
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Our upcoming "service service" January 29

Last year we decided that on the last Sunday of the months that have five Sundays we would dedicate most of our worship time to community-enhancing projects. We call those Sundays our "service service" days.

What better way to bring and Ring in the New Year than to celebrate our community service ethic that we hold near and dear at our Church with a Heart.

We will gather here Sunday, January 29th at 9 am with a 2-fold project.

Firstly, we ask that you bring 42 of something “treaty”  A Peace Treaty if you will!  Cookies, candies, nuts, etc.  We’ll put 6 each in 7 baskets.  We will assemble them for our town service workers with a note of appreciation for keeping Northwood Safe and Sound.  We will make up cards of thanks and then deliver to the Police and Fire Dept. (the weekday workers such as the 2 schools, library, town offices, Transportation Dept. who keep our roads safe and secure will be delivered on Monday by volunteers).

Secondly, we will assemble Blessing Bags to have on hand for homeless and underserved.  Think of bringing items to put in the bags, pondering what you might need if you had nothing  or little?  Some things that come to mind are warm socks, flashlights , hand warmers, gift cards for groceries (you can purchase through the church for a win win), water bottles, granola bars, toiletries, and other useful items. The list is endless and whatever comes we will use and bless them in prayer.

We will accept donations for those who can’t be there that day towards supplies.  There will be a small blue crate outside Rev. Teri’s office.  Please contact Priscilla Merrill with any questions: