
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Food Pantry Donation Suggestions


We are often asked what paper products would be good to donate to the food pantry. Here are a few suggestions:

Toilet paper, paper towels, wet wipes, feminine hygiene products in all sizes.  Also, will you please consider donating ziplock type bags with zippers and new thermal socks in all sizes. If you drop your donations off in the Missions Trunk that is in the lower entrance to Northwood Congregational Church we will get the paper and plastic products to the food pantry and the socks to a nearby homeless shelter.


Thank you for anything you can do to help.

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Christmas Eve Services

Please join us and help celebrate the holiday season. 

Northwood Congregational Church
881 1st NH Tnpk. Northwood
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
5:00 PM

We will have Joyful Ringers Bell Choir, Violin and Choir Music.
The offering for Christmas Eve will be donated to the Concord Resource Center For The Homeless

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Vendor Opportunites for 2021 Strawberry Fest


It's official! Vendors are invited to set up tables at Northwood Congregational Church's Strawberry Festival on June 26, 2021. The festival runs from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. Please message Shelley Hope Frost for a table space reservation form. $20 per space. Please join us!!

Upward - Outreach Opportunity


Hey, folks - here's an opportunity to help the homeless and rid yourself of tents, clean sleeping bags, blankets, bicycles in working condition for adults, and bug spray. The Northwood Congregational Church wishes to help the Laconia-area group called Upward - Outreach to fill this known need. They set up in the downtown area, where a church offers them space, and they spend time handing out items, showing a servant heart and being with the people judgement free.   If you have any donations to share, please private-message Shelley Hope Frost to arrange a drop-off.


Thursday, May 20, 2021

2021 Strawberry Festival


This years Strawberry Festival is scheduled for June 26th. More details to come soon!

Our Church's Wider Mission Message


What does your stewardship mean in terms of helping the world? Through Northwood Congregational Church's annual donation to the UCC Our Church's Wider Mission, our mission extends to Africa (microcredit, scholarships to theological and medical students), Laos (where our donations train youth services staff in an area prone to child trafficking), mission trips within the US and so much more.Together we are stronger, our reach is wider and our commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ is deeper.

Study the image below, or search 'UCC' and  'Our Church's Wider Mission to learn more!

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Honey Bees Outdoor Concert - Saturday, June 5th


Honey Bees Outdoor Concert, Saturday June 5 at Northwood Congregational Church

2:00 - 3:30 PM


Hear the sweet buzz of the Honey Bees Trio! 1930’s era Jazz, Folk-Rock and oddball Americana, the Bees mix it all up with flair and fun. Standards and old favorites are equally delivered with the original music of chanteuse Mary Fagan, who also keeps time and tone on her acoustic guitar. Guitarist Chris O’Neill colors the nectar with sassy chording on a hollow-body jazzbox and nimble runs on the Fender Telecaster. Holding it down low on the “big” bass, Jock Irvine keeps it cool and swinging while enhancing the mix with casual back up vocals. They will perform a special selection of songs Fit for guests and families at the Church.

Suggested donation $15.00 per adult
If you prefer Venmo, please pay Northwood Congregational @NCCGiving with a note "Honey Bees"

Bring a lawn chair or enjoy from your car!

Rain date Sunday June 6

Saturday, April 3, 2021

For our (this year virtual) Sunrise Easter Service

 Since we are still worshipping from our homes (or our phones), we have prepared tomorrow's sunrise service ahead of time so you can enjoy it wherever you may be. Feel free to share the link!

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Easter Service Information and Zoom Link

Please join us for our Easter Service at 9AM this Sunday, April 4th.

You may use this link to connect with us:

Remember all are welcome here!

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Maundy Thursday

We are having a combined Maundy Service with North Barnstead Church.

Here is the link and time for that service. 

