
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Winter Weather Policy

When the weather outside is frightful 
and the fire is so delightful 
If you want to stay out of the storm, 
Play it safe, play it safe, play it safe!

If it doesn't show signs of stopping 
And you want to stay in your stockings
If you want to stay home and stay warm,
Play it safe, play it safe, play it safe!

Just a reminder about our winter weather policy....
We will be having Sunday worship if it is at all possible but if you don't feel safe on the roads, please stay home.  Your safety is of utmost importance to us and we don't want you to feel like you have to go out into the winter weather for worship. If we do cancel church, we will put a message on the church phone and put it on WMUR, Channel 9.
Stay safe and warm this winter!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Christmas Fair at Northwood Congregational Church

Please join us to celebrate the joys of Christmas at our annual “Christmas By Design” fair right here at Northwood Congregational church on Saturday, December 7, 2013, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00p.m.

We will be serving up breakfast and lunch delights, with coffee always being “free”.  The “greens” table will offer lovely swags, wreaths, and berry bowls for holiday decorating. There will be crafts, maple syrup, jellies and jams, home made cards, activities for the kids, and much more.
Please join us for holiday cheer and fellowship. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Join Us This Sunday

We hope you can join us this Sunday for Worship at 9am and then after church in Fellowship Hall we'll be having cupcakes and the children will be opening birthday presents for the church.  This is just one of our monthly celebrations as we celebrate our 25th Anniversary all year long.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Just a Reminder

This weekend is a busy one for us here at the Northwood Congregational Church.

  • Saturday, join the trustees at 8:30 am for Church Care Day.  Come and give the church building and grounds a little love.  
  • Sunday is the day that all congregational dues are due.  They are $10 a member.  See Matt Caron with any questions.
  • Also Sunday we will be taking gift card orders for Christmas.  These can be used as gifts or for your own shopping.  For each gift card you order a percentage goes back to the church. 
And finally, we are having a very important church wide vote after church on Sunday.  It is important to have as many members as possible at this meeting when we vote on if we are going to hire VanderWyden Consultants to assist us with our Capital Campaign and vote on legal matter of land leased to Coe Brown Academy. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Celebrating 25 Years of Worship Together

On October 6, 2013, the Northwood Congregational Church celebrated the 25th anniversary of the re-opening of the church.  There was special music, special speakers, special friends, special gifts and some yummy cake.  We're looking forward to many more years of worship together.