
Friday, February 27, 2015

Announcements for our first week of March, 2015

Quarterly Congregational Meeting - Sunday at 10:30am

As a part of our new church structure, these meetings are important.  There is much to report to you, a couple of things requiring a vote, and a chance to ask questions.  A quorum is needed.

Holly Tomilson - Ecclesiastical Council is Sunday

Holly Tomilson will have her Ecclesiastical Council Sunday at 2:30pm at the Congregational Church of Chester.  Holly has led a study and worship here and this is one of the last steps leading to her ordination.  Holly will present her ordination paper containing her understanding of God, the Church, and our denomination.  Questions are asked by clergy and church members and then a vote is taken to ordain her.  Attending this is a great way to support Holly and see this very special process work.  We will meet at the church at 1:45pm to carpool together.

World Day of Prayer

Church Women United will hold their annual World Day of Prayer on Friday, March 6 at 1:00pm.  The service is being hosted by St. Joseph’s Catholic Church.  This year’s service was written by the women from the Bahamas and will focus on Jesus’ saying, “Do You Understand What I Have Done for You?”

Shovelers are Needed

In order to keep the church clear after every snowstorm, we need people to sign up to shovel for a week.  Anytime it snows during that week, we ask you to shovel the walkways and front porch.  Plowing and sanding are done by someone else.  Sometimes you won’t need to shovel at all; other times, you do!

Bad Weather Policy

We know it snows on Sundays, as this year we have more than enough snow.  When it is snowing, we will try to have a service if we feel it is at all possible.  We want to be there for those who will travel through the snow to go to church.  But no matter if we have church or not, if you are not comfortable traveling, please stay home and be safe.  The decision to cancel church will be announced on Channel 9 and on our telephone answering  machine.  We will also send out an email to everyone on our email list, which will include something to think and pray about based on what we would have done in Worship. 

 Next Sunday, remember to turn your clocks back!


Only 3 weeks until Spring!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Quarterly Congregational Meeting on Sunday, March 1st

As a reminder, the next Quarterly Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, March 1st at 10:30am. There is much to report, a couple of things requiring a vote, and a chance to ask questions. A quorum is needed.

Announcements for our third week of February, 2015

Lenten Resources

There are resources for Lent available on the table in Fellowship Hall.  Give up something, add a kindness, or commit to a devotion each day to recognize the season of Lent.

Gayle is away this week

Gayle will be away for a week of Grammy vacation this week to welcome a new grandson.  If there is an emergency, please contact Gayle on her cell phone.

February Mission:  Transportation Scholarships for students in the Dominican Republic

In the San Jose Adentro, DR, once students reach the end of elementary school, they have to travel 1/2 hour to Santiago to go to school.  They are responsible for their own transportation 6 days a week at a cost of about $12 per week.  This is often enough to keep them from further schooling.  We can pool our resources to help young people continue an important education. 

Quarterly Congregational Meeting - Sunday, March 1 at 10:30am

As a part of our new church structure, these meetings are important.  There is much to report to you, a couple of things requiring a vote, and a chance to ask questions.  A quorum is needed.

Holly Tomilson - Ecclesiastical Council on March 1

Holly Tomilson will have her Ecclesiastical Council on Sunday, March 1, at 2:30pm at the Congregational Church of Chester.  Holly has led a study and worship here and this is one of the last steps leading to her ordination.  Holly will present her ordination paper containing her    understanding of God, the Church, and our denomination.  Questions are asked by clergy and church members and then a vote is taken to ordain her.  Attending this is a great way to support Holly and see this very special process work.  We can carpool together.

World Day of Prayer

Church Women United will hold their annual World Day of Prayer on Friday, March 6 at 1:00pm.  The service is being hosted by St. Joseph’s Catholic Church.  This year’s service was written by the women from the Bahamas and will focus on Jesus’ saying, “Do You Understand What I Have Done for You?”

SouperFest coming on March 21

SouperFest is being held to support the Concord Coalition to End Homelessness.  We are representing Northwood and have been asked to bring 12 desserts.  Gayle will also be a ‘celebrity’ chef.  This will be a fun event for people of all ages, so plan to attend.

Shovelers are Needed

In order to keep the church clear after every snowstorm, we need people to sign up to shovel for a week.  Anytime it snows during that week, we ask you to shovel the walkways and front porch.  Plowing and sanding are done by someone else.  Sometimes you won’t need to  shovel at all; other times, you do!

Rovers Needed

Our child safety policy requires 2 adults be present whenever there are children present.  So each Sunday, we need a rover to be downstairs with our Sunday School children.  The responsibility for teaching is with our teacher, so we ask you to step forward for the privilege of being with our children to ensure their safety.

