
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Christmas Celebrations 2016

Enjoy our Christmas Celebrations!

  • Sunday December 11 at 9 am: The children of the church will present a pageant representing the birth of Jesus. We will meditate on Isaiah 35:1-11
  • Sunday December 18th 9 AM “ The Faith of Joseph”. Matthew 1:18-25 Celebrating the breathless moment awaiting God’s new thing. Understanding the faith that we need to commit ourselves to the new way of God’s kingdom, looking at the example of Joseph and Mary. Sunday School and child care provided.
  • Sunday December 18 at 4:30 pm: Meet at Church and we are caroling at homes in our community where those folks may not otherwise be able to come out and enjoy the songs of the season
  • Sunday December 24 at 7 pm: Tradtional service of lessons and carols ending with lighting candles and singing Silent Night
  • Sunday December 24 at 11 pm: A meditative service with music and readings while we prepare for the new dawn of God's kingdom
  • Sunday Decmember 25: Carols, prayers and a short joyful meditation on the coming of the Savior 
  • Sunday January 1, 9 AM. A meditation on the promise of the New Year. Songs, prayers, communion, a short homily, lighting candles to symbolize our hopes for the new year.
  • Sunday January 8th, 9 AM. Visiting preacher, Rev. Gary Schulte of the New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ.