
Monday, December 20, 2010

Merry Christmas

 In case you can't see the image below, we are holding our Family Service at 7pm on Christmas Eve and the Communion Service at 11pm

Monday, December 6, 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010

November 20, 2010 Announcements

Special Thanks: ...goes out to Heritage Hardware for the use of their shiny new wheelbarrows to bring forth our food for the Thanksgiving Baskets for dedication.

Choir Practice: Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, Choir practice will be held on Tuesday this week. Please let Judy Frase know if you are unable to attend. 603.664.5636.

From Kat: It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I have given my resignation to Gayle. I have been asked to work full-time hours at my main job and NCC’s administrative needs are not being fulfilled with my one remaining day here as it is. This has become more than a job for me as I have gotten to know many of you over the past three years and all that happens with the inner workings of such a wonderful small town NH church. I’ve let Gayle know that I will continue to be here to train the next person who will be lucky enough to fill this chair and will be happy to assist and “moonlight” for NCC in any way I can, especially during holidays, events, fundraisers, etc. This has truly been a joy for me to serve you all and both my daughter, Halah and I will hold NCC in a special place in our hearts always. May your congregation continue to flourish and know that you have our well-wishes. I will be here on Sunday, December 12th to share in worship with you.

Operation Christmas Child: A warm holiday thank you goes out to all of you who have contributed to Operation Christmas Child. Your generosity will truly be felt world-wide this Christmas Season!

Kevin's N.C.C Weight Loss Challenge: **11/05: 1.5 pounds gained –total: 10.5lbs! No problem Kevin—you can do it! Our bodies fluctuate and adjust through this process—it’s not a setback—merely a learning experience!**

Coffee, Coffee, Coffee: If you forgot to bring a coffee cup for Fellowship time, there are many in the kitchen that you may use. Just remember to wash them out  for the next person’s use.

...And more coffee: Coffee hour is an important time in the life of any congregation. Many have signed up this fall to host it, serving and clean-up. Pair up with someone if his feels too much of a responsibility.

Christmas Greens & Coffee: On Saturday, December 4th from 9:00-1:00pm NCC will be holding a Greens Sale. Volunteers are needed for the following: working with preparing the greens, baked goods, contributions to the raffle baskets and lunch. Please contact Lucy Silva at 942.9848 to volunteer. All proceeds go to our church!

Raffle Baskets: Please have all donations for the raffle baskets in by Sunday, November 28th. We will be ready to sell raffle tickets on Sunday, November 21st.

Christmas Greens Event Food Table: Are there food items you especially 
enjoy making for the holidays? Perhaps you might like to share a recipe as well. There is a sign-up list on the table outside Fellowship Hall to indicate the item(s) you will bring. All items should be in the container they are to be sold in or appropriately wrapped for sale.

Grab your knitting needles! Meet us in in Fellowship Hall on Sundays from 2:00-4:00pm for knitting...all are welcome!

Epiphany Arts: (Corrected Date) This year’s Epiphany Arts submission dates are: December 9-31 with the Festival beginning January 9th and tear-down on March 13th. Neil would like to encourage any and all art work, drawings, paintings, craftwork, needlework, photography, glasswork, sculpture, poetry, woodworking, small furniture, wood turning, pottery, knitting, wood carving, quilting, hand made jewelry etc. etc. The work should be done by our parishioners or by members of their family. The show is about showcasing the talent that resides within our greater church family. Please contact Neil or see the detailed information in the next Newsletter for details on framing and hanging requirements. Submission forms must be filled out in duplicate with one form attached to the piece and the other form to be available for making up the identification cards. For questions, please contact Neil English at 736-9681. 
Communion Offering: The Mission Committee will be coordinating with the Deacons to provide holiday food baskets for Thanksgiving and donations in November will be used as needed to supplement food item purchases. But we also use the November 2010 mission and typically the December 2010 Mission offerings to supplement food needs and to buy hams for the Christmas Holiday baskets. In coordination with the Church Diaconate, we need your mission support to help those in need in November. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)  

Tangible Worship: Please notice the tables at each door of the Sanctuary.  On them will be items which will express the theme of the worship service in a tangible way. See if you can figure out what will be happening in worship from the items on the tables.
Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC:  While you can order any number of pre-paid card on the third Sunday of each month, we have purchased extra cards of the most popular places. They include Dunkin’ Donuts, Regal Cinema, Restaurant pass, and Lowes, and they are available every Sunday after church while the supplies last. Contact Tiffany George with questions at 332-5808/

Friday, October 29, 2010

October 31, 2010- Announcements

Sacred Dancers: Youth Sacred Dance practice will begin on Sunday, November 7 from 10:30-11:00 with Adult Sacred Dance practice from 11:00 – 11:30. We will continue to meet every Sunday until Christmas. If you have never tried Sacred Dance, but would like to, please come to the first practice. All are welcome! We will be going over some basic movements. After that practice, you can let Peggy Kofer know if you would like to be part of the Christmas program.

Kevin's N.C.C Weight Loss Challenge: **10/29: 5 pounds lost –total: 9.5 lbs!** I am committing to contribute a dollar amount for each pound I lose to N.C.C. I would like others to join me in one of three ways: first if you have weight to lose join me in contributing a dollar amount per pound to the church; second if you do not want or need to lose weight, how about supporting me in my pledge and give an amount for my weight loss; third is a way everyone can be involved - pray for those involved in the challenge and the church. So everyone knows we are on the up and up, I will have weekly weigh-ins at coffee hour and we can track my success (or lack there of). I hope you will consider supporting this effort to bring glory to God through two areas we have been entrusted to steward: The Church and ourselves.

