
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Class on Listening, Respect and Diversity

Good people of the Northwood Congregational Church,
I wanted you to know of an challenging opportunity to figure out how to apply your faith.
We will be holding a two session class "Towards Listening, Respect, and Diversity" which grew out of the deep concern about the way our society is so polarized.  This topic has become particularly relevant after the Arizona shooting, with the concerns raised about the contentiousness in our national dialog.
So join us for these sessions and be challenged by the teachings of Jesus Christ to listen, respect, and seek to understand the people who are different than we are.
The first session will begin during the second half of worship on January 16, continuing for another 45 minutes after worship has been completed.  The second session will be held after worship on January 23, ending with a pot luck luncheon.
Childcare will be available for both sessions.
If you have any questions, please contact Neil English, Jan Grande, Charlotte Klaubert, Thomas Masison, and Gary Smith.

Tuesday, 1/18

Church Council is cancelled for tonight due to the storm.