  Do you have a meal you can double easily?
*  Is it affordable?
*  Do you make it a couple times a month?
*  Does it  freeze well?
*  How is it reheated?

If you can commit to cooking one meal a month we should be able to extend this fellowship.  Please let me know your thoughts on this approach or any other helpful comments.  Thank you !
~  Diane Kizirian 

Items for Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

As a new school year begins, great deals can be found on crayons, colored pencils, chalk, glue sticks, erasers, small notebooks, stationery, pens, pencils, and hand-held sharpeners at Wal-Mart, Target, Staples, Office Max, etc.  Please keep our shoeboxes in mind, when you walk by these store displays or get flyers in the mail.  Our Operation Christmas Child “gold box” will be set up in Fellowship Hall to accept your donation(s) until National Collection Week in November.  If you have any questions, please contact Faith Levesque.

Have a great week everyone!!  ~  Mona

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