Operation Christmas Child: Over the next month our children will be collecting toys and personal care goods in support of the shoe box ministry: Operation Christmas Child. This ministry is committed to making it possible for every child around the world to have something to open for Christmas. Each box costs only $ 7.00 to ship and all contribution are helpful! This is the second year the children have taken up this worth while cause and your support is essential. There is a flier on the table outside of Fellowship Hall outlining the needs for a shoe box. Please take the time to look it over and see how you might be able to help. Thank you in advance for your help to make all children around the world have a Merry Christmas! If you would like more information please talk with Kevin Stewart. We will also be showing a video throughout the collection time.
Advent Worship Leadership Team: Would you like to be on the Worship Leadership Team for Advent? We will be thinking about what the church will be doing in preparation for Christmas. If you would like to be part of the team that helps us think about worship and is active in its planning, please see Gayle Murphy.

Prayer Box: The Deacons have provided a Prayer Box by the outside door of the handicap entrance. The box is a work of art made by Jane Roberts’ daughter. Its purpose is to allow people outside of the church to submit their prayer requests. The box will be checked each week to be included in Sunday’s prayers.

Free Lunch Wednesdays and Fellowship!: Mark your calendars for two more free lunches! Lucy Silva will host on November 3rd and Norma Heroux on November 17th, both from 11:30am - 1pm. Please bring anyone you think might like to come! Norma and Lucy has felt called to a ministry which will provide food and hospitality for church people and members of the community.

Communion Offering: Annually, October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. We will dedicate the October Mission offering to New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence to assist in prevention of domestic violence which has been increasing as a result of some of the economic challenges faced by many families. Founded in 1977, the Coalition is an umbrella organization for a statewide network of 14 independent member programs committed to ending domestic and sexual violence. To that end the Coalition seeks to ensure that quality services are provided to victims/survivors of domestic and sexual violence;, prevent future violence by educating the public, influence public policy and encourage the provision of services for perpetrators. For further information, visit their website at (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)

Tangible Worship: Please notice the tables at each door of the Sanctuary. On them will be items which will express the theme of the worship service in a tangible way. See if you can figure out what will be happening in worship from the items on the tables.

Real Mugs for Real coffee: Bring your own mug to church so we can cut back on use of paper products during coffee hour. It will taste better and you can take it home to wash it. Thanks!

Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC: While you can order any number of pre-paid card on the third Sunday of each month, we have purchased extra cards of the most popular places. They include Dunkin’ Donuts, Regal Cinema, Restaurant pass, and Lowes, and they are available every Sunday after church while the supplies last. Contact Tiffany George with questions at 332-5808/

Christmas Bazaar: (or as we like to say in New England...Bazaaah) St. Joseph’s Catholic Church Women’s Club will host their Christmas Bazaar on Saturday, November 6th from 9am-2pm in their Parish Hall. All are encouraged to drop by for a morning muffin and/or a tasty luncheon! Detailed poster is on the Bulleting Board.

Thanks-Giving Dinner: Bow Lake Baptist Church will hold this special, no cost dinner at Chadbourn’s Restaurant, Route 4, Northwood, NH on Thursday, November 25th at 12-noon. Seating capacity is 80—so please RSVP by 11/01 with number attending to:
Frank Drociak: 664.9117
Bow Lake Baptist Church: 664.7401
Michelle Benger: 664.5745
Martha English: 664.9089
**Arrangements can be made to deliver meals to shut-ins if needed.**

Friday, October 22, 2010

October 24, 2010: Announcements

Kevin's N.C.C Weight Loss Challenge: **10/22: 4.5 pounds lost!** I am committing to contribute a dollar amount for each pound I lose to N.C.C. I would like others to join me in one of three ways: first if you have weight to lose join me in contributing a dollar amount per pound to the church; second if you do not want or need to lose weight, how about supporting me in my pledge and give an amount for my weight loss; third is a way everyone can be involved - pray for those involved in the challenge and the church. So everyone knows we are on the up and up, I will have weekly weigh-ins at coffee hour and we can track my success (or lack there of). I hope you will consider supporting this effort to bring glory to God through two areas we have been entrusted to steward: The Church and ourselves.

Operation Christmas Child: Over the next month our children will be collecting toys and personal care goods in support of the shoe box ministry: Operation Christmas Child. This ministry is committed to making it possible for every child around the world to have something to open for Christmas. Each box costs only $ 7.00 to ship and all contribution are helpful! This is the second year the children have taken up this worth while cause and your support is essential. There is a flier on the table outside of Fellowship Hall outlining the needs for a shoe box. Please take the time to look it over and see how you might be able to help. Thank you in advance for your help to make all children around the world have a Merry Christmas! If you would like more information please talk with Kevin Stewart. We will also be showing a video throughout the collection time.

Advent Worship Leadership Team: Would you like to be on the Worship Leadership Team for Advent? We will be thinking about what the church will be doing in preparation for Christmas. If you would like to be part of the team that helps us think about worship and is active in its planning, please see Gayle Murphy.

Prayer Box: The Deacons have provided a Prayer Box by the outside door of the handicap entrance. The box is a work of art made by Jane Roberts’ daughter. Its purpose is to allow people outside of the church to submit their prayer requests. The box will be checked each week to be included in Sunday’s prayers.

