881 First NH Turnpike, Northwood, NH 03261 603.942.7116. Our regular worship is Sunday at 9:30am.
Sunday, December 17, 2017
Christmas Celebrations 2017
This year Christmas falls on a Sunday so here's what we have in store
Christmas Eve ~ December 24
Monday, October 16, 2017
Concert: Joyce Andersen and Harvey Reid
Northwood Congregational Church, 881 First NH Turnpike, Northwood NH
Joyce Andersen and Harvey Reid, Sunday November 19, 4:00 - 6:00 pm
Suggested donation $12.00 / children 12 & under free
After 20 years as a fiddle sideman and singer-songwriter, playing in bluegrass, country, rock, celtic, jazz and folk ensembles, Joyce Andersen has boldly created a new body of music and a new musical standard for the unaccompanied fiddle troubadour. A reviewer said her solo CD “SWERVE” will "forever alter your perception of the violin." Most recently she has been on a songwriting tear and several choirs, including Voices from the Heart, are performing her uplifting songs.
Acoustic Guitar magazine called Harvey Reid "...one of the true treasures of American acoustic music, and one of his 32 recordings was the only album in the last 25 years to be selected in a list of Top 10 Folk CD's of all time. Guitar Player Magazine put him on their "desert island" CD list. He was the national fingerpicking champion and international autoharp winner, and Doc Watson took him to lunch to ask him how he played the 6-string banjo. Reid's songs have been recorded by dozens of artists, and after 35 years he is one of the most respected and versatile songwriters and acoustic players on the scene.
Andersen and Reid will play solo sets and perform together, and will keep you on the edge of your seats with a special uplifting Sunday repertoire of old gospel songs, new spirituals and any other songs they see fit to play that fit into the spirit of the day. Expect slide guitar, dazzling fiddle, razor-sharp duet harmonies, guitar instrumentals, down-home bluegrass, and some rousing sing-a-longs.
Any questions, please call Peggy Kofer at 603-608-8627 or e-mail at PeggyKofer@gmail.com
Christmas By Design Fair
The Northwood Congregational Church, UCC will be hosting their annual Christmas By Design Fair on Saturday, November 4 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Popovers (fresh and hot from the oven) will be available all day and a variety of homemade soups and bread will be available for lunch. The fair will also have a Thanksgiving & Christmas table of hand crafted and gently used items; second time around jewelry table; raffle baskets; Dominican Republic coffee and vanilla; SERRV, Heifer International, and Operation Christmas Child tables; bake sale; houseplants; silent auction; and several local craftspeople offering a variety of hand/homemade items.
Enjoy a FREE cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate while you browse our entire first floor of table offerings. The church is located next to Coe-Brown Northwood Academy, 881 First NH Turnpike/Route 4, we hope you will join us on November 4 for some fun and unique shopping!
Friday, August 18, 2017
10th Annual NH Fisher Cats "Faith and Family Night"
10th Annual NH Fisher Cats
"Faith and Family Night"
Saturday, August 19, 2017
All are welcome to join us as we venture out on our 10th annual NH Fisher Cats "Faith & Family Night" ball game on Saturday, 8/19/17, at 5:30pm. We will meet several Fisher Cat players to hear about their faith journey and also learn from the ballpark Chaplin how ministry is an integral part of the team.
Then at 7:05pm the game begins and we'll enjoy live music, traditional ballpark food and snacks, as well as meaningful fellowship. This event is open to all, so please bring friends, family, neighbors, and others.
A group will leave Northwood Congregational Church at 4:30pm to commute together, or you can meet us at the gate by 5:30pm. You're also welcome to join for any part of the game if you're not able to join us earlier. Please contact Michael Magoon to reserve your tickets ($10 per ticket) and if you'd like to meet us there, arrangements can easily be made.
Michael Magoon
603-608-5444 (cell/text)
Sunday, July 2, 2017
Book Study - The Great Spiritual Migration
Book Study – July 13, 20, 27
Thursday evenings 6:30 – 7:30 PM
The Book: The Great Spiritual Migration by Brian McLaren.
The book describes Christians as people on the move and describes some of the movement that is occurring in churches in our time. The book offers some insight into ways to talk about our church and who we are. It is easy reading and is full of good stories as well as good insights.
