
Wednesday, February 2, 2022

February Mission


Greetings! The deep cold and snow of January has us at Northwood Congregational Church dreaming of spring, flowers and gardens! To celebrate the coming of spring, we will hold a Seed Exchange in the Fellowship Hall (lower level of the church) on Sunday, February 13th at 11 a.m.  Bring seeds to share, wear your face masks and for admission, bring an item that's in good condition to help keep the homeless warm. Hope to see you there! 

Sound and Service Updates, Zoom Links to Current and Past Services



*We made some equipment changes for the sound this week and believe the service experience will be much improved.*

 Our service now begins at 9:30 AM. We will be wearing masks and staying in the sanctuary to help maintain social distancing.

You may access past services by using this link:

For this Sunday, you may click on this link to connect by video.

Zoom Call In and ID #:
Meeting ID# 5671566234