
Thursday, December 10, 2020

NCC Christmas Baked Goods Sale

Order by: Thursday, December 17 at 8 pm
by emailing
Please include your phone number in your email

Curbside pickup: 11 am - 2 pm on Saturday December 19
881 1st NH Turnpike, Northwood NH
Bring exact cash, a check made to Northwood Congregational Church, or Venmo “Northwood Congregational” (@NCCGiving)

Items for Sale - $10 each
1) Pumpkin Pie (9 inch)
2) Apple Crumble Pie (9 inch)
3) Pumpkin Bread
4) Cranberry Orange Nut Bread
5) Box of Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies
6) Box of Assorted Christmas Cookies
7) Box of Gluten/Dairy–Free Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies

Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Service

5:00 - 5:30 PM
Northwood Congregational Church
Outside Service

You and yours are invited to an informal, socially distanced, masks required Christmas Eve service.
Come hear traditional carols and the Christmas story. Battery operated candles will be provided. We will be in 4 groups in front of the church with creche and fire pit.
We will be taking an offering with 25% going to the Northwood Food Pantry and 75% going to the Homeless Center in Concord.
Please come join us during this Christmas season.

Pastor Reneé Rouse

Thursday, November 19, 2020



For this Sunday, you may click on this link to connect by video.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Thank you to Angelview Realty who recently made a donation to our church after the sale of a property in Northwood. Click the link below to be taken to their website and more information about their donation program.

Boot and sock collection campaign update

The boot and socks campaign was a huge success! We received $155 in monetary donations that Mary Ann Waring used to buy 45 pair of men's thermal socks and 25 pairs of women's winter socks. Amy Lindsay delivered about 4 dozen pairs of shoes and boots for children, women, and men, split between two homeless shelters, one in Concord and one in Manchester. Several pairs of socks were also placed in the boxes and delivered. THANK YOU to everyone who donated!

Gift Card Fundraiser


Gift Cards for Christmas

The holidays are coming! Please consider helping the church with a major fundraiser.  What could be easier? Purchase cards from the church for expenses and gifts you are already budgeting for. The more gift cards we order, the more money the church receives.  You receive the dollar amount that you purchase, and the church receives a percentage of the order. Peggy Kofer will be taking orders over the next two weeks.  Please email her at

Christmas By Design Fair

The annual Christmas By Design fair at the Northwood Congregational Church will not be held this year due to COVID-19. We are, however, selling beautiful hand-made Christmas Greens on Sunday, December 6 from 10:30 AM to 1PM.

Order and prepay online on Venmo or PayPal (Northwood Congregational@NCCgiving) , please put in the notation what you are ordering Greens #1: Wall Hanging, Greens #2: Potted Greens, Greens #3: Centerpiece with Candle. Please order by email by Friday night December 4. Either pay through Venmo or Paypal or bring a check made to Northwood Congregational Church or bring cash – exact change please on Sunday.
The cost is $15 for each green that you order
Pick up your Christmas Green(s) via curbside pickup on
Sunday December 6, 10:30 am – 1:00 pm
Northwood Congregational Church
881 First NH Tnpk (next to Coe Brown)

A Time of Prayer, Relaxation and Healing


A Time of Prayer, Relaxation and Healing
Sponsored by Northwood Congregational Church

Tired of worrying about stuff, rushing from one thing to another, can’t sleep, have you tried connecting with the beats of the African drums? 
You are invited to come and just connect your heart and spirit with God and the beats of the drums to calm your mind, body and spirit.
Join us on zoom for a time of prayer, relaxation and healing thru the drum beats provided by the New Hope Fellowship Drummers of Nashua, NH.  All you have to do is connect and listen and be open.  Allow the beats of the drums to connect with your heart and spirit, and allow your mind at rest.
Drum beats have healed the spirit and relaxed the mind for centuries.  We all need to set aside time to do just that.  Hope to see you there.  All are welcome here. Pastor Renee’ Rouse.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Beats of the Bible


                "The Beats of The Bible"

                            Multi-generational class
                             All ages are welcome
                                Begins 11/14/2020
Teachers - Anna Carlson and Pastor Renee'

Come learn how to play African drums while learning Scripture on ZOOM.

