
Friday, September 23, 2011

Please check the "Announcements" page for our current Worship Announcements.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Celebrating birthdays and anniversaries

At each service we acknowledge those who are celebrating birthdays and
anniversaries. A penny for each year is put into a small bank we call
the Birthday Angel. Here, Bill and Lois D. are celebrating 63 years of
marriage. Congrats!!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Urgent - help needed for important fund raiser

Commitment Needed by September 11 for Deerfield Fair!


There are still volunteer slots in order for the church to fulfill our commitment to the Fair for 2011.  We must fill these slots, so the Fair will seek us out for next year (in jeopardy at this time) and in order to meet our fundraising goal to balance the church's budget.  An added plus, it's a fun time.


Our days to volunteer as Ticket Scanners are Thursday, Sept. 29and Saturday, Oct. 1.  We still need 5 people for Thursday morning and 8 people forThursday afternoon.  Shift times are 7:30am to 2:00pm and2:00pm to 8:30pm.  Sixteen and older may volunteer.  If you have volunteered for the church at the fair in the past, we really need you this year.  Please call Pam English at 942-8501 or email her, or call the church office no later thanSunday night, Sept. 11 to sign up.  

Friday, September 9, 2011

Rally Sunday on Sept 11

Good people of the Northwood Congregational Church, UCC
This Sunday is Rally Day when we will kick off our fall program year and reunite as a community after, what I hope for you all, was a wonderful summer.  This Sunday, the church will also host a town-wide Remembrance service for Sept 11, 2001.  Let me tell you about each of them.
Rally Day   Join us for the worship service where we will gather to connect with the God who unites and grounds us all. 
    When the children go downstairs for Sunday School, the parents will also go down to learn about our curriculum, child safety policy, and ways they can support our Sunday School program.
    After church there will be a time when we can gather as a community for fun, games, and lunch.  This is NOT just for families;  we have set it up to help all the people in the church mingle and get to know each other. 
    We will end with a brown-bag lunch.  Please bring your own sandwiches and something to share with the congregation (veggies, dessert, chips, etc).  Drinks and place setting will be provided (plus deluxe peanut butter and jelley sandwhiches for all who forgot something to eat).
The weather is predicted to be nice, so we will have our picnic in the yard around the church.
September 11 Remembrance Service  This is a town-wide event which will take place here at our church at 4:00 on Sunday afternoon.   All the other churches will have leadership roles in the service and there will be representation from the Town Selectman and Fire Chief.  On this 10th Anniversary of the horror of September 11, 2001, I am thankful that we can host this event and open it up to the community.   Please join us and invite anyone in the surrounding area that you think might like to attend.
I look forward to all the activity that we are kicking off this Sunday.   But more than that, I am thankful that we are a community together, and I look forward to seeing you all soon.
Gayle Murphy


Chris Kofer