Have a great week everyone!  ~ Mona

Friday, February 13, 2015

Worship Service on February 15 is Cancelled

Worship Service on February 15 is cancelled due to the impending snow storm.  Please be safe!!

Announcements for our second week of February, 2015

Worship Service on February 15 is cancelled due to the impending snow storm.  Please be safe!!

And speaking of snowstorms ............

Bad Weather Policy

We know it snows on Sundays, as this year we have more than enough snow.  When it is snowing, we will try to have a service if we feel it is at all possible.  We want to be there for those who will travel through the snow to go to church.  But no matter if we have church or not, if you are not comfortable traveling, please stay home and be safe.  The decision to cancel church will be announced on Channel 9 and on our telephone answering machine.  We will also send out an email to everyone on our email list, which will include something to think and pray about based on what we would have done in Worship. 

February Mission:  Transportation Scholarships for students in the Dominican Republic

In the San Jose Adentro, DR, once students reach the end of elementary school, they have to travel 1/2 hour to Santiago to go to school.  They are responsible for their own transportation 6 days a week at a cost of about $12 per week.  This is often enough to keep them from further schooling.  We can pool our resources to help young people continue an important education. 

Ash Wednesday

On February 18, we will kick off Lent.  At 6:00pm, we’ll have a simple soup supper.  At 7:00pm there will be a brief Worship Service to bring us into the contemplation of our need for God.

Quarterly Congregational Meeting - Sunday, March 1 at 10:30am

As a part of our new church structure, these meetings are important.  There is much to report to you, a couple of things requiring a vote, and a chance to ask questions.  A quorum is needed.

A Thank You note from the NH Rebellion

Dear Rev. Murphy and the entire Norwood Congregational Church,
  Thank you so much for your amazing hospitality and friendship during the NH Rebellion Walk!  Your community outreach and inclusiveness, your warm and welcoming place of rest and nourishment, all of the support of the community, and your inspirational service, all meant so very much to us.  Thank you for always representing community and social justice!  We are thanking you in our media, and hope we can partner again soon!
            Yours, Ellen Read and the entire NH Rebellion team!

Prepared to Serve

On Saturday, February 21, the NH Conference, UCC, will hold its annual Prepared to Serve Training event.  This is one of the best things the Conference does in support of local church ministry.  This is a fun day of learning to inspire you, with over 70 workshops, 30 exhibits, great food, fellowship, and Worship.  The workshops cover Praying with Art, Creation Spirituality, End of Life preparations, Intergenerational worship, and Conversations with our Conference Minister.  Registration materials are on the table outside of Fellowship Hall.  Let us know if you are going so we can coordinate rides.

Help with Northwood Fishing Derby on Feb. 21

The church will be open for the Northwood Fishing Derby and will be selling hot dogs and goodies.  Can you help sell or make food?  Please contact the Northwood Town Hall.

Holly Tomilson - Ecclesiastical Council on March 1

Holly Tomilson will have her Ecclesiastical Council on Sunday, March 1, at 2:30pm at the Congregational Church of Chester.  Holly has led a study and worship here and this is one of the last steps leading to her ordination.  Holly will present her ordination paper containing her    understanding of God, the Church, and our denomination.  Questions are asked by clergy and church members and then a vote is taken to ordain her.  Attending this is a great way to support Holly and see this very special process work.  We can carpool together.

SouperFest coming on March 21

SouperFest is being held to support the Concord Coalition to End Homelessness.  We are representing Northwood and have been asked to bring 12 desserts.  Gayle will also be a ‘celebrity’ chef.  This will be a fun event for people of all ages, so plan to attend.

Shovelers are Needed

In order to keep the church clear after every snowstorm, we need people to sign up to shovel for a week.  Anytime it snows during that week, we ask you to shovel the walkways and front porch.  Plowing and sanding are done by someone else.  Sometimes you won’t need to  shovel at all; other times, you do!

Rovers Needed

Our child safety policy requires 2 adults be present whenever there are children present.  So each Sunday, we need a rover to be downstairs with our Sunday School children.  The responsibility for teaching is with our teacher, so we ask you to step forward for the privilege of being with our children to ensure their safety.

Lunch with Gayle

We have a fun time together and we would like you to join us or invite someone in town who would benefit from this fellowship or exposure to the church.  We are at Ma’s and Mine next to Hannaford’s on Wednesdays from 11:30am until 1:00pm.

Soup Lunches at the Church

Our wonderful free soup and bread lunch will continue through the winter.  Come for
fellowship and food, every Thursday from 11:30am - 1:00pm.   We welcome additional help for serving, cooking, or donating money for food.  If you would like to volunteer, please contact  Betty Smith or Gayle.

Only 5 weeks until Spring!


Have a great week everyone!  ~ Mona