
Friday, August 18, 2017

10th Annual NH Fisher Cats "Faith and Family Night"

10th Annual NH Fisher Cats
"Faith and Family Night"
Saturday, August 19, 2017

All are welcome to join us as we venture out on our 10th annual NH Fisher Cats "Faith & Family Night" ball game on Saturday, 8/19/17, at 5:30pm. We will meet several Fisher Cat players to hear about their faith journey and also learn from the ballpark Chaplin how ministry is an integral part of the team.

Then at 7:05pm the game begins and we'll enjoy live music, traditional ballpark food and snacks, as well as meaningful fellowship. This event is open to all, so please bring friends, family, neighbors, and others.

A group will leave Northwood Congregational Church at 4:30pm to commute together, or you can meet us at the gate by 5:30pm. You're also welcome to join for any part of the game if you're not able to join us earlier. Please contact Michael Magoon
 to reserve your tickets ($10 per ticket) and if you'd like to meet us there, arrangements can easily be made.

Michael Magoon
603-608-5444 (cell/text)