Free Lunch Wednesdays and Fellowship!: Mark your calendars for two more free lunches! Lucy Silva will host on November 3rd and Norma Heroux on November 17th, both from 11:30am - 1pm. Please bring anyone you think might like to come! Norma and Lucy has felt called to a ministry which will provide food and hospitality for church people and members of the community.

Communion Offering: Annually, October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. We will dedicate the October Mission offering to New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence to assist in prevention of domestic violence which has been increasing as a result of some of the economic challenges faced by many families. Founded in 1977, the Coalition is an umbrella organization for a statewide network of 14 independent member programs committed to ending domestic and sexual violence. To that end the Coalition seeks to ensure that quality services are provided to victims/survivors of domestic and sexual violence;, prevent future violence by educating the public, influence public policy and encourage the provision of services for perpetrators. For further information, visit their website at (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)

Tangible Worship: Please notice the tables at each door of the Sanctuary. On them will be items which will express the theme of the worship service in a tangible way. See if you can figure out what will be happening in worship from the items on the tables.

Real Mugs for Real coffee: Bring your own mug to church so we can cut back on use of paper products during coffee hour. It will taste better and you can take it home to wash it. Thanks!

Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC: While you can order any number of pre-paid card on the third Sunday of each month, we have purchased extra cards of the most popular places. They include Dunkin’ Donuts, Regal Cinema, Restaurant pass, and Lowes, and they are available every Sunday after church while the supplies last. Contact Tiffany George with questions at 332-5808/

Christmas Bazaar: (or as we like to say in New England...Bazaaah) St. Joseph’s Catholic Church Women’s Club will host their Christmas Bazaar on Saturday, November 6th from 9am-2pm in their Parish Hall. All are encouraged to drop by for a morning muffin and/or a tasty luncheon! Detailed poster is on the Bulleting Board.

Thanks-Giving Dinner: Bow Lake Baptist Church will hold this special, no cost dinner at Chadbourn’s Restaurant, Route 4, Northwood, NH on Thursday, November 25th at 12-noon. Seating capacity is 80—so please RSVP by 11/01 with number attending to:
Frank Drociak: 664.9117
Bow Lake Baptist Church: 664.7401
Michelle Benger: 664.5745
Martha English: 664.9089
**Arrangements can be made to deliver meals to shut-ins if needed.**

Friday, October 15, 2010

October 17 - Announcements & Meetings

Peace Sunday: Today is Peace Sunday; one Sunday each year when we are thoughtful in remembering the work that brought us a Peace Pole in front of the church and proclaiming the values of God’s gift of peace in our lives.

Kevin's N.C.C Weight Loss Challenge: I am committing to contribute a dollar amount for each pound I lose to N.C.C. I would like others to join me in one of three ways: first if you have weight to lose join me in contributing a dollar amount per pound to the church; second if you do not want or need to lose weight, how about supporting me in my pledge and give an amount for my weight loss; third is a way everyone can be involved - pray for those involved in the challenge and the church. So everyone knows we are on the up and up, I will have weekly weigh-ins at coffee hour and we can track my success (or lack there of). I hope you will consider supporting this effort to bring glory to God through two areas we have been entrusted to steward: The Church and ourselves.

Operation Christmas Child: Over the next month our children will be collecting toys and personal care goods in support of the shoe box ministry: Operation Christmas Child. This ministry is committed to making it possible for every child around the world to have something to open for Christmas. This is the second year the children have taken up this worth while cause and your support is essential. There is a flier on the table outside of Fellowship Hall outlining the needs for a shoe box. Please take the time to look it over and see how you might be able to help. Thank you in advance for your help to make all children around the world have a Merry Christmas! If you would like more information please talk with Kevin Stewart. We will also be showing a video throughout the collection time.

Advent Worship Leadership Team: Would you like to be on the Worship Leadership Team for Advent? We will be thinking about what the church will be doing in preparation for Christmas. If you would like to be part of the team that helps us think about worship and is active in its planning, please see Gayle Murphy.

Prayer Box: The Deacons have provided a Prayer Box by the outside door of the handicap entrance. The box is a work of art made by Jane Roberts’ daughter. Its purpose is to allow people outside of the church to submit their prayer requests. The box will be checked each week to be included in Sunday’s prayers.

Confirmation Class Field Trip: The Confirmation Class will be going on its first Field Trip today to the Durham Evangelical Church. The service begins at 11:30, so we will meet here at our church at 10:45 to leave at 11:00. Anyone who would be interested in joining us on this field trip is welcome.

Free Lunch and Fellowship!: Mark your calendars for our next free lunches by Norma from 11:30am - 1pm on Wednesdays, October 20 and November 17. Please bring anyone you think might like to come! Norma has felt called to a ministry which will provide food and hospitality for church people and members of the community.

Trustee Work Day/New Info: On Saturday, October 23rd, from 8:30 to 12:30, will be a trustee-sponsored workday. The following are targeted projects: clean out the old cabinets and sink, from the vestry kitchen in the old building, rake leaves, cut the grass one last time, wash windows, do any other yard clean up work, last minute painting, possibly, if we have the time and workers, start on the pew tightening up. In addition, we are looking for people willing to put together light refreshments and drinks for the workers around 11:30. Please contact Dan Ferguson at 603.828.3170 to volunteer for either. **Weather permitting—Rain Date will be announced in the event of inclement weather. Also if there is a project you’d like to have accomplished, please write it on the board inside Fellowship Hall.

