
Friday, January 23, 2015

Announcements for the last week of January, 2015

Service of Hope:  For Those Who Have Suffered a Loss

We will be holding a Service of Hope January 25 at 4:00pm.  There are many reasons that life can become overwhelming:  grief, transition, loss of  employment, broken dreams.  This is a service where you can acknowledge the burdens you carry and find God’s healing spirit.  Even if this may not be a service for you but you know someone who might benefit, please invite them to join us.

Gayle will be away

Gayle will be at a Conference in Portland on Monday and Tuesday.  The Conference features Eric Elnes, the author of The Phoenix Affirmation.  In case of an emergency, Gayle will be available on her cell phone.  When Gayle leaves for the Mission Trip, the phone will be checked each day and Rev. Carol Meredith is on call for any pastoral emergencies.

Mission Trip Participants

Jo Chase, Shelley Frost, Quinn Grady, Terry Mills, Wayne Mills, Bob Murphy, Gayle Murphy, Bill Nickerson, Claire Roberge, Norm Roberge, and Thomas Sheehan will all be on the Mission Trip to the Dominion Republic.  They fly out on Friday evening and will be working on a water system, distributing eye glasses, giving out beans, rice, toys, and clothing, and visiting schools and a church in our village.  Please keep them in your prayers this coming week.  They will be leading worship on February 8 so you will be able to share their experiences.

Farm Day at Heifer International Farm Saturday, February 21
Is this something you would like to do?

Attend Farm Day at The Heifer Farm in Rutland, MA to inspire us by  Heifer’s dynamic work, from 9:00am - 4:00pm.  There you will meet with other volunteers and strategize on Heifer’s outreach to faith   communities and schools.  The day will conclude at 3:00pm with an  optional ‘Animal Time on the Farm’ activity ~ be prepared with ‘Farm Shoes!’  A delicious farm lunch will be served from noon-1:00pm.  If you are interested in attending, please let Gayle, Margie, Tiffany, or MaryAnn know ASAP.  If there is enough interest and leadership, we will attend as a group.

Shovelers are Needed

In order to keep the church clear after every snowstorm, we need   people to sign up to shovel for a week.  Anytime it snows during that week, we ask you to shovel the walkways and front porch.  Plowing and sanding are done by someone else.  Sometimes you won’t need to  shovel at all; other times, you do!

Rovers Needed

Our child safety policy requires 2 adults be present whenever there are children present.  So each Sunday, we need a rover to be downstairs with our Sunday School children.  The responsibility for teaching is with our teacher, so we ask you to step forward for the privilege of being with our children to ensure their safety.

Lunch with Gayle

We have a fun time together and we would like you to join us or invite someone in town who would benefit from this fellowship or exposure to the church.  We are at Ma’s and Mine next to Hannaford’s on Wednesdays from 11:30am until 1:00pm.

Soup Lunches at the Church

Our wonderful free soup and bread lunch will continue through the winter.  Come for
fellowship and food, every Thursday from 11:30am - 1:00pm.   We welcome additional help for serving, cooking, or donating money for food.  If you would like to volunteer, please contact  Betty Smith or Gayle.

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