
Monday, October 20, 2008


*Rev. Gayle will be attending the NH Conference Clergy Convocation Monday to Wednesday but will check the answering machine daily. Please leave a message and she will get back to you.

*A heartfelt thank you for all the gifts both tangible and monetary donated for our Birthday celebration! Your giving helps this wonderful Church survive and thrive!

*The Northwood Food Pantry shelves are nearly bare! The Missions Committee is asking the congregation to bring in non- perishable food items during the month of October. A box will be located in Fellowship Hall for your donations. Let*s help re-stock those shelves as the colder weather will soon be here making it even more difficult for so many of our Northwood residents. Many thanks from the Missions Committee!

*The Sunday School Program is looking for one-time help to keep our children safe. Each Sunday there is a Rover in the Sunday School area to be available to assist any teacher and monitor flow of children and anyone else in the area. On Communion Sundays, the children start in Fellowship Hall for a brief service and storytelling. If you could help out by doing either of these things, please sign up on the list outside of Fellowship Hall.

*In conjunction with Peace Sunday, we will host the Pilgrimage for Peace which is making its way from Connecticut to Maine and back. This will take place on Tuesday, October 21st, and we invite you to join us for a pot-luck at 6:00pm and discussion with the walkers about their experiences on the walk and how to promote peace in our world.

*The Pastor-Parish Relations Committee is continuing their survey through November 9th. Please look for the blue sheet to fill in and place in the shoebox marked for the survey at the back of the Sanctuary. Your input is greatly appreciated!

*Centering prayer is peaceful and quiet and it allows us to invite God*s presence and open ourselves to grow in relationship with God. There is a group who meets for Centering prayer on Wednesday mornings at 8:00 am in Fellowship Hall. The prayer time lasts 30 minutes. Anyone is welcome.

*Conversations that strengthen our Faith: Our Bible Study Group meets Wednesdays at 10:00am. The group will be revisiting The Heart of Christianity by Marcus Borg. The Rev. John Schroder continues to guide the group with his thoughtful observations.


*The Northwood Flu Clinic is co-sponsored by the Rochester District VNA and the Harvey Lake Woman*s Club. Again, this year it will be held at the Town Hall on Thursday, October 23rd from 2 to 5 p.m. The charge is $35; however, those holding Medicare (Part B) or Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance will not be charged. Other private insurers providing flu shot coverage can be personally billed by submitting a receipt for fee paid.

*CHANGE A LIFE by PURCHASING UNIQUE GIFTS: Community Church of Durham on 17 Main Street will host a Fair Trade Products Sale on November 1st from 10:00-1:00pm and November 2nd from 11:30-1:00pm. Choose unique products from around the world, while supporting artisans from around the globe!


Sunday** 10:45am
*Confirmation Field Trip
***2:30pm*Rockingham Assoc. Fall Mtng
Tuesday**6:00pm*Pot-Luck & Peace Discussion
***7:30pm*Church Council
Wednesday**8:00am*Centering Prayer
** 10:00am*Bible Study
Thursday**7:00pm*Choir practice
Friday*****Newsletter Deadline

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