
Friday, May 8, 2015

Announcements for our Second Week of May 2015

Gayle’s Sabbatical

Gayle will be on Sabbatical from May 4 - July 30.  There are wonderful plans in place for Worship, Pastoral Care,   Community Building, and engaging some of the materials Gayle will be studying.  If you need anything, leave a message on the church answering machine.  There will be a candle lit in worship every Sunday to remind you to keep Gayle in your prayers, as she will keep you in hers.

Resources Available in Gayle’s Office

During Sabbatical, Gayle’s office has been turned into a resource center.  Each month there will be a study of the same material which Gayle is studying.  Copies of the book and related books are grouped in her  office for you to use and sign out.  This way when Gayle returns, we will be able to have a dialog of some of the ideas.

NCC Sanctuary Project Update

Our team has been busy working on selecting the professionals that will be working on our sanctuary project.  We have hired Preservation  Timber Framing of Berwick, ME to furnish a study of our specific needs.  That firm and one other will provide quotes for the project.  We hope to have our selection made by early June.  We had hoped to already have a contractor hired but the lengthy winter delayed the process.  Our team has decided that it is more important to get the work done carefully than hastily.

Church Care Day Saturday May 16

Our Spring Clean-Up day will be on Saturday morning, May 16, from 8:00am to 12:00pm.  We will be raking, cleaning the Fellowship Hall windows, painting trim and doors weather permitting,  and cleaning the kitchen.  Please bring your rakes and shovels for outdoor yard work.  Also, if people can bring a leaf blower, paintbrushes, or windex, that would be helpful.  If anyone is interested in bringing  coffee cake, we can take a short break mid-morning!  If any questions, please see Peggy Kofer or Dan Ferguson.

Proposed By-laws Revision

As we have lived into this new structure, there are 2 changes to the by-laws that need to be made.  Proposed revisions will be on the table outside of Fellowship Hall.  A hearing for those proposed changes will be on May 17 after Worship.

New Bible Reading Group Starting May 17! 

New!  Bible Reading group starts May 17 after coffee hour.  One-half hour of reading and free conversation.  We will be in the Choir Room on the second floor.

Church Yard Sale

Spring Cleaning?  Please save your gently used or nearly new items you’re cleaning out this Spring for our church’s yard sale during the Strawberry Festival!  If you really want them out of your house, you may put them in the last classroom on the left.  Please mark them Yard Sale.  More information coming soon.

Have a great week everyone!  ~ Mona

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