
Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Beats of the Bible


                "The Beats of The Bible"

                            Multi-generational class
                             All ages are welcome
                                Begins 11/14/2020
Teachers - Anna Carlson and Pastor Renee'

Come learn how to play African drums while learning Scripture on ZOOM.

Time:  3:30-4:30

Drums will be provided and made available for pick up at the church.

Contact Pastor Renee with questions via email or phone 820-6590.


Wake Up! Wednesday for Justice will not be meeting on November 4th. Please meet us when we resume November 11th at our NEW TIME of 3:30 - 4:30. We hope to see you then!

           Don't forget to turn back your clocks one hour this weekend!

Looking for ways to donate to Northwood                       Congregational Church?

Checks can be made out to Northwood Congregational Church with “Birthday” on the memo line and dropped in our offering plate on Sunday mornings at 9am, or mailed to P. O. Box 65, Northwood, NH 03261. 
You may also contribute by using PayPal — after logging in use email to make your pledge. Please include “Birthday” in the memo field.
Venmo is also available with the account name Northwood Congregational@NCCGiving. Please include “Birthday” in the comment field.
We appreciate your continued support and prayers.