
Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Ash Wednesday of God


Ash Wednesday of God 

February 17, 2021 



 Ash Wednesday is the beginning of our Lent season.   Ashes represent penance and that we as people of God have committed sin and have caused division between ourselves and God. Lent season is our time to repent and be reconciled to God and one another as well as move toward restorations and reparations that honor God in building the Kingdom/Sacred Beloved family the way God intends us to be. 

This Wednesday, Feb. 17, is Ash Wednesday. We will be joining with the North Barnstead Community Church at 7pm for an Ash Wednesday Virtual Service.  
 The Northwood church members are encouraged to join CCNB for this time of reflection. Join the 7 pm service with this link:
(this is the regular CCNB worship link - you may also enter through the worship link on our website at

I look forward to seeing you at the service.  Book study is cancelled for tomorrow night. We will resume next Wednesday, Feb 24th. 

We take the palm leaves from last years Palm Sunday.   We burn the palm leaves and mix them with vegetable oil and place it our forehead in the shape of a cross to remind ourselves from dust we came and dust we shall return. 

If you do not have access to palm leaves from last year, you may use napkins, plain paper or newspaper to burn and mix with vegetable oil. 

We will be joining with The North Barnstead Community Church at 7pm for an Ash Wednesday Virtual Service. 

Blessings of time of reflection during this Lent season, 


Pastor Renee’