The Congregational Church of North Barnstead is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Apr 1, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 859 038 9911
Passcode: CCNB

Find your local number:

Good Friday Walk on Portsmouth Black Heritage Trail


Friday, April 2 | 12:00 PM | Zoom


Good Friday Walk on Portsmouth Black Heritage Trail

Now in its fourth year, the Good Friday symbolic walk of selected sites on the Portsmouth Black Heritage Trail is a partnership between the Black Heritage Trail of NH and St. John’s Episcopal Church.  By illuminating fourteen stories of forgotten Africans the Good Friday walk helps to bring understanding and appreciation to our shared history.

Register Here:

Thursday, March 4, 2021


           Please join us every Wednesday from 4:30 - 5:30

Wake Up! Wednesdays for Justice!

Please come and witness for Justice.


Every Wednesday, 4:30 - 5:30 pm

Northwood Congregational Church 

881 First NH Turnpike

Northwood, NH 03261

We gather, socially distanced and with face masks, in front of the church along Route 4/202/9, to show our love and support of all oppressed people.
Wake Up Wednesday for Justice will meet 4:30 - 5:30 in front of the Church. Please join as an action for God's love for Justice. Read Micah 6:8.

 Please feel free to contact Tara at if you have any questions.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Ash Wednesday of God


Ash Wednesday of God 

February 17, 2021 



 Ash Wednesday is the beginning of our Lent season.   Ashes represent penance and that we as people of God have committed sin and have caused division between ourselves and God. Lent season is our time to repent and be reconciled to God and one another as well as move toward restorations and reparations that honor God in building the Kingdom/Sacred Beloved family the way God intends us to be. 

This Wednesday, Feb. 17, is Ash Wednesday. We will be joining with the North Barnstead Community Church at 7pm for an Ash Wednesday Virtual Service.  
 The Northwood church members are encouraged to join CCNB for this time of reflection. Join the 7 pm service with this link:
(this is the regular CCNB worship link - you may also enter through the worship link on our website at

I look forward to seeing you at the service.  Book study is cancelled for tomorrow night. We will resume next Wednesday, Feb 24th. 

We take the palm leaves from last years Palm Sunday.   We burn the palm leaves and mix them with vegetable oil and place it our forehead in the shape of a cross to remind ourselves from dust we came and dust we shall return. 

If you do not have access to palm leaves from last year, you may use napkins, plain paper or newspaper to burn and mix with vegetable oil. 

We will be joining with The North Barnstead Community Church at 7pm for an Ash Wednesday Virtual Service. 

Blessings of time of reflection during this Lent season, 


Pastor Renee’ 






Thursday, January 28, 2021

Prayers for our President and Nation


Join us on Wednesdays as we pray on Zoom 3:30-4:00 for our President and Nation. Send your prayers to Pastor Renee' via email or text.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

2021 Epiphany Arts Festival


Northwood Congregational Church

Epiphany Arts Festival January 6 through February 14

Northwood Congregational Church


The Northwood Congregational Church Epiphany Arts Festival for2021 is back by popular demand. But this year, due to COVID safety concerns, we will be celebrating it online!


The Epiphany Arts visual and performance arts festival will be displayed on Facebook. We will also put together a video which will combine all of our photos and videos that friends and family members of our congregation send us.


Epiphany is also known as Three Kings Day and commemorates the day that the three kings arrived at the birthplace of baby Jesus after having followed the star in the Eastern sky for many days. They showered the infant Jesus with the gifts they had bought, gold and frankincense and myrrh and so we, to honor the occasion and celebrate the season of Epiphany, will showcase the artistic gifts of our church family including but not limited to: photographs, sculpture, paintings, poetry, jewelry, drawings, wood work, pottery, calligraphy, needlework, knitting, quilting etc.


To enhance the Epiphany Arts Festival, the church is also accepting videos in place of the annual coffee house gathering that we have had for several years.  Church family and friends can share their gifts of music and writing by recording those performances and sending a video. 


Please send all photos or art work and videos of songs or spoken performances to Chris Kofer, cell phone 603-234-2270, email Please email the photos. The videos will need to be sent through either Google Drive or another way after discussing it with Chris.


Please read, view and listen to what we have so far, enjoy!


Thank you!