Time:  3:30-4:30

Drums will be provided and made available for pick up at the church.

Contact Pastor Renee with questions via email or phone 820-6590.


Wake Up! Wednesday for Justice will not be meeting on November 4th. Please meet us when we resume November 11th at our NEW TIME of 3:30 - 4:30. We hope to see you then!

           Don't forget to turn back your clocks one hour this weekend!

Looking for ways to donate to Northwood                       Congregational Church?

Checks can be made out to Northwood Congregational Church with “Birthday” on the memo line and dropped in our offering plate on Sunday mornings at 9am, or mailed to P. O. Box 65, Northwood, NH 03261. 
You may also contribute by using PayPal — after logging in use email to make your pledge. Please include “Birthday” in the memo field.
Venmo is also available with the account name Northwood Congregational@NCCGiving. Please include “Birthday” in the comment field.
We appreciate your continued support and prayers.

Thursday, September 17, 2020


Let's celebrate Fall with a Socially Distant Apple Festival
Proudly brought to you by Northwood Congregational Church
and Friends of the Chesley Memorial Library
Saturday October 3rd, 2020
Library Book Sale inside Fellowship Hall (masks are mandatory inside) 9 - 3
Apple Item Bake Sale 9-3
Bring a chair or sit in your car to enjoy music outside by the trio She Gone 12:30 -2:30
Cider Making Demonstration 12:00 -3:00
Cider / Mulled Cider $1 per cup
Drive-Up Apple Crisp with ice cream or whipped cream 12:00 -3:00
$5 per adult / $4 kids 12 and under
In addition, we are collecting new socks and gently used shoes and walking boots for homeless children, men and women. Please bring new socks and gently used shoes and boots to support our monthly mission.

Thank you to Appleview Orchards in Pittsfield NH.
Please bring a check made to Northwood Congregational Church or cash – exact change please.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

                                                 Everyone is welcome here!

Please join us at Northwood Congregational Church on Sunday for a socially-distanced outdoor service which begins at 9AM or through our Zoom link
Call In and ID #:
Meeting ID 5671566234
Security Code 088543

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Wake Up! Wednesdays for Justice!


Wake Up! Wednesdays for Justice!

Every Wednesday, 4:30-5-30 pm

Northwood Congregational Church 

881 First NH Turnpike

Northwood, NH 03261

We gather, socially distanced and with face masks, in front of the church along Route 4/202/9, to show our love and support of all oppressed people. Currently we are focused on the oppression and killing of African American people and other people of color. We have some signs but feel free to bring your own as well. Please join us even if you can only make it for 10 or 15 minutes. Any time is appreciated. We are hoping this small gesture exhibited by a small Christian church will help to open minds to the on-going problem of systemic racism in our country. We are also hoping our continued efforts will help bring about permanent change such that one day we can proclaim that in the USA, All Lives Really Do Matter! Please feel free to contact Tara at if you have any questions.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Join Us!!

Please join us at Northwood Congregational Church! We are holding outdoor, socially-distanced services from the comfort of your car or through Zoom via online or phone.

For this Sunday, you may click on this link to connect by video.

Zoom Call In and ID #:
Meeting ID 5671566234
Security Code 088543

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Drive-Up Ham and Bean Dinner - Saturday August 8th 4:00 - 6:30

Drive-Up Ham and Bean Dinner
Northwood Congregational Church
881 1st NH Turnpike
Northwood, NH

Adults $10 per person / $5 kids under 12
Drinks will be available for $1 each

Join us on Saturday, August 8th from 4:00 - 6:30 for our delicious ham & bean dinner!

We will be serving a generous portion of ham and homemade baked beans, coleslaw, cornbread and blueberry cake for dessert. There will also be live music provided by Cecil Abels and Lindsay Lassonde.

In keeping with social distancing guidelines, we ask that when you arrive to pick up your meals please stay in your car and one of our friendly church members will come to your car to assist you. Please bring exact change. We are also offering the opportunity to pre-order online at

As an added bonus we will also be selling quarts of fresh blueberries for $5 per quart.

THANK YOU for your support and we hope to see you August 8th!

Friday, July 17, 2020

Wake Up! Wednesdays for Justice!

