
Friday, October 31, 2014

Daylight Savings Time starts tomorrow!

Spring Forward  ~  Fall Back

Don't forget to turn your clocks back Saturday night before going to bed!  We all get one hour's extra sleep.  :)

~ Mona

Church Care Day is tomorrow, Saturday, November 1

A quick reminder to all ~ tomorrow, Saturday, November 1st, from 8:00am to noon, we will hold our bi-yearly Church Care Day.  If you can attend, please bring one or two of the following:  a leaf rake, steel shovel, push broom, wheelbarrow, bleach and rubber gloves, leaf blower, or windex.  If you would like to bring something yummy to share during our short break around 10:00am, please do so.  If it is raining, we will have to reschedule at that time. 

We still need your help finding a Sunday School Teacher

As a way of bringing continuity and stability to our Sunday School program, NCC has voted to hire a Sunday School teacher.  If you or someone you know feels called to help shape our children, please submit a resume by October 31st, or contact Tiffany George.  Details are as follows:

Northwood Congregational Church, United Church of Christ is looking for a dynamic, energetic, nurturing, creative individual to lead our Sunday School Christian Education Program.

The successful candidate will have:
  • Belief in the tenets of the Christian faith
  • Solid foundation in the stories of the Bible
  • Classroom management strategies
  • Understand that we value the truth which are in the Bible stories but don’t read them as literal
  • We see that the Holy Spirit can continue to speak through the Scriptures—that they are not stuck in the time they were written

  • Approx. ½ hour of weekly preparation for Sunday School class by selecting lessons from our online week-by-week curriculum
    • Generate  monthly list of photocopies and supplies needed for lessons
  • Approx. 1 hour of teaching Sunday School each Sunday (9:20am-10:20am) with set up and clean up for a few minutes before and after the children are present
    • Provide consistent, reliable weekly Bible based educational lessons to K-8
    • Record attendance weekly
    • Work with students to ensure room is tidy at the end of the day
  • Teach every week during the school year, and periodically throughout the summer months as our budget allows

  • $20 per week

Additional Requirements:
  • All offers will be contingent upon the successful completion of a background check and reference check

To Apply:
  • Please send a well-written cover letter and your resume by FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31st to Christian Education Search Committee at or to:

Northwood Congregational Church, UCC
PO Box 65
881 1st NH Turnpike
NorthwoodNH  03261

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Arthur Slade Obituary

Arthur Clarence Slade III, 76, of Northwood, passed away on October 2, 2014.

He was the son of Arthur C. and Julia Slade.  He is survived by his loving sister, Susan Carr (Thomas) of Charlotte, NC, devoted niece Selena Leary of Clifton, VA, and his beloved cats, Ikey and Mikey.

He attended undergraduate studies at Plymouth State College and Boston University and took graduate courses at the University of New Hampshire. He was a member of the U.S. Army Reserve for many years and worked at the New Hampshire Department of Employment Security until his retirement.

Arthur was an avid student of life and loved all aspects of history, philosophy, railroads, and the hotel industry of the World War II era.  During his more active years, he enjoyed hiking, camping, and touring the Northeast by car; he knew every back road in great detail.  He loved gardening and flowers, and maintained his lifelong enjoyment of reading into his later years.

Funeral services will be held at the Northwood Congregational Church at 881 First NH Turnpike on Friday, October 17 at 1 pm. Burial and a brief committal service will be held at the Old Main Street Cemetery on Old Main Street in New London on Saturday, October 18 at 11 am.  Donations may be made to the Northwood Veterinary Hospital's Masi Fund for rehoming stray pets or to the Northwood Congregational Church.  

We need your help in finding a Sunday School Teacher

As a way of bringing continuity and stability to our Sunday School program, NCC has voted to hire a Sunday School teacher.  If you or someone you know feels called to help shape our children, please submit a resume by October 24th.  Details are as follows:

Northwood Congregational Church, United Church of Christ is looking for a dynamic, energetic, nurturing, creative individual to lead our Sunday School Christian Education Program.

