
Friday, October 24, 2008


*The Northwood Food Pantry shelves are nearly bare! The Missions Committee is asking the congregation to bring in non- perishable food items during the month of October. A box will be located in Fellowship Hall for your donations. Let*s help re-stock those shelves as the colder weather will soon be here making it even more difficult for so many of our Northwood residents. Many thanks from the Missions Committee!

*The Sunday School Program is looking for one-time help to keep our children safe. Each Sunday there is a Rover in the Sunday School area to be available to assist any teacher and monitor flow of children and anyone else in the area. On Communion Sundays, the children start in Fellowship Hall for a brief service and storytelling. If you could help out by doing either of these things, please sign up on the list outside of Fellowship Hall.

*The Pastor-Parish Relations Committee is continuing their survey through November 9th. Please look for the blue sheet to fill in and place in the shoebox marked for the survey at the back of the Sanctuary. Your input is greatly appreciated!

*Attention all eager hands-on workers! The next church work day is November 1st from 8am to noon.

*On Saturday, November 15th at 1:30pm at the First Congregational Church, Hopkinton, the NH Conference will host a discussion by Bill McKibben on Energy and our Future. Following Bill's talk, there will be an opportunity to gather in affinity groups to discuss and share ideas.

*Centering prayer is peaceful and quiet and it allows us to invite God*s presence and open ourselves to grow in relationship with God. There is a group who meets for Centering prayer on Wednesday mornings at 8:00 am in Fellowship Hall. The prayer time lasts 30 minutes. Anyone is welcome.

*Conversations that strengthen our Faith: Our Bible Study Group meets Wednesdays at 10:00am. The group will be revisiting The Heart of Christianity by Marcus Borg. The Rev. John Schroder continues to guide the group with his thoughtful observations.


*CHANGE A LIFE by PURCHASING UNIQUE GIFTS: Community Church of Durham on 17 Main Street will host a Fair Trade Products Sale on November 1st from 10:00-1:00pm and November 2nd from 11:30-1:00pm. Choose unique products from around the world, while supporting artisans from around the globe!

Sunday** 10:30am*Confirmation
***4:00pm*Book Study Group
Wednesday**8:00am*Centering Prayer
** 10:00am*Bible Study
***7:00pm*Finance Committee
Thursday**7:00pm*Choir practice

Monday, October 20, 2008


*Rev. Gayle will be attending the NH Conference Clergy Convocation Monday to Wednesday but will check the answering machine daily. Please leave a message and she will get back to you.

*A heartfelt thank you for all the gifts both tangible and monetary donated for our Birthday celebration! Your giving helps this wonderful Church survive and thrive!

*The Northwood Food Pantry shelves are nearly bare! The Missions Committee is asking the congregation to bring in non- perishable food items during the month of October. A box will be located in Fellowship Hall for your donations. Let*s help re-stock those shelves as the colder weather will soon be here making it even more difficult for so many of our Northwood residents. Many thanks from the Missions Committee!

*The Sunday School Program is looking for one-time help to keep our children safe. Each Sunday there is a Rover in the Sunday School area to be available to assist any teacher and monitor flow of children and anyone else in the area. On Communion Sundays, the children start in Fellowship Hall for a brief service and storytelling. If you could help out by doing either of these things, please sign up on the list outside of Fellowship Hall.

*In conjunction with Peace Sunday, we will host the Pilgrimage for Peace which is making its way from Connecticut to Maine and back. This will take place on Tuesday, October 21st, and we invite you to join us for a pot-luck at 6:00pm and discussion with the walkers about their experiences on the walk and how to promote peace in our world.

*The Pastor-Parish Relations Committee is continuing their survey through November 9th. Please look for the blue sheet to fill in and place in the shoebox marked for the survey at the back of the Sanctuary. Your input is greatly appreciated!