Wake Up! Wednesdays for Justice!
Every Wednesday, 4:30-5-30 pm
Northwood Congregational Church

881 First NH Turnpike
Northwood, NH 03261

We gather, socially distanced and with face masks, in front of the church along Route 4/202/9, to show our love and support of all oppressed people. Currently we are focused on the oppression and killing of African American people and other people of color. We have some signs but feel free to bring your own as well. We are hoping this small gesture exhibited by a small Christian church will help to open minds to the on-going problem of systemic racism in our country. We are also hoping our continued efforts will help bring about permanent change such that one day we can proclaim that in the USA, All Lives Really Do Matter! Please feel free to contact Tara at if you have any questions.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Wake Up! Wednesdays for Justice!

Wake Up! Wednesdays for Justice!
Every Wednesday, 4:30-5-30 pm
Northwood Congregational Church 
881 First NH Turnpike
Northwood, NH 03261

We gather, socially distanced and with face masks, in front of the church along Route 4/202/9, to show our love and support of all oppressed people. Currently we are focused on the oppression and killing of African American people and other people of color. We have some signs but feel free to bring your own as well. We are hoping this small gesture exhibited by a small Christian church will help to open minds to the on-going problem of systemic racism in our country. We are also hoping our continued efforts will help bring about permanent change such that one day we can proclaim that in the USA, All Lives Really Do Matter! Please feel free to contact Tara at if you have any questions.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

We will be having outdoor service once again this Sunday. If you are attending, please bring a lawn chair and a mask. Please distance your family units at least six feet away from other families. If you choose, you could enjoy the service in your car near the tent. If you feel more comfortable or should not attend this live service in person, we will continue to hold the services on Zoom. 
For this Sunday, please use the following web address to connect by video.

Zoom Call In and ID #:
Meeting ID 5671566234
Security Code 088543

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Drive-Up Strawberries and Shortcakes

Saturday, June 27th 11am – 1pm
Northwood Congregational Church
881 First NH Tnpk (next to Coe Brown)

$7/quart for fresh strawberries
$5 for each shortcake
Order and pre-pay online on Venmo (Northwood Congregational@NCCgiving), please put in the notation what you are ordering  OR
Order by email by Friday night and bring a check made to Northwood Congregational Church or cash – exact change please on Saturday.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Additional Ways To Send Pledges

We now have PayPay and Venmo to send in your pledges. For PayPal use after logging in. For Venmo use Northwood Congregational@nccgiving. Or you can still send in your pledges to Northwood Congregational Church  PO Box 65  Northwood NH 03261. Thank You!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Welcome to Northwood Congregational Church!
Everyone Is Welcome Here!

We have moved all of our services to an online format using Zoom. Please click the link or use the call in information below to access our Sunday Services at 9AM. We look forward to seeing you!

Zoom Call In and ID #:
Meeting ID 5671566234
Security Code 088543

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Link to Palm Sunday Service

Please click on this link to be connected to our Palm Sunday service this Sunday, April 5th at 9AM. You may also call in at 1-929-205-6099, use Meeting ID 5671566234.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

End 68 Hours Of Hunger Dropoff

At the entrance to the lower part of our church there is a place where you may donate non-perishable food goods that will be distributed within our community by End 68 Hours Of Hunger. Current needs:

  • Peanut Butter
  • Pasta
  • Pasta Sauce
  • Tuna
  • Snacks
  • Soups
  • Individual meals

These are being distributed to 40 different students right now. Thanks everybody!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

To Lift Your Spirits and Give You Direction For Next Week

Stained Glass Window, Mark 10, Luke 18

Hello friends:

Pastor Renee is on vacation and will not be doing a remote service on Sunday. 
I hope the following two articles may lift your spirits and give you direction for the next week. 
Praying for each of you and for our world that we look and lean on our Savior in all days and all ways. 
Until we meet again, God bless

Margie Nickerson

What can we do to encourage, support, and love each other? Click on the link below for 4 practical ideas: 