The successful candidate will have:
  • Belief in the tenets of the Christian faith
  • Solid foundation in the stories of the Bible
  • Classroom management strategies
  • Understand that we value the truth which are in the Bible stories but don’t read them as literal
  • We see that the Holy Spirit can continue to speak through the Scriptures—that they are not stuck in the time they were written

  • Approx. ½ hour of weekly preparation for Sunday School class by selecting lessons from our online week-by-week curriculum
    • Generate  monthly list of photocopies and supplies needed for lessons
  • Approx. 1 hour of teaching Sunday School each Sunday (9:20am-10:20am) with set up and clean up for a few minutes before and after the children are present
    • Provide consistent, reliable weekly Bible based educational lessons to K-8
    • Record attendance weekly
    • Work with students to ensure room is tidy at the end of the day
  • Teach every week during the school year, and periodically throughout the summer months as our budget allows

  • $20 per week

Additional Requirements:
  • All offers will be contingent upon the successful completion of a background check and reference check

To Apply:
  • Please send a well-written cover letter and your resume by FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24th to Christian Education Search Committee at or to:

Northwood Congregational Church, UCC
881 1st NH Turnpike
Northwood, NH  03261

Our Mission at the Northwood Congregational Church, UCC is to be followers of Christ who are committed to building a welcoming and loving community so that we may serve others.
We believe in:
*The importance of worship
*The call to outreach to the local and global community
*Passing on faith to all, especially our youth and children
*Establishing a community of mutual support, fellowship, and belonging

*Embracing open communication so all can be informed and involved

Friday, October 10, 2014

Services for Arthur Slade

Services for Arthur Slade will be held next week.

Funeral Service will be held on Friday, October 17, 2014 at 1:00pm,

here in our Sanctuary at Northwood Congregational Church, Route 4, Northwood, NH.

Committal/Burial Service will be held on Saturday, October 18, 2014 at 11:00am at:

Olde Main St. Cemetery, Olde Main St., New London, NH


Announcements for our third week of October 2014

Mission for October - Campus Ministry Across NHCUCC

In October we will participate in a special offering benefitting the United Campus Ministries of Keene State College, Plymouth State University and the University of New Hampshire. Campus ministry provides our college students with safe spaces to build community.  These ministries nurture thoughtfully spiritual young people who are committed to social justice, community service and living their faith.


New Structure Training on October 19

Next Sunday, Rev. David Jadlocki will be with us in worship to train us on ways to live into our new structure and share his experiences of this in his church.  Please plan to stay after church with us.


Volunteer Fair for Opportunities in our New Structure Oct. 19

We need your help so are also holding a Volunteer Fair on October 19 after church.  You can see the many opportunities to do ministry.  When you sign up you are not committing yourself to anything, but   indicating your interest in a ministry.  Different ministries will be organized by worship, education, mission, finances, facilities, and community building.  Look for some surprises throughout the morning!


NH Conference Annual Meeting Delegates needed

Our church is entitled to 2 delegates to the NH Conference Annual Meeting on Saturday, October 25.  If connecting with the larger church, worshipping, and meeting the UCC President interests you, we would love you to represent us.  Contact Gayle if you are interested.


Wicked FIT Run on October 25

We are looking to form a team who will walk or run in the Wicked FIT Run on October 25.  This is a fun 5 kilometer road race where people wear costumes and raise money for Families in Transition.  It is held at Rollins Park in Concord.  There is a sign up sheet on the table outside  of Fellowship Hall. 


Creating an Evergreen Arrangement

Flower arranger Meg McGoldrick has agreed to come on Sunday, October 26 at 4:00 pm to demonstrate how to create long-lasting evergreen arrangements. If you wish to make one or more arrangements for our December Greens Fair, please put this date on your calendar!  Meg is great at this and will help rev up our creative energies during the hour we spend learning from her.  This year, we will create our arrangements at the end of November in Fellowship Hall.  If you have any questions please call Jo Chase at 942-8940.


Upcoming Mission Trip in November

The Mission Committee is inviting you to go on a Mission Weekend in November.  We will gather for dinner together Friday evening, participate in various projects, worship with our host church, and be home for dinner on Sunday evening.  Details of costs and the projects will come soon.  If you are interested, there is a sign-up sheet on the table outside of Fellowship Hall. 


Christmas Fair is Saturday, December 6

Our Fair needs at least two individuals to oversee two important areas of our Fair this year:  the Bake Sale and the Soup Luncheon.  Also, the Greens Table is in need of decorative containers to make arrangements in, as well as used oasis - the green Styrofoam that absorbs water.  Donations may be left in the box marked “Christmas Fair” in Fellowship Hall.  If you would like to volunteer or can help in any way, please contact Faith Levesque, Christmas Fair Coordinator at 608-1121. 


Have a great week everyone!!  ~ Mona