
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Gayle is Published on Maren Tirabassi's Blog

Visit Maren Tirabassi's blog Gifts in Open Hands to see what Gayle has to say.

Maren posted: "On Mondays I am sharing liturgical writing focused on the Luke passages for each Sunday in the Revised Common Lectionary. This week Gayle Murphy of Northwood, New Hampshire shares a confessional resource and following that is a Call to Worship and Invocation that I am offering."

Friday, June 21, 2013

Strawberry Festival June 22

People have been out in the sun picking strawberries.
They have been sitting in the kitchen hulling strawberries.
As the temperature climbs to over  800 they have been slaving over their ovens making shortcakes and pies.  
People have been digging through their closets for yard sale items.  
Bubbles has been practicing his tricks.  
The tent has been raised.  
Why???  Because it is our Annual Strawberry Festival, complete with yard sale under the big top, Bubbles the clown for entertainment, pancakes for breakfast and all the strawberries you can eat.  

Tomorrow from 8 am till 2 pm we will be here with our freshly picked strawberries, just waiting for you to come by.  Have some shortcake, eat pancakes for breakfast, lunch on the grill or both!  Buy a pie to take home and search for a treasure at the yard sale.  

We hope you join us, bring your family, your friends and your neighbors for some fresh picked strawberries. 

Friday, June 7, 2013

Annual Meeting

This Sunday, June 9,  immediately following our worship service we will be holding our annual meeting.
Please join us to hear what our church has done this year, what our plans are for the coming year and to vote on our budget. 
We need all our members to be present and we are happy to have other join us to discover what we are doing as a church. 
We look forward to seeing you.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Check out our new page

We've added a new page to our website.  Our missions page shows you what we've been doing as a church to put our faith into action.  Take a moment to check out our new page and click on the links so you can learn more about the different organizations we support.