Communion Offering: Annually, October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. We will dedicate the October Mission offering to New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence to assist in prevention of domestic violence which has been increasing as a result of some of the economic challenges faced by many families. Founded in 1977, the Coalition is an umbrella organization for a statewide network of 14 independent member programs committed to ending domestic and sexual violence. To that end the Coalition seeks to ensure that quality services are provided to victims/survivors of domestic and sexual violence;, prevent future violence by educating the public, influence public policy and encourage the provision of services for perpetrators. For further information, visit their website at (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)

Tangible Worship: Please notice the tables at each door of the Sanctuary. On them will be items which will express the theme of the worship service in a tangible way. See if you can figure out what will be happening in worship from the items on the tables.

Real Mugs for Real coffee: Bring your own mug to church so we can cut back on use of paper products during coffee hour. It will taste better and you can take it home to wash it. Thanks!

Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC: While you can order any number of pre-paid card on the third Sunday of each month, we have purchased extra cards of the most popular places. They include Dunkin’ Donuts, Regal Cinema, Restaurant pass, and Lowes, and they are available every Sunday after church while the supplies last. Contact Tiffany George with your questions at 332-5808 or

Chadbourne’s Restaurant: Prepare for…’The Haunting.’ Chadbourne’s will be hosting an interactive dinner theatre on October 22, 23, 29, 30 at 7:00pm and 31 at 2:00pm. There’s a choice of three menu items, price is $25.00. RSVP to 603.942.5992 as seats fill quickly. (Psst—you’ll get to see Dan Ferguson!)

Sunday 11:00am Confirmation Class Field Trip
Tuesday 7:00pm Church Council
Wednesday Commissioning of the Ministry of
Kevin Stewart at ANTS
11:30-1:00pm Norma’s Free Lunch
Thursday 7:00pm Choir
Saturday 8:30-12:30pm Trustee Work Day

Friday, October 8, 2010

October 10, 2010 - Announcements & Meetings

Come to the Birthday Party!: Today we celebrate the church’s birthday with cake and gifts during coffee hour. The cake has been made for us by Diane Kizirian and will have 22 candles on it for the 22 years this church has been reborn. Gifts have been given to the church through your generosity, and we need the kids to help us open them. So come one, come all, and celebrate with us!

Peace Sunday: Next week will be our Peace Sunday; one Sunday each year when we are thoughtful in remembering the work that brought us a Peace Pole in front of the church and proclaiming the values of God’s gift of peace in our lives. We will be having a special worship service to celebrate this, so please join us.

Deerfield Fair Fundraiser Update: The fundraising committee would like to thank all the people who gave of their precious time to help us earn $3,750 (1/3 of the annual fundraising budget) from the Deerfield Fair. The Fair Association hired us to take tickets all day on Thursday and Saturday. The rain held off for us, mostly, on Thursday, and Saturday was perfect fair attendance weather—not too cold, not too warm. Fair attendees were in good spirits, all 52,000 of them on Saturday! We ticket takers thought the fair set a record, but not so—we were shy 4,000 people as the record for fair attendance is 56,000 people. Not much difference when you are handling that many tickets/people. As a group we enjoyed our work and fellowship at the fair.

Advent Worship Leadership Team: Would you like to be on the Worship Leadership Team for Advent? We will be thinking about what the church will be doing in preparation for Christmas. If you would like to be part of the team that helps us think about worship and is active in its planning, please see Gayle Murphy.

Prayer Box: The Deacons have provided a Prayer Box by the outside door of the handicap entrance. The box is a work of art made by Jane Roberts’ daughter. Its purpose is to allow people outside of the church to submit their prayer requests. The box will be checked each week to be included in Sunday’s prayers.

Confirmation Class Field Trip: The Confirmation Class will be going on its first Field Trip next Sunday to the Durham Evangelical Church. The service begins at 11:30, so we will meet here at our church at 10:45 to leave at 11:00. Anyone who would be interested in joining us on this field trip is welcome.

Free Lunch and Fellowship!: Mark your calendars for our next free lunches by Norma from 11:30am - 1pm on Wednesdays, October 20 and November 17. Please bring anyone you think might like to come! Norma has felt called to a ministry which will provide food and hospitality for church people and members of the community.

Trustee Work Day/New Info: On Saturday, October 23rd, from 8:30 to 12:30, will be a trustee-sponsored workday. The following are targeted projects: clean out the old cabinets and sink, from the vestry kitchen in the old building, rake leaves, cut the grass one last time, wash windows, do any other yard clean up work, last minute painting, possibly, if we have the time and workers, start on the pew tightening up. In addition, we are looking for people willing to put together light refreshments and drinks for the workers around 11:30. Please contact Dan Ferguson at 603.828.3170 to volunteer for either. **Weather permitting—Rain Date will be announced in the event of inclement weather. Also if there is a project you’d like to have accomplished, please write it on the board inside Fellowship Hall.

Communion Offering: Annually, October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. We will dedicate the October Mission offering to New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence to assist in prevention of domestic violence which has been increasing as a result of some of the economic challenges faced by many families. Founded in 1977, the Coalition is an umbrella organization for a statewide network of 14 independent member programs committed to ending domestic and sexual violence. To that end the Coalition seeks to ensure that quality services are provided to victims/survivors of domestic and sexual violence;, prevent future violence by educating the public, influence public policy and encourage the provision of services for perpetrators. For further information, visit their website at (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)

New hours for Kat: Starting in November, Kat will be in the church office on Fridays only. Please continue to send any Newsletter information to her email address and leave messages on either machine.

