
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Announcements for our last week of July 2015

Sunday’s Worship is led by Jane Roberts
Our Guest Pianist is Bob Kroepel

Continuing through August 9, Northwood Congregational Church welcomes Bob Kroepel
(KRAY-Pull) as or guest pianist.  Bob live in New Durham, NH, with Janice (Mrs. K!) and Bingo
(Yellow Lab - The Worlds' Finest Dog!).
Special Music this Sunday

Jazz is a style of playing a song featuring embellishments to the melody and an arrangement of musical ideas for playing a song including 1. An introduction; 2. A first chorus featuring the original melody played by horns including trumpets, trombones, clarinets, and/or saxophones and the original accompaniment played by a rhythm section including drums, tuba or string bass, banjo, guitar and/or a piano; 3. A series of choruses featuring melodic improvisations over the original accompaniment; 4. A repeat of the first chorus with the original melody and the original     accompaniment; 5. An Ending.
Jazz got started in New Orleans when black musicians first played religious songs such as “When The Saints Go Marching In” or “Just A  Closer Walk With Thee” slowly in a funeral procession on the way to a gravesite and then quickly after the interment on the way to a reception.  Musicians who wanted to create variety in the performance of the melody started “jazzing up the melody” and thereby “playing jazz” by playing improvised melodies based upon the original harmony and rhythm played by the rhythm section.  Jazz is considered an original American musical art form.  Today's Special Music, “When The Saints Go Marching In” was first Recorded by Louis Armstrong in 1938.

Search Committee for Musician Position

A Search Committee is being formed, so that the process can begin to find potential candidates to fill Northwood Congregational Church’s open Musician position.  If you are interested on being on this committee, or know somebody who would, please speak to Faith Levesque or Dan Ferguson by Sunday, August 2.  You do not need to sing in the choir, or even carry a tune, to be on this Committee.  :)

Save the Date!!  Fisher Cats Game, Saturday, August 22

Join us for a fun, family evening with the Fisher Cats.  We will meet here at the church to carpool to the game.  We plan to leave the church parking lot by 3:30pm.  If you have any questions, you may    contact Michael Magoon.

Summer Coffee Hours

There is a sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall for Summer Coffee Hours assistance.  Please consider taking one   Sunday in August to host this important time of fellowship.  Instructions for making coffee are posted on the side of the refrigerator if you offer hot coffee.

Gayle Returns next Sunday, August 2!

Have a great week everyone! ~ Mona

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