
Friday, August 29, 2014

Announcements for our last weekend of August/1st week of September 2014

Thanks to Ruthie Bencal

Today is Ruthie’s last Sunday this year as our organist.  Her love of music, her hard work, and wonderful spirit has enriched our worship throughout the summer.  Please share your thanks to Ruthie.

Mission for July and August -
Fruits of the Garden - Gifts of the Spirit

Our summer mission will be about sharing your garden overflow.  Consider sharing your bounty from First Fruits to the overabundance of your flower, fruit, and vegetable gardens.  Through the summer please bring your garden’s bounty to church to share with others.  We will have your donations on display during coffee time following the service for others to purchase.  All monies will go to the local food pantry.  Items that do not sell will be used for the Monday night free meals, and/or for the Thursday free Soup lunch.

Rally Day is September 7

September 7 kicks off our Fall schedule here at our church.  On this day we will have an Intergenerational Service and a barbecue.  We will focus on looking  toward our future as our celebration of our 25th Anniversary will be winding down.  There is much to look forward to with God’s blessing and your support.
After worship we are invited to the home of Michael and Kat Magoon, 43 Main St., Northwood, for our barbecue and swim.  Please bring salads, desserts, or appetizers to share.  We will provide hot dogs and hamburgers.
Also, we will fill a Time Capsule to be opened on our 50th Anniversary, so start thinking of what you would like to put into the Capsule.

New Pledge Year Begins

The 2014 - 2015 Pledge Year also starts next Sunday, September 7.  To date we have received 39 pledges totaling $45,794.  If you are planning to pledge, but have not yet, please let Matt Caron know (a simple email would work).  Thank you to all!

Sunday School Teachers and Helpers Needed

The best way to nurture the developing faith of the children in our church is with our Sunday School program.  We need loving adults who will teach our kids.  We have a great curriculum and there will be another adult in the classroom to help.  Please sign up on the sheet on the table in Fellowship Hall.  You will find it a delight and you will be helping in a very significant ministry.

Soup Lunches at the Church - We Need Your Help

Our free soup and bread lunch will continue through the fall and winter since they have been such a success.  Come for fellowship and food, every Thursday from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm.   We welcome additional help for serving, cooking, or donating money for food.  If you would like to volunteer, please contact Betty Smith or Gayle Murphy.

An Invitation to Participate or Volunteer - “ I AM ONE’

“NH Day to end Childhood Homelessness” will be held on Thursday, Sept. 4, 5:00pm - 9:30pm, at Manchester’s Veteran’s Park.  A group of us are going to this event, sponsored by Families in Transition, and you are invited to join us.  Here are the ways you can participate:

1).  Come to this free event which features a Battle of the Bands, food, fun, and homelessness awareness.  We can carpool.
2).  Buy a $100 raffle ticket, one of only 300 sold to win a $30,000 Classic Harley Davidson motorcycle signed by Steve Tyler of Aerosmith and host of American Idol.  See Gayle for a ticket.
           You can also volunteer on the day of the event. 
3).  Spread the word of this event through all your social and personal networks. 

 Prayer Service for Solidarity with Central America

As we see in the news, the violence in Central America has increased and many children are making the dangerous journey to come to the US.  A prayer service and walk will be held on Sunday, Sept. 7 at 4:00pm.  Starting at Christ the King Catholic Church, 72 South Main St., Concord, we will then walk to South Church, 27 Pleasant St. Concord.  Please join us in prayer.

Save the Date - Deerfield Fair

Our day to work the Deerfield Fair is Thursday, September 25th.  We will have 2 shifts available:  Morning from 7:30pm-2:30pm and in the Evening from 2:00pm-8:30pm.  More information to follow.

Annual Meeting on September 28

This meeting will be full of exciting things for our Church and decisions for you to make, such as:  a new way of organizing the structure of the church, proposal for by-laws changes, an update on the Capital Campaign, and approval of the budget for our next fiscal year.

Have a great week everyone!  ~ Mona

Friday, August 8, 2014

Announcements for our second week of August 2014

Sunday's Worship led by Gregory Kelley

Join us on Sunday for our Worship at 9:00 led by Gregory Kelley.


Granite State Ringers at our Worship on Sunday

Also on Sunday, we will enjoy the musical talents of the Bell Duets presented by Joan Fossum and Meri Hirtle.  Meri, a member of the Granite State Ringers, is an  active musician and performs flute and piccolo with the Gilford Town Band.  She also loves horseback riding and works with therapy horses in Hopkinton. Joan, former choir director here at Northwood, is the co-founder and director of the Granite State Ringers. She has been active in handbells for more than 30 years and has done solo ringing for 20 years.

Fishercats Faith and Family Night

Saturday, August 16, join us to see the Fishercats game and meet the players!   We will be leaving the church parking lot, via carpool, at 4:00pm.  At 5:30pm, we will meet with the players who will talk to us about their faith.  The game starts at 7:05pm, followed by fireworks.  For more information, please see Michael Magoon.  


Have a great week everyone!!!  ~  Mona

Friday, August 1, 2014

Announcements for our first week of August 2014

Sunday's Worship is our annual Outdoor Worship

Join us Sunday, August 3rd, as we enjoy our Worship service outdoors blessed by the beauty of Harvey Lake.  A special thank you to Coe-Brown Academy for sharing the use of their land with us.


Special Thanks for the Blueberry Festival

Special thanks to our Blueberry Festival coordinator Rena Caron!  Rena wishes to doubly thank all who helped out and made the event fun.  In addition, our profit from this event was $377.  Great job everyone!


Gayle is at a Conference this week

Gayle will be at Chautauqua Conference Center this week, returning on Saturday.  The phone will be checked daily so please leave a message if you need anything.


Fishercats Faith and Family Night

Saturday, August 16, join us to see the Fishercats game and meet the players!   We will be leaving the church parking lot, via carpool, at 4:00pm.  At 5:30pm, we will meet with the players who will talk to us about their faith.  The game starts at 7:05pm, followed by fireworks.  For more information, please see Michael Magoon.    


Have a great week everyone!!  ~ Mona