Tangible Worship: Please notice the tables at each door of the Sanctuary. On them will be items which will express the theme of the worship service in a tangible way. See if you can figure out what will be happening in worship from the items on the tables.

Real Mugs for Real coffee: Bring your own mug to church so we can cut back on use of paper products during coffee hour. It will taste better and you can take it home to wash it. Thanks!

Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC: While you can order any number of pre-paid card on the third Sunday of each month, we have purchased extra cards of the most popular places. They include Dunkin’ Donuts, Regal Cinema, Restaurant pass, and Lowes, and they are available every Sunday after church while the supplies last. Contact Tiffany George with your questions at 332-5808 or

Flu Shots: The Northwood Flu Clinic will be at the Town Hall on Wednesday, October 13 from 2:00-5:00pm. The cost is $35.00. If you have Medicare Part B or Anthem BC/BS, they will bill your insurance directly as long as your insurance card is present.

N. Barnstead Women’s Fellowship: NBWF will host ‘Friendship Night 2010’ on Thursday, October 14th at 6:30pm. Rabbi Robin Nafshi of Temple Beth Jacob will discuss “What is Judaism?” Dessert will be served and the event will be held at North Barnstead Church. Please contact Lucy Silva at 603.942.9848 for further info or to RSVP.

Chadbourne’s Restaurant: Prepare for…’The Haunting.’ Chadbourne’s will be hosting an interactive dinner theatre on October 22, 23, 29, 30 at 7:00pm and 31 at 2:00pm. There’s a choice of three menu items, price is $25.00. RSVP to 603.942.5992 as seats fill quickly. (Psst—you’ll get to see Dan Ferguson!)

Monday 6:30pm Trustees
Tuesday 6:30pm Finance Committee
7:00pm Deacons
Thursday 7:00pm Choir
Next Sunday Peace Sunday

Friday, October 1, 2010

October 3, 2010 - Announcments & Meetings

World Communion Sunday: Today is World Communion Sunday and we celebrate it with the gift of Jean Dixon, active in the NH UCC partnership with Zimbabwe and Dennis Gaboury of Zimkids. Both will be in coffee hour to show you all about the ministries they are involved in and give you the opportunity to buy a Zimkid doll and find out more about the Ukama partnership. Priscilla Merrill has organized a special coffee hour for us and has been very helpful in making this special Sunday possible.

A ’Fair’ Amount of Gratitude: Thanks to all the people who volunteered on behalf of the church at the Deerfield Fair. That is a huge effort which Pam English, Gregg Pitman and Jean Lane coordinated and we are deeply appreciative that you would give up your time this weekend to raise needed money for the church. This one event has the potential for us to raise almost a third of our fund-raising needs, so it was huge for the church.

Communion Offering: October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. We will dedicate offerings to an appropriate agency to assist in prevention of domestic violence which has been increasing as a result of some of the economic challenges faced by many families today. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)

New hours for Kat: Starting in November, Kat will be in the church office on Fridays only. Please continue to send any Newsletter information to her email address and leave messages on either machine.

LARGE PRINT: There are now large print bulletins available for anyone who would find them helpful. Please speak to one of the Deacons if you like one.

Tangible Worship: Please notice the tables at each door of the Sanctuary. On them will be items which will express the theme of the worship service in a tangible way. See if you can figure out what will be happening in worship from the items on the tables.

Trustee Work Day: On Saturday, October 23rd, from 8:30 to 12:30, will be a trustee-sponsored workday. The following are targeted projects: clean out the old cabinets and sink, from the vestry kitchen in the old building, rake leaves, cut the grass one last time, wash windows, do any other yard clean up work, last minute painting, possibly, if we have the time and workers, start on the pew tightening up. In addition, we are looking for people willing to put together light refreshments and drinks for the workers. Please contact Dan Ferguson at 603.828.3170 to volunteer for either.

Free Lunch and Fellowship!: What a good idea…thank you Norma Heroux! Seventeen people enjoyed soup and cornbread, brownies and ice cream on September 15th.We had such a good time that Lucy Silva has offered to provide an additional lunch on Wednesday, October 6th from 11:30am-1:00pm at the Northwood Congregational Church. Future free lunches by Norma will be from 11:30am - 1pm on Wednesdays, October 20 and November 17. Please bring anyone you think might like to come! Norma has felt called to a ministry which will provide food and hospitality for church people and members of the community. Mark your calendars!

Real Mugs for Real coffee: Bring your own mug to church so we can cut back on use of paper products during coffee hour. It will taste better and you can take it home to wash it. Thanks!

Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC: While you can order any number of pre-paid card on the third Sunday of each month, we have purchased extra cards of the most popular places. They include Dunkin’ Donuts, Regal Cinema, Restaurant pass, and Lowes, and they are available every Sunday after church while the supplies last. Contact Tiffany George with your questions at 332-5808 or

N. Barnstead Women’s Fellowship: NBWF will host ‘Friendship Night 2010’ on Thursday, October 14th at 6:30pm. Rabbi Robin Nafshi of Temple Beth Jacob will discuss “What is Judaism?” Dessert will be served and the event will be held at North Barnstead Church. Please contact Lucy Silva at 603.942.9848 for further info or to RSVP.

