
Saturday, September 13, 2008


*Gayle Murphy will be away on study leave this week but will be back for the next Sunday service. The answering machine will be checked daily by the Deacons for any emergencies.
*There will be an informational meeting today about Confirmation after church. We will meet in the basement of the old church building after you grab a cup of coffee.
*There will be a church work day on Saturday, September, 20th from 8-12:30pm. There is plenty of work for all skill levels!
*The Special Offering for the month of September will be donated to the American Red Cross. The mission offering for the month of September will be sent to our local chapter of the American Red Cross. We hope to be able to help defray some of their costs which were incurred as a result of the July 24 tornado. Although Northwood itself was fortunate and escaped the full brunt of the storm, our close neighbors in Epsom and Deerfield experienced much severe devastation.

*Centering prayer is peaceful and quiet and it allows us to invite God*s presence and open ourselves to grow in relationship with God. There is a group who meets for Centering prayer on Wednesday mornings at 8:00 am in Fellowship Hall. The prayer time lasts 30 minutes. Anyone is welcome.
*Conversations that strengthen our Faith: Our Bible Study Group meets Wednesdays at 10:00am. The group will be revisiting "The Heart of Christianity" by Marcus Borg. The Rev. John Schroder continues to guide the group with his thoughtful observations. If anyone from our previous reading with Gayle has a copy they would be willing to lend, please speak to Jean
*There is a box located at the back of the Sanctuary on the bookcase where you can place hymn requests. If there is a favorite hymn you've been wanting to sing, please let us know!
Sunday** 10:30am*Confirmation meeting
Tuesday**7:00pm*Church Council
Wednesday**8:00am*Centering Prayer
** 10:00am*Bible Study
Saturday* 8:30am-12:30pm*Church Work Day

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