
Friday, December 12, 2014

Announcements for our second week of December, 2014

Advent Is The Time of Preparing Ourselves for Christmas

This year we will be focusing around “Loving Accompaniment” and recognizing that the ultimate loving accompaniment is God’s in the form of Jesus Christ dwelling among us.  There are Advent Resources available on the table outside of Fellowship Hall.

Here are the upcoming events we would like to invite you to:

 ~ Sunday, December 14 - Children’s Pageant during Worship at 9:00am

 ~ Wednesday, December 17 - Pot Luck Dinner at 6:00pm,  Caroling at 6:45pm, and at 7:15pm, the            Rev. Maren Tirabassi will entertain with Christmas Stories.

 ~ Christmas Sunday, December 21 at 9:00am.

 ~ Christmas Eve Services
           7:00pm is a Family service with music and candles
         11:00pm is a service with candles, music, and Holy Communion

Children's Christmas Pageant this Sunday, December 14

Thank you to our children for leading Worship on Sunday and for their willingness to bring the Christmas story to life.  We thank Tiffany George, Jolene Levesque, and Quinn Grady for their leadership of this effort.

SERRV Table During Coffee Hour Sunday

During coffee hour Sunday, the SERRV Fair Trade Table, introduced at our Christmas By Design Fair, will be set up one last time, before the unsold items need to be sent back.  The unique items on this table are handcrafted in different parts of the world, and every purchase helps marginalized artisans or farmers create better lives for their families.  If you still have some Christmas shopping to do, don’t leave Sunday without checking out this table!

Christmas Cards to Snowbirds

Christmas Cards are sent to snowbirds and those confined are ready for your small notes and/or signatures and are located in Fellowship Hall.  If you do not know some of these people, you are encouraged to sign as a new friend or member of the church and are welcome to extend a greeting.  Sunday will be the last day for you to sign them.

Potluck Dinner, Caroling, and Storytelling Wednesday, Dec. 17 at 6:00pm

On Wednesday this week, join us for a fun and relaxing evening of good food and caroling, followed by entertaining Christmas storytelling by Maren Tirabassi. 

“Christmas By Design” Wrap-Up Meeting

Despite last Saturday’s weather, our Christmas by Design Fair generated $1347.16 for our church.  An additional $591.20 was generated; sales from the Bake Sale table is allocated to the Sunday school budget, animal shares purchased are allocated to Heifer International, etc.  Additionally, our three outside craftspeople reported selling $206.00 worth of handmade items!  All our welcome at a follow-up meeting to discuss this year’s Fair after worship next Sunday, December 21st.  If you are unable to attend but would like to provide input, please contact Faith Levesque.

Church sponsors a family for Christmas

There are tags on the Christmas tree with requests for a family we have sponsored for Christmas.  You will not be the only one buying gifts for the person on your tag, so no need to purchase all on the list.  Thank you for your generosity.  All gifts need to be wrapped and brought to the church by next Sunday, December 21.

Mission for December - Holiday Food Baskets

Our December Mission offering will pay for the turkeys and hams for the Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Baskets.  You fill the baskets with love and delicious food and they are a blessing to the 14 families who receive them.  There are a number of things still needed for these
baskets.  Sign up and bring them to church by next Sunday, December 21.

Have a great week everyone!  ~ Mona

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