Today 10:30pm Missions Committee
Monday 6:30pm Men’s Supper
Tuesday 5:30pm Envisioning Committee
7:00pm Christian Education
Wednesday 11:30-1pm Free Fellowship Luncheon
7:30pm Confirmation
Thursday 7:00pm Choir

Friday, September 24, 2010

September 26-Announcements & Meetings

Gayle’s Study Week: Gayle will be engaged in a week of study from Monday through Friday of this week. The answering machine will be checked daily and Gayle will be available through her cell phone or email if you need to contact her. (942-0209 /

New hours for Kat: Starting in November, Kat will be in the church office on Fridays only. Please continue to send any Newsletter information to her email address and leave messages on either machine.

LARGE PRINT: There are now large print bulletins available for anyone who would find them helpful. Please speak to one of the Deacons if you like one.

Tangible Worship: Please notice the tables at each door of the Sanctuary. On them will be items which will express the theme of the worship service in a tangible way. See if you can figure out what will be happening in worship from the items on the tables.

World Communion Sunday: Sunday, October 3rd will be a special worship service as we celebrate World Communion Sunday. We will have two special guests helping in worship: Jean Dixon, who is active in our UCC Partnership with Zimbabwe, and Dennis Gaboury, who is involved in a Mission in Zimbabwe called Zimkids, which helps to support children and build relationships through dolls that the children make. Join us for special people, special music and a special coffee hour.

Trustee Work Day: On Saturday, October 23rd, from 8:30 to 12:30, will be a trustee-sponsored workday. The following are targeted projects: clean out the old cabinets and sink, from the vestry kitchen in the old building, rake leaves, cut the grass one last time, wash windows, do any other yard clean up work, last minute painting, possibly, if we have the time and workers, start on the pew tightening up. In addition, we are looking for people willing to put together light refreshments and drinks for the workers. Please contact Dan Ferguson at 603.828.3170 to volunteer for either.

Free Lunch and Fellowship!: What a good idea…thank you Norma Heroux! Seventeen people enjoyed soup and cornbread, brownies and ice cream on September 15th.We had such a good time that Lucy Silva has offered to provide an additional lunch on Wednesday, October 6th from 11:30am-1:00pm at the Northwood Congregational Church. Future free lunches by Norma will be from 11:30am - 1pm on Wednesdays, October 20 and November 17. Please bring anyone you think might like to come! Norma has felt called to a ministry which will provide food and hospitality for church people and members of the community. Mark your calendars!

Deerfield Fair: Deerfield Fair is a great fundraiser for NCC. There are lots of volunteer opportunities available and in order to fulfill our commitment, we'll need everyone possible to help with at least one shift. Our days to volunteer as Ticket Takers will be Thursday, Sept. 30 and Saturday, Oct. 2. Approximate shift times are 7:30-2:30pm, 2:30-9:00pm and one person to start at 6am each day. Approximately 15 people are needed for Thursday and 9 people for Saturday. Sign up sheets will be available at the church on Rally Day. For information or to volunteer, please contact Pam English at 942-8501 or John and Jean Lane at 942.5486 to sign up.

Real Mugs for Real coffee: Bring your own mug to church so we can cut back on use of paper products during coffee hour. It will taste better and you can take it home to wash it. Thanks!

Communion Offering: The September Mission offering will be dedicated to the American Cancer Society. You can visit their website at: As we have experienced with the recent loss of our wonderful church member Robin Drown, many of our congregational members have been touched by cancer. The American Cancer Society continues its research and fighting this disease that affects so many people we love and who are in need of our prayers. (Please note:
when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)

Centering Prayer: A time of Centering Prayer is held on Wednesdays at 8:00am. We meet at MaryAnn Lippincott’s home at 11 Blaisdell Drive.
Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC: While you can order any number of pre-paid card on the third Sunday of each month, we have purchased extra cards of the most popular places. They include Dunkin’ Donuts, Regal Cinema, Restaurant pass, and Lowes, and they are available every Sunday after church while the supplies last. Contact Tiffany George with your questions at 332-5808 or

Hymn Sing Today: The Northwood Advent Christian Church in the Narrows (Rte 107/113 School Street) invites you to their Hymn Sing today at 6:00pm. Sing your favorite old hymns and maybe some special selections.

Pittsfield Players: Hello Dolly! is coming to the Scenic Theatre, Pittsfield, NH in November. They are in desperate need of males for both singing and non-singing roles. If you are interested, contact Jon Martin at 603.398.0709 or John Charron at 603.765.5280.

High Tea anyone?: The Women’s Club of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church are hosting a high tea on Sunday, September 26th at 2:00pm at their church in Northwood. You are invited to dress up and bring your daughters/sons, mothers/fathers or anyone who will enjoy this experience. Please contact Pat Jacobsmeyer at 603.942.8912 if you’d like to attend.
Outdoor Ministry Board: OMB is celebrating 40 Years at Horton Center! Everyone is encouraged to join us for the celebration of 40 years of organized youth camping! On Friday, October 1st, arrive late afternoon and Saturday, Oct. 2nd the event will end mid-afternoon at Horton Center, Pine Mountain. A free-will offering will be taken. Friday evening bring a dish to share for dinner and celebrate with a family friendly concert by Steve Schuch. Saturday meals will be provided. The weather may be turning cool, but everyone will be warmly welcomed to the mountain for fun, fellowship and Christian community! Reservations requested—please email Heather Flint Davis at Please indicate number of adults and children attending, and contact information.