*Centering prayer is peaceful and quiet and it allows us to invite God*s presence and open ourselves to grow in relationship with God. There is a group who meets for Centering prayer on Wednesday mornings at 8:00 am in Fellowship Hall. The prayer time lasts 30 minutes. Anyone is welcome.

*Conversations that strengthen our Faith: Our Bible Study Group meets Wednesdays at 10:00am. The group will be revisiting The Heart of Christianity by Marcus Borg. The Rev. John Schroder continues to guide the group with his thoughtful observations.


*The Northwood Flu Clinic is co-sponsored by the Rochester District VNA and the Harvey Lake Woman*s Club. Again, this year it will be held at the Town Hall on Thursday, October 23rd from 2 to 5 p.m. The charge is $35; however, those holding Medicare (Part B) or Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance will not be charged. Other private insurers providing flu shot coverage can be personally billed by submitting a receipt for fee paid.

*CHANGE A LIFE by PURCHASING UNIQUE GIFTS: Community Church of Durham on 17 Main Street will host a Fair Trade Products Sale on November 1st from 10:00-1:00pm and November 2nd from 11:30-1:00pm. Choose unique products from around the world, while supporting artisans from around the globe!


Sunday** 10:45am
*Confirmation Field Trip
***2:30pm*Rockingham Assoc. Fall Mtng
Tuesday**6:00pm*Pot-Luck & Peace Discussion
***7:30pm*Church Council
Wednesday**8:00am*Centering Prayer
** 10:00am*Bible Study
Thursday**7:00pm*Choir practice
Friday*****Newsletter Deadline

Friday, October 10, 2008

Week of 10/12/08


*Today (Sunday) is our Church's 20th Birthday! Happy Birthday to us! After worship we will celebrate with cake and ice cream, swapping memories and opening gifts to the church. It is not to late for you to contribute to the celebration by bringing the Church practical birthday gifts like coffee, copy paper and handsoap. A complete "Wish List" is in the newsletter which was mailed out at the end of last week or you can visit the website.
*The Northwood Food Pantry shelves are nearly bare! The Missions Committee is asking the congregation to bring in non- perishable food items during the month of October. A box will be located in Fellowship Hall for your donations. Let's help restock those shelves as the colder weather will soon be here making it even more difficult for so many of our Northwood residents. Many thanks from the Missions Committee!

*The Sunday School Program is looking for one-time help to keep our children safe. Each Sunday there is a Rover in the Sunday School area to be available to assist any teacher and monitor flow of children and anyone else in the area. On Communion Sundays, the children start in Fellowship Hall for a brief service and storytelling. If you could help out by doing either of these things, please sign up on the list outside of Fellowship Hall.

*Next Sunday we will celebrate Peace Sunday, as we try to understand what it means to be the blessed peace-keepers. We will gather around our Peace Pole and sing songs to inspire our "peaceful" selves. In conjunction with Peace Sunday, we will host the Pilgrimage for Peace which is making its way from Connecticut to Maine and back. This will take place on Tuesday, October 21st, and we invite you to join us for a pot-luck at 6:00pm and discussion with the walkers about their experiences on the walk and how to promote peace in our world.

*Rev. Gayle Murphy will be leading a retreat for the NH Conference Women's Fellowship. The retreat will be held on Friday and Saturday, with the theme being "What Does God Require of Women Today."

*Centering prayer is peaceful and quiet and it allows us to invite God*s presence and open ourselves to grow in relationship with God. There is a group who meets for Centering prayer on Wednesday mornings at 8:00 am in Fellowship Hall. The prayer time lasts 30 minutes. Anyone is welcome.

*Conversations that strengthen our Faith: Our Bible Study Group meets Wednesdays at 10:00am. The group will be revisiting The Heart of Christianity by Marcus Borg. The Rev. John Schroder continues to guide the group with his thoughtful observations.

*There will be a number of people walking in the Breast Cancer Walk on October 19th and they are looking for your support! Catey McCann will be collecting donations during coffee hour for the Coe- Brown Lady Bears who will be walking and there are two other sponsorships on the table outside of Fellowship Hall.

