
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Announcements for our first week of July, 2014

Our Summer Mission for July and August will be Fruits of the Garden - Gifts of the Spirit.

Our summer mission will be about sharing your garden overflow.    Consider sharing your bounty from First Fruits to the overabundance of your flower, fruit, and vegetable gardens.  Through the summer please bring your garden’s bounty to church to share with others.  We will have your donations on display during coffee time following the service for others to purchase.  All monies will go to the local food pantry.  Items that do not sell will be used for the Monday night free meals,  and/or for the Thursday free Soup lunch.


Horton Center Experience Week ~ July 27 - August 2

Journey to the mountains for a day, a few days, or the whole week in late July.  It’s a perfect mini-vacation to attend by yourself or with the entire family.  The Horton Center experience week will give you a taste of camp, yet will differ from the usual programming.  You will have the choice of what programming you want to join in on!  You can help plan and lead worship services, go rock climbing with friends, play kickball as a family, do trail work on our Chapel Rock Trail, hike, bike or  another adventure, and come back to a bed and homemade meal.  The opportunities are vast as is the mountain view.  Prices are:  $60 per  person, per night, or $275 for the entire week.  Meals and programming are included.  Register online at: 


Upcoming Sunday of Interest:

July 13th  ~  Blessing of the Animals.
Bring your animals in to receive a blessing. We have found that most animals do well in worship, but if you are concerned your animal will not do well, bring a picture for blessing. It is a wonderful celebration of all of God’s creatures.


Welcome back to Ruth Bencal

Ruthie will be back as our organist for the summer months.  Ruthie brings great skills as a musician and it is a delight to have her leading worship.


Have a great week everyone!!  ~  Mona

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