N. Barnstead Women’s Fellowship: NBWF will host ‘Friendship Night 2010’ on Thursday, October 14th at 6:30pm. Rabbi Robin Nafshi of Temple Beth Jacob will discuss “What is Judaism?” Dessert will be served and the event will be held at North Barnstead Church. Please contact Lucy Silva at 603.942.9848 for further info or to RSVP.

Today 10:30pm Informational meeting
on Confirmation
Wednesday 8:00 am Centering Prayer
Thursday 7:00pm Choir

Friday, September 17, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010-Announcements & Meetings

LARGE PRINT: There are now large print bulletins available for anyone who would find them helpful. Please speak to one of the Deacons if you like one.

Tangible Worship: Please notice the tables at each door of the Sanctuary. On them will be items which will express the theme of the worship service in a tangible way. See if you can figure out what will be happening in worship from the items on the tables.

Sunday School: Sunday School begins Today! When the Children go downstairs to find their Sunday School rooms, so will the adults responsible for them. There will be a brief orientation to our Sunday School program, our child safety policy and what our needs are to make it an effective program.

World Communion Sunday: Sunday, October 3rd will be a special worship service as we celebrate World Communion Sunday. We will have two special guests helping in worship: Jean Dixon, who is active in our UCC Partnership with Zimbabwe, and Dennis Gaboury, who is involved in a Mission in Zimbabwe called Zimkids, which helps to support children and build relationships through dolls that the children make. Join us for special people, special music and a special coffee hour.

Come for lunch: Norma Heroux’s first free lunch was a pleasant success, yielding 14 attendants! Please join us for the remaining two luncheons on Wednesdays, Oct. 20th and Nov. 17th from 11:00am-1:00pm at the church. People from the community are invited as well as church members. Come and bring anyone who would enjoy good food and good company.

History and Architecture of NCC: The Northwood Historical Society is continuing it’s series of programs on historical buildings in town. This time our very own Church will be featured! On Tuesday, September 21st at 7:00pm a tour and discussion, lead by Neil English, will highlight the architecture and history of this unique building. We will meet for the tour first then the discussion will occur in the Sanctuary, followed by refreshments in Fellowship Hall. This is free and open to the public. Please join us for this interesting program.

Confirmation: If you know of an 8th or 9th Grader (or anyone who has not taken Confirmation) who might be interested in Confirmation, we will be having an informational meeting for Confirmands and their parents on Sunday, September 26th. Let Gayle know and we will send them a personal invitation.

Deerfield Fair: Deerfield Fair is a great fundraiser for NCC. There are lots of volunteer opportunities available and in order to fulfill our commitment, we'll need everyone possible to help with at least one shift. Our days to volunteer as Ticket Takers will be Thursday, Sept. 30 and Saturday, Oct. 2. Approximate shift times are 7:30-2:30pm, 2:30-9:00pm and one person to start at 6am each day. Approximately21 people needed for Thursday and 30 people for Saturday. Sign up sheets will be available at the church on Rally Day. For information or to volunteer, please contact Pam English at 942-8501.

Real Mugs for Real coffee: Bring your own mug to church so we can cut back on use of paper products during coffee hour. It will taste better and you can take it home to wash it. Thanks!

Communion Offering: The September Mission offering will be dedicated to the American Cancer Society. You can visit their website at: As we have experienced with the recent loss of our wonderful church member Robin Drown, many of our congregational members have been touched by cancer. The American Cancer Society continues its research and fighting this disease that affects so many people we love and who are in need of our prayers. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be
properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)

Centering Prayer: A time of Centering Prayer is held on Wednesdays at 8:00am. We meet at MaryAnn Lippincott’s home at 11 Blaisdell Drive.

Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC: While you can order any number of pre-paid card on the third Sunday of each month, we have purchased extra cards of the most popular places. They include Dunkin’ Donuts, Regal Cinema, Restaurant pass, and Lowes, and they are available every Sunday after church while the supplies last. Contact Tiffany George with your questions at 332-5808 or

Pittsfield Players: Hello Dolly! is coming to the Scenic Theatre in Pittsfield in November. They are in desperate need of males for both singing and non-singing roles. If you are interested, just show up to the next rehearsal at the theatre on Sunday at 5pm, contact Jon Martin at 603.398.0709 or John Charron at 603.765.5280.

Hymn Sing: The Northwood Advent Christian Church in the Narrows (Rte 107/113 School Street) invites you to their Hymn Sing on Sunday, September 26th at 6:00pm. Sing your favorite old hymns and maybe some special selections.

High Tea anyone?: The Women’s Club of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church are hosting a high tea on Sunday, September 26th at 2:00pm at their church in Northwood. You are invited to dress up and bring your daughters/sons, mothers/fathers or anyone who will enjoy this experience. Please contact Pat Jacobsmeyer at 603.942.8912 if you’d like to attend.

Outdoor Ministry Board: OMB is celebrating 40 Years at Horton Center! Everyone is encouraged to join us for the celebration of 40 years of organized youth camping! On Friday, October 1st, arrive late afternoon and Saturday, Oct. 2nd the event will end mid-afternoon at Horton Center, Pine Mountain. A free-will offering will be taken. Friday evening bring a dish to share for dinner and celebrate with a family friendly concert by Steve Schuch. Saturday meals will be provided. The weather may be turning cool, but everyone will be warmly welcomed to the mountain for fun, fellowship and Christian community! Reservations requested—please email Heather Flint Davis at Please indicate number of adults and children attending, and contact information.