*There is a box located at the back of the Sanctuary on the bookcase where you can place hymn requests. If there is a favorite hymn you've been wanting to sing, please let us know!


October 21: Pilgrimage for Peace stops here at Northwood
* Congregational Church. There will be a pot-luck
supper and discussion about peace in our times.
*Centering prayer is peaceful and quiet and it allows us to invite God*s presence and open ourselves to grow in relationship with God. There is a group who meets for Centering prayer on Wednesday mornings at 8:00 am in Fellowship Hall. The prayer time lasts 30 minutes. Anyone is welcome.
*Conversations that strengthen our Faith: Our Bible Study Group meets Wednesdays at 10:00am. The group will be revisiting The Heart of Christianity by Marcus Borg. The Rev. John Schroder continues to guide the group with his thoughtful observations.
*There will be a number of people walking in the Breast Cancer Walk on October 19th and they are looking for your support! Catey McCann will be collecting donations during coffee hour for the Coe- Brown Lady Bears who will be walking and there are two other sponsorships on the table outside of Fellowship Hall.
*There is a box located at the back of the Sanctuary on the bookcase where you can place hymn requests. If there is a favorite hymn you've been wanting to sing, please let us know!


*The Northwood Flu Clinic is co-sponsored by the Rochester District VNA and the Harvey Lake Woman's Club. Again, this year it will be held at the Town Hall on Thursday, October 23rd from 2 to 5 p.m. The charge is $35; however, those holding Medicare (Part B) or Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance will not be charged. Other private insurers providing flu shot coverage can be personally billed by submitting a receipt for fee paid.
*Plymouth Congregational Church is hosting a film series on current issues. After each viewing, there will be a short discussion on the issues highlighted in the film. Admission is free and open to the public. For more information please call 603.536.2626:
Tuesday, October 14 7:00pm* Something the Lord Made ****** (Racism)
Tuesday, November 11 When I Came Home - ******(Fighting for Homeless Vets)
*CHANGE A LIFE by PURCHASING UNIQUE GIFTS: Community Church of Durham on 17 Main Street will host a Fair Trade Products Sale on November 1st from 10:00-1:00pm and November 2nd from 11:30-1:00pm. Choose unique products from around the world, while supporting artisans from around the globe!
Tuesday**7:00pm*Deacons/Finance Committee
Wednesday**8:00am*Centering Prayer
** 10:00am*Bible Study
Thursday**7:00pm*Choir practice

Monday, October 6, 2008

10/5 Announcements


Robin Drown, Richard McGowen, Robin Fraser Oliver,
Hughie, Jimmy Atherton, and Jody battling cancer
In the military: Karen in Iraq,
Laura Gilchrist and Derek in Afghanistan
Peace in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Sudan

*On Communion Sundays, our children have a worship service of their own in Fellowship Hall. At the conclusion, they will go directly to their Sunday School classrooms.
*Next week is our Church's 20th Birthday! Come to worship prepared to celebrate, remember and give thanks for where God has brought this community. After worship we will celebrate with cake and ice cream, swapping memories and opening gifts to the church. You can contribute to the celebration by bringing the Church practical birthday gifts like coffee, copy paper and handsoap. A complete "Wish List" is in the newsletter which was mailed out at the end of last week or you can visit the website.
*The Northwood Food Pantry shelves are nearly bare! The Missions Committee is asking the congregation to bring in non- perishable food items during the month of October. A box will be located in Fellowship Hall for your donations. Let*s help re- stock those shelves as the colder weather will soon be here making it even more difficult for so many of our Northwood residents. Many thanks from the Missions Committee!
*The NH Conference Women's Fellowship will hold a retreat October 17 and 18 in Wolfboro. Gayle Murphy will be the retreat leader, and the theme this year is "What does God require of Women today?" The cost of the retreat is $60.00 for overnight stay and four meals. If you think you might like to go to this retreat, please contact Gayle Murphy. There has been an offer to provide two full scholarships to the Retreat, so please don't let money issues keep you from attending!

