
Friday, May 22, 2015

Announcements for our Fourth Week of May, 2015

Sunday’s Worship is led by Rev. Gray Fitzgerald

Gray Fitzgerald is a retired UCC pastor who spends his time furthering peace and justice concerns.  In summers he befriends abandoned Concord weed plots encouraging them to discover their true nature is that of being wonderful perennial gardens. He also bicycles to the extent that his back gives permission.

Annual Congregational Meeting/By-Laws Vote on June 14

The Annual Congregational Meeting and By-Laws Vote will be held after Worship and coffee hour on Sunday, June 14.  This is a very important meeting and hope all of you are able to attend.

Church Picnic, Sunday, May 31

Save the date for the church picnic!  It will be held on Sunday, May 31, after Worship.  Bring your kayaks for the lake and plan to have fun.  Picnic sandwiches will be provided but please be thinking of a salad or dessert you would like to bring to share.  Looking forward to seeing everyone there!               ~  Renae Vater

Church Yard Sale

Spring Cleaning?  Please save your gently used or nearly new items you’re cleaning out this Spring for our church’s yard sale during the Strawberry Festival!  If you really want them out of your house, you may put them in the last classroom on the left.  Please mark them Yard Sale.  More information coming soon.

Yoga Studio Opening Soon

Victoria Marcotte, our former Administrative Assistant, will be opening up her new Yoga Studio next week.  Details to follow!

Have a great week everyone!!  ~  Mona

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