881 First NH Turnpike, Northwood, NH 03261 603.942.7116. Our regular worship is Sunday at 9:30am.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Join us on Sunday at 9
Neil English is our Lay Preacher this week as Gayle is on vacation. Join us on 9:00 am on Sunday. Neil is a poet, an historic architectural preservationist, a Justice of the Peace and a Lay Preacher. In this last role, he strives, through his words, to make the connection between spirituality and the modern world in which we live. As a Lay Preacher Neil also ranges out beyond the walls of the Northwood Congregational Church to supply preach in other churches whenever called upon.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Outdoor Worship Service
Join us on Sunday, July 14 at 9:00 am as we hold our worship service outdoors, by the shore of Harvey Lake and celebrate the wonder of God's creation.
Northwood Church in the News
The Northwood Congregational Church's annual Blessing of the Animals Service was in the Concord Monitor. Follow the link above to see the article.
We had a successful Blessing of the Animals sharing blessings and prayers with dogs, cats and a chicken.
Friday, July 5, 2013
Blessing of the Animals - July 7
Join us this Sunday at 9 am as we have a special worship service. You are invited to bring your feathered and furry friends for the Blessing of the Animals. If you don't think your special friend would be comfortable in a crowd, bring a picture or just their name and we will extend God's blessing to them.