*Centering prayer is peaceful and quiet and it allows us to invite God*s presence and open ourselves to grow in relationship with God. There is a group who meets for Centering prayer on Wednesday mornings at 8:00 am in Fellowship Hall. The prayer time lasts 30 minutes. Anyone is welcome.
*Conversations that strengthen our Faith: Our Bible Study Group meets Wednesdays at 10:00am. The group will be revisiting The Heart of Christianity by Marcus Borg. The Rev. John Schroder continues to guide the group with his thoughtful observations.
*There will be a number of people walking in the Breast Cancer Walk and they are looking for your support! Catey McCann will be collecting donations during coffee hour for the Coe- Brown Lady Bears who will be walking and there are two other sponsorships on the table outside of Fellowship Hall.
*There is a box located at the back of the Sanctuary on the bookcase where you can place hymn requests. If there is a favorite hymn you've been wanting to sing, please let us know!


*The Northwood Flu Clinic is co-sponsored by the Rochester District VNA and the Harvey Lake Woman*s Club. Again, this year it will be held at the Town Hall on Thursday, October 23rd from 2 to 5 p.m. The charge is $35; however, those holding Medicare (Part B) or Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance will not be charged. Other private insurers providing flu shot coverage can be personally billed by submitting a receipt for fee paid.


October 12: Church's 20th Birthday Celebration
* Kick-off celebration and planning for future
October 21: Pilgrimage for Peace stops here at Northwood
* Congregational Church. There will be a pot-luck
supper and discussion about peace in our times.

Pastor's Corner

“Happy Birthday to you, happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday, God bless you. Happy Birthday to you.”

The Northwood Congregational Church has its wonderful tradition of placing a penny in the Birthday Angel for every year of our lives at our birthday time. And then we sing this altered version of “Happy Birthday.” At first I wondered at the appropriateness of having this custom be a part of our regular worship. And I know there are some who choose not to share their birthday celebration with us, and that is okay.

But the longer I have been here, I have realized how important that is to so many people in the congregation, the least of which is our children. To share in the celebration of the first birthday of a child we have baptized is a real joy because we celebrate the addition of this life to ours. I am continually amazed at how honest people are in claiming the richness of their forty or fifty plus years of life. And what wonderful words for anyone to hear; we claim for you God’s blessing to be upon you. I now stand firmly in the group that acknowledges the importance of this custom.

On October 12, we will be celebrating not just the birthdays of our congregation members, but the twentieth birthday of the church itself. Two decades of baptisms, weddings, and funerals, worship services and communion, children being born and watching them grow up. You have been led by at least eight pastors, and you have grown from an initial membership of 28 members and associate members to 158 active members at the church’s twentieth birthday.
I find that as I get older, birthdays have become a day to indulge in the things I love to do; to treat myself. And they become a time of reflection and thinking about what I want to do from here. Perhaps that is a good pattern for us on our collective twentieth birthday. Let us indulge in the fellowship of one another, laughing about the things we did together, thankful for the foundation of dedicated people which this church has been built upon. Let us recall the life changing events and the hard work of people to reclaim the historic sanctuary and build a beautiful new addition.

Mixed in with those wonderful memories are also remembrances of loss and conflict and disappointments. No one gets to be twenty years old without those experiences of life as well. As we remember, we must include these memories, for they can become the foundation for the hopes that come from thinking about where we want to grow from here. That is how we become a congregation that learns from both its successes and its disappointments and so can be a church that thrives into its thirties and forties. We must be thinking about ways to include our newer members and finding leadership to build upon what has been done so successfully here. We need to examine how we are serving people outside of the church with both our money and
our talent, for God called the church into being to live out the Gospel for all of God’s people. And we need to challenge this church to provide us with more opportunities to grow in our relationship with God, the foundation of all that we do here.

