
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Reverend Gayle Murphy brings in the lead runner

2012 Wicked Fit Run benefit for Families In Transition

Concord NH

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Good People of the Northwood Congregational Church, UCC
I want you all to know that Sandy MacCallum died on Monday evening with her sons with her at the Hospice House.   Sandy contracted an infection that she could not fight, but did not suffer long with her illness.   By the time she died, I believe she was ready and looking forward to her pain being over and being reunited with her beloved husband, Donald.
Sandy's service will be here at the church on Friday morning at 10:00, with a collation/reception here at the church afterwards.
Please keep Sandy's sons, family, and friends in your prayers.
With love,
Gayle Murphy
Join us for worship at 9am!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Good People of the Northwood Congregational Church, UCC;
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!  Sunday, we will be celebrating the church's 24th birthday since it re-opened in 1988.  That is something worth celebrating!
So on Sunday we will acknowledge the community of saints which make up this faith community, we will baptize one of our beloved children, and we will have a birthday party, complete with cake and ice cream.
We also will have an opportunity for you to bring gifts to the church, all wrapped up for the kids to open.   These gifts are practical and help us to keep the church supplied with what it needs.
Things you could give as a birthday gift include:   lined legal pads, copy paper, post-it-notes, coffee, coffee filters, dish and hand soap, paper towels, Fabreeze, bottled juice, an office chair for Victoria, candle oil for the church candles, gift cards to Staples, Hannafords, or Irving Gas, painter's masking tape, napkins, and anything you can think of that the church might use.
It is a time of thankfulness and celebration, and we hope you will join us.
With love,

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Good People of the Northwood Congregational Church, UCC
The Church Council invites you to join us for food, fellowship, and dreaming.  The Council will be looking at how the church does things, and in particular, how it accomplishes things through Boards and Committees.   Before we look at other models of organizing the church, we want to hear from you about how we do things and what people are willing to do for the church.
Bring some kind of yummy food to share.  We will eat at 6:00 and begin our discussion when our mouths are not full.
If you cannot be there will us, forward to us your ideas of how we do things here and what you think could improve that.
Thanks for being a part of this great community.
Gayle Murphy