Credit: You Version

                                Hints To Study Scripture While At Home


For years I have approached the Bible, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. I go into each chapter on four different roads. The more ways you enter, the more you see. Road one: What does the chapter say? Here I stop and write a summary in my own words. Road two: What does it say that I don’t understand? Here I stop and write down the problems and difficulties. Road three: What does it say in other portions of Scripture? Here is where I cross-reference the verses in the chapter. The Bible is its own best commentary, so I want to throw the light of the rest of Scripture on the passage I’m studying. Road four: What does it say to me? Here is where I pray over the passage and write out a personal application God has shown me for my own life. And then I seek to do it.
I encourage you to make the Bible a personal message from the heart of God to you.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Meditation For Sunday, March 15, 2020

Meditation for Sunday morning 3/15/2020

As Lent is the time for greater love, listen to Jesus' thirst...'Repent and believe' Jesus tells us. What are we to repent? Our indifference, our hardness of heart. What are we to believe? Jesus thirsts even now, in your heart and in the poor -- He knows your weakness. He wants only your love, wants only the chance to love you.

Embrace, Meditate, Breathe in The Spirit of God!  Take several deep breaths and let them out as you prepare yourself to worship God.
Sing Amazing Grace or any song that bring you close to the Lord, or calms your spirit
Prayer of Confession
God of mercy, hear the prayers of your thirsting people.
For every time we have attributed your miracles in our lives
to our own hands alone,
Forgive us, we pray.
For every time we promised to trust you but turned to our own way
when your response did not come soon enough
or in the way we expected,
Grant us mercy, O God.
For the many opportunities to extend forgiveness
that we have refused,
Show us what it means to love, again, dear Lord.
For each way we put our own understandings above your wisdom,
For each time we resist your command to be reconciled with those
who believe differently from us,
Direct us in the way of peace, we pray.
For our silent sins, our quiet acts of violence,
and our indifference to the suffering round us,
Forgive us, Loving One, and quench our thirst with your grace;
Remake us into vessels of tenderness and compassion.
For Christ’s sake we pray.  Amen. And Jesus taught us to pray. . . Our Father. . .

Scripture:  Psalm 95 As you read, here are some questions to consider:
1. What action does the writer ask of the reader?
2. How is God described by the writer?
3. How does the writer describe the people of God?
4. What is the warning the writer warns the people about?
5. Are you thirsty for healing, wholeness in your spirit? Sing, shout to the Lord, receive a new gift of restoration of compassion through forgiveness.

Gracious Lord, I am so thankful for Your love.  So thankful, You love me in spite of my failings and feelings. You have promised to walk with me and never to leave me.  I want to be used by You as an instrument of Your peace, love, forgiveness, mercy and kindness everywhere I go.  Spirit of the Living God fall afresh on me. Amen

Go now out into your day with courage and love filled with more of God than you had yesterday and love more.

Our condolences for Sam Kelley and family as Ann passed this past Thursday. 
Continued prayer for Peggy Kofer as she recovers from surgery. Continued prayers for Spencer and Ruth Bencal. Pray for all in our state impacted by the Coronavirus.  Prisoners and their families, Military abroad and their families, our first responders and their families.  All thoses traveling.
Our students coming home from college early, our students who are out of school over the next two weeks who are food insecure in Northwood and our surrounding communities.
All those living in Nursing home facilities and our mentally ill facilities.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

                                                     Black History Celebration                                                              
We will be hosting a Black History Month Celebration on Saturday, February 15th from 3-5 pm. Refreshments will be served. Join us for a Celebration of Freedom thru music, poetry and art. Come hear  musicians and drummer ensembles play to engage us and remind us of "Freedom". Come hear Poetry read and see Art that moves our hearts to why "Freedom"  matters. A special thanks to the following local businesses for their contributions to help make this program free to the public:
Northwood Veterinary Hospital, Hugh Davis DMV
Saddleback Pet Services, Northwood
AMI Graphics, Strafford
Ma's Cafe, Deerfield

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

In, Ash Wednesday, Post, Ash, Repentance

Ash Wednesday
 “Ashes To Go”                                                                          Pastor Reneé will be available to provide ashes and blessings on Wednesday, February 26 from 7 - 8:30 AM. Please note this is not a full service.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Epiphany Art Festival 2020

 The Epiphany Arts Festival has returned! It will run through and be taken down directly after worship service on Sunday, February 23rd, three days before Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent.