
Friday, April 27, 2012

Important Congregational Meeting after worship

We need you to come to an important Congregational meeting on SUNDAY, APRIL 29 after worship.  The meeting will be about our Financial situation and our need for strong participation in our Stewardship Campaign.
The Finance committee and the Stewardship committee will lay out to you our sources of income, our expenses, how we are matching up with our budget to date, what we need from our loyal congregation, and how the church will benefit from your good Stewardship.  
We really are hoping for a good turnout so that you can take all this into account as you consider making your estimate of giving to the church.
Thanks so much for all that you already do for this congregation.  Our financial situation is okay, but in order not to have to adopt a deficit budget, we need good participation in the Stewardship Campaign.  Please give what you are able and support this great church.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

This is it! The biggest celebration that we as Christians have. Easter comes this Sunday. We have a lot to celebrate in God's goodness and power.
But, we also have opportunities to sit in the shadows of Jesus' betrayal and death so that we can fully grasp the cost and significance of Easter happening.
So join us this week. We have opportunities that will fit all schedules and interests. And we hope they all have something worth while to offer your spiritual journey.
Thursday, April 5 - Maundy Thursday 7:00 Service of Communion and Tenebrae (the telling of the story of the betrayal and death of Jesus). A powerful and meaningful service. We meet in the room under the Sanctuary set up as a garden.
Friday, April 6 - Good Friday 3 - 7:00 The Sanctuary will be open for us to experience prayer, forgiveness, communion, meditation, and Scripture. Stop by for as long as you are able.
Sunday, April, 8 Easter Sunday
7:00 Sunrise Service on the Point in Harvey Lake. Our young people have prepared the service and it is enhanced by watching the sun rise over Harvey Lake.
8:00 Easter Breakfast. DELICIOUS!!! Thanks to the generosity of the congregation, this is a gift to everyone on Easter morning. Eggs, sausage, home fried potatoes, baked good, coffe and juice.
9:00 Easter worship in the Sanctuary. There will be great music, sacred dance, sections aimed at our kids, and the opportunity to worship our great God who have overcome death and made the forgiveness of sins possible. The best of the best and we'd like you to join us.
If you can't be with us this Easter season, we pray that you will know the joy of Easter and the love of the God who made it possible.
With love,