The book is available through Amazon (Approx. $ 10.) Art Urie has some special purchase copies that can be had for $ 5/each while the supply lasts. Grab a copy and come join us for some good conversation.
The book describes Christians as people on the move and describes some of the movement that is occurring in churches in our time. The book offers some insight into ways to talk about our church and who we are. It is easy reading and is full of good stories as well as good insights.
The book is available through Amazon (Approx. $ 10.) Art Urie has some special purchase copies that can be had for $ 5/each while the supply lasts. Grab a copy and come join us for some good conversation.
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Strawberry Fest 2017 | Northwood NH
It's that time of year again!
Saturday June 24, 8am - 2pm
Saturday June 24, 8am - 2pm
Come join us for breakfast, lunch, and music.
And of course we'll have our big rummage sale under the tent. All are welcome!
And of course we'll have our big rummage sale under the tent. All are welcome!
Monday, April 10, 2017
The final steps in the journey through Lent
Maundy Thursday Service, 7pm in the Vestry on Thursday April 13. This is a quiet service of readings, Communion and music. The moving and meaningful Tenebrae service centers on eight readers who tell the story of Jesus' Last Supper, amid plants symbolizing the Garden of Gethsemane, with solemn music, as we feel the darkness descend. We will leave at the end of the service in silence.
On Good Friday, the Fellowship Hall will be open for meditation and prayer from 3pm until 5pm.
On Easter Sunday we celebrate with two services.
- At 7am we celebrate on the shore of Harvey Lake behind the Church for our Sunrise Service.
- At 8am, we join for breakfast in the the Fellowship Hall which is open to all.
- Then, at 9am, we have a joyful service in the Sanctuary.
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Our upcoming "service service" January 29
Last year we decided that on the last Sunday of the months that have five Sundays we would dedicate most of our worship time to community-enhancing projects. We call those Sundays our "service service" days.
What better way to bring and Ring in the New Year than to celebrate our community service ethic that we hold near and dear at our Church with a Heart.
We will gather here Sunday, January 29th at 9 am with a 2-fold project.
Firstly, we ask that you bring 42 of something “treaty” A Peace Treaty if you will! Cookies, candies, nuts, etc. We’ll put 6 each in 7 baskets. We will assemble them for our town service workers with a note of appreciation for keeping Northwood Safe and Sound. We will make up cards of thanks and then deliver to the Police and Fire Dept. (the weekday workers such as the 2 schools, library, town offices, Transportation Dept. who keep our roads safe and secure will be delivered on Monday by volunteers).
Secondly, we will assemble Blessing Bags to have on hand for homeless and underserved. Think of bringing items to put in the bags, pondering what you might need if you had nothing or little? Some things that come to mind are warm socks, flashlights , hand warmers, gift cards for groceries (you can purchase through the church for a win win), water bottles, granola bars, toiletries, and other useful items. The list is endless and whatever comes we will use and bless them in prayer.
We will accept donations for those who can’t be there that day towards supplies. There will be a small blue crate outside Rev. Teri’s office. Please contact Priscilla Merrill with any questions: prispunnyfnp@metrocast.net
What better way to bring and Ring in the New Year than to celebrate our community service ethic that we hold near and dear at our Church with a Heart.
We will gather here Sunday, January 29th at 9 am with a 2-fold project.
Firstly, we ask that you bring 42 of something “treaty” A Peace Treaty if you will! Cookies, candies, nuts, etc. We’ll put 6 each in 7 baskets. We will assemble them for our town service workers with a note of appreciation for keeping Northwood Safe and Sound. We will make up cards of thanks and then deliver to the Police and Fire Dept. (the weekday workers such as the 2 schools, library, town offices, Transportation Dept. who keep our roads safe and secure will be delivered on Monday by volunteers).
Secondly, we will assemble Blessing Bags to have on hand for homeless and underserved. Think of bringing items to put in the bags, pondering what you might need if you had nothing or little? Some things that come to mind are warm socks, flashlights , hand warmers, gift cards for groceries (you can purchase through the church for a win win), water bottles, granola bars, toiletries, and other useful items. The list is endless and whatever comes we will use and bless them in prayer.
We will accept donations for those who can’t be there that day towards supplies. There will be a small blue crate outside Rev. Teri’s office. Please contact Priscilla Merrill with any questions: prispunnyfnp@metrocast.net