So happy twentieth birthday, Northwood Congregational Church, United Church of Christ. I am delighted to be counted among the many who call this place their spiritual home. And I count upon God’s continued blessings to be upon us as we negotiate the next twenty years of our live together as sisters and brothers in Christ.


United Church of Christ Women from all of New England will gather in
Burlington, Vermont on March 12, 13, 14, 2010 for their 8th CELEBRATION.
The theme is TOGETHER BUILDING BRIDGES “...a time to break down and a
time to build up...” Ecclesiastes 3:3

In 1980 during he Annual Meeting of the New England Women’s Fellow-
ship Presidents, five women had a dream. That dream was to reach out to
women in the pews, to involve them in learning and sharing about their faith.
The dream was realized in 1982 when the first CELEBRATION, WEAVING THE
FABRIC OF OUR FAITH, took place in Portland, Maine. Over 1,000 women took
part in that event and many looked forward to and participated in similar CELE-
BRATIONS which have been held every four years ever since. Over the years,
this has become an intergenerational event.

tunities for discovering and understanding differences. Topics such as Race, Im-
migration, Sexuality, Economics, Generational Differences and Worship Choices
will be examined. Plan to join us to make new friends and re-establish old ties
with people from New England and beyond. We CELEBRATE our faith, our heri-
tage and our woman-hood, as we pray, sing. Laugh and learn. We invite you to
mark your calendars for March 12, 13, 14, 2010. Be with us to CELEBRATE – to-
gether building bridges!

For more information and to find out who’s going, please call Lucy Silva at

Bible Study

Conversations that strengthen our Faith: Our Bible Study Group meets Wednesdays at
10:00am. The group will be revisiting The Heart of Christianity by Marcus
Borg. The Rev. John Schroder continues to guide the group with his thoughtful observations.

Please Help The Northwood Food Pantry

October’s Mission:
Northwood Food Pantry
Marcia Severance and Patti Blackburn,
Mission Committee

The Northwood Food Pantry shelves are nearly bare!
The Missions Committee is asking the congregation to
bring in non-perishable food items during the month of
October. A box will be located in Fellowship Hall for
your donations. Let’s help restock those shelves as the
colder weather will soon be here making it even more
difficult for so many of our Northwood residents. Many
thanks from the Missions Committee!

Pilgrimage For Peace

On Tuesday, October 21, the church will be hosting people who are on a “Pilgrimage for Peace.” Originating in Connecticut, these people are walking through New England and bringing with them awareness and hope for peace. We will have a pot-luck supper and discussion about peace in our times and house them before they set out for Portsmouth. We will need help with hosting responsibilities and you are invited to walk with them for a ways if you wish.

NCC Turns 20!

On October 12th we will celebrate our Church's 20th Birthday!
Come to worship prepared to celebrate, remember and give thanks
for where God has brought this community. After worship we will
celebrate with cake and ice cream, swapping memories and opening
gifts to the church. There will be an interactive timeline where you
can write in events in our Church’s history! You can contribute to the
celebration by bringing the Church practical birthday gifts like cof-
fee, copy paper, hand soap or cash donations. A complete "Wish List"
is listed below...


*1 box letter-size 1/3-cut file folders
*Throat lozenges, cough drops, “suckies”
*1 box 2” paper clips
*1 pair long blade scissors

CE and General office needs:
*2 door stops
*Portable phone
*1 package 8 1/2x11 pastel paper (assorted colors)
*11x17 (*96 bright) multiuse paper
*8 1/2x11 (*90 bright) 100% recycled copy paper
*Sticky notes (2 7/8in x 2 7/8in)
*1 package of highlighters
*Glue sticks

General needs for kitchen & bathrooms:
*cold cups for juice
*hot cups (not Styrofoam)
*small 6" size plates
*decaf coffee
*white waste basket liners (13gallon) size
*large trash can liners
*dish towels
*liquid soap for hand washing
*paper towels
*Air freshener