
Friday, April 10, 2015

Announcements for our Second week of April 2015

Thank You from the SouperFest

Our church received a very gracious thank you note from SouperFest co-ordinator,  Mr. Jim. 
Dear Gayle and Northwood folk,
     What a treat to experience the love and spirit of Northwood Congregational family and the most lovable person of Pastor Gayle.  Clearly the Souperfest was an awesome success. ….  Northwood piloted the model of rotation in church groups…. Many thanks, Mr. Jim


Talent and Interest Sheets

In order for our new structure to work, people need to indicate their talent and passions.  There is an envelope for everyone in the church with Talent and Interest Sheets so you can let us know what you like to do.  Unfilled forms will be mailed out soon so save us the postage!  There is a basket for filled out forms.

NH Conference Women’s Fellowship Spring Retreat - Saturday,
April 18, from 9:30am to 3:00pm

The retreat will be held at First Parish Church in East Derry.  The theme of this event is “Recharging Your Spiritual Batteries” with Rev. Dr. David Reynolds talking about replenishing spiritual energy and   Debbie Gline-Allen talking about “Recharging our Singing Spirits.”  Registration is $12.00 and is due by April 10.  Forms are on the table outside Fellowship Hall.

Rockingham Association Meeting and Spring Training Sunday,
April 19 at 1:00pm to 5:30pm

There will be our regular Association meeting and then a “mini-Prepared to Serve” with workshops and a keynote speaker.  Come to learn, connect with people in the wider Church, and participate in the life of our Denomination.  Talk to Gayle if you are interested.

SERRV Fundraiser

We are taking orders from the Spring 2015 SERRV catalog.  SERRV is a fair trade, non-profit organization working worldwide.  NCC will receive 10% from our total sales.   Please visit and click on “Interactive” underneath “Our Catalog.”  Order Forms are available on the bulletin board.  Orders need to be given to Faith Levesque by TODAY, April 12th, or by phone at 608-1121. ~ Faith Levesque

Coming April 26th …Fun with Priscilla and Michael in Fellowship Hall after church!

A DESSERT AUCTION…….. Laughter and Groaning guaranteed!  Pie Heaven or Pie in the Sky?  When?  When Pigs Fly! ….  To participate, bring one (or more) homemade, single serving desserts in “grab bag” style to be auctioned to the highest bidder!  Be creative with whatever packaging you decide to use.  Have fun bidding on someone else’s intriguing sweet treat.  Proceeds to benefit Gayle’s sabbatical.  P.S.  Forks to be provided!!

New!  Bible Reading Group Starting May 10

New!  Bible Reading group starts May 10 after coffee hour.  One-half hour of reading and free conversation.  We will be in the Choir Room on the second floor.

Horton Center 2015

Registration has opened for Horton Center’s summer Camp Programs, in Gorham at the top of Pine Mountain.  They have programs for new campers for 1/2 week, off-site hiking camps for middle and high school, family camp, grandparents and grandchildren week, and adult flex week for as many days and as much activity as you would wish for.  The Camp is well run with reasonable pricing and scholarships available.  Brochures are on the table outside of Fellowship Hall and registration is on line at

Have a great week everyone!  ~ Mona

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