N. Barnstead Women’s Fellowship: NBWF will host ‘Friendship Night 2010’ on Thursday, October 14th at 6:30pm. Rabbi Robin Nafshi of Temple Beth Jacob will discuss “What is Judaism?” Dessert will be served and the event will be held at North Barnstead Church. Please contact Lucy Silva at 603.942.9848 for further info or to RSVP.

Today 2:30pm Installation of Rev. Ed Koonz at the Hampstead Church
Tuesday 7:00pm Church Council
Wednesday 8:00 am Centering Prayer
Thursday 7:00pm Choir

Friday, September 10, 2010

September 12, 2010 - Announcements & Meetings

Rally Day!: Many thanks to all who have made today’s Rally Sunday a special homecoming for all of us. This season’s worship team helped to flesh out the ideas of Homecoming. Nancy Boucher made the beautiful boxes you all will receive during the service. THANK YOU all for coming and making this faith community the home for your spirit!

Welcome back Judy!: Welcome back to Judy Frase who will be our Accompanist and Choir Director. Judy comes with great gifts for writing and performing music and her Spirit is focused on praising God in all she does. We are also grateful to have the choir back to aid us in our worship with their voices and music.

Sunday School: Sunday School begins next week. We will begin the worship service with the children in the Sanctuary. When the Children go downstairs to find their Sunday School rooms, so will the adults responsible for them. There will be a brief orientation to our Sunday School program, our child safety policy and what our needs are to make it an effective program.

Come for lunch: Norma Heroux is hosting a free lunch on Wednesday from 11:00am-1:00pm at the church. There will be good food and a chance to enjoy each other’s company. People from the community are invited as well as church members. There will be 2 more Wednesday lunches fall: Oct. 20th and Nov. 17th. Come and bring anyone who would enjoy good food and good company.

History and Architecture of NCC: The Northwood Historical Society is continuing it’s series of programs on historical buildings in town. This time our very own Church will be featured! On Tuesday, September 21st at 7:00pm a tour and discussion, lead by Neil English, will highlight the architecture and history of this unique building. We will meet for the tour first then the discussion will occur in the Sanctuary, followed by refreshments in Fellowship Hall. This is free and open to the public. Please join us for this interesting program.

Confirmation: If you know of an 8th or 9th Grader (or anyone who has not taken Confirmation) who might be interested in Confirmation, we will be having an informational meeting for Confirmands and their parents on Sunday, September 26th. Let Gayle know and we will send them a personal invitation.

NASCAR Volunteers needed: It’s that time again...come volunteer your time to help this successful NCC Fundraiser. Dates are Friday through Sunday, September 17, 18 and 19th. Sign-up sheets are on the table outside Fellowship Hall or you can contact Michael Magoon at 608.5444.

Deerfield Fair: Deerfield Fair is a great fundraiser for NCC. There are lots of volunteer opportunities available and in order to fulfill our commitment, we'll need everyone possible to help with at least one shift. Our days to volunteer as Ticket Takers will be Thursday, Sept. 30 and Saturday, Oct. 2. Approximate shift times are 7:30-2:30pm, 2:30-9:00pm and one person to start at 6am each day. Approximately21 people needed for Thursday and 30 people for Saturday. Sign up sheets will be available at the church on Rally Day. For information or to volunteer, please contact Pam English at 942-8501.

Real Mugs for Real coffee: Bring your own mug to church so we can cut back on use of paper products during coffee hour. It will taste better and you can take it home to wash it. Thanks!

Communion Offering: The September Mission offering will be dedicated to the American Cancer Society. You can visit their website at: As we have experienced with the recent loss of our wonderful church member Robin Drown, many of our congregational members have been touched by cancer. The American Cancer Society continues its research and fighting this disease that affects so many people we love and who are in need of our prayers. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)

Centering Prayer: A time of Centering Prayer is held on Wednesdays at 8:00am. We meet at MaryAnn Lippincott’s home at 11 Blaisdell Drive.

Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC: While you can order any number of pre-paid card on the third Sunday of each month, we have purchased extra cards of the most popular places. They include Dunkin’ Donuts, Regal Cinema, Restaurant pass, and Lowes, and they are available every Sunday after church while the supplies last. Contact Tiffany George with your questions at 332-5808 or

Outdoor Ministry Board: OMB is celebrating 40 Years at Horton Center! Everyone is encouraged to join us for the celebration of 40 years of organized youth camping! On Friday, October 1st, arrive late afternoon and Saturday, Oct. 2nd the event will end mid-afternoon at Horton Center, Pine Mountain. A free-will offering will be taken. Friday evening bring a dish to share for dinner and celebrate with a family friendly concert by Steve Schuch. Saturday meals will be provided. The weather may be turning cool, but everyone will be warmly welcomed to the mountain for fun, fellowship and Christian community! Reservations requested—please email Heather Flint Davis at Please indicate number of adults and children attending, and contact information.

Sleep-out for the Homeless: The Homeless Center for Strafford County will be holding its sleep-out on Saturday, September 18th on the Rochester Common. Registration is from 3:00-5:00pm and tent locations are first come, first serve. Sorry, no pets allowed. You may contact them online at, email at or call 603.332.3065 for further info.

N. Barnstead Women’s Fellowship: NBWF will host ‘Friendship Night 2010’ on Thursday, October 14th at 6:30pm. Rabbi Robin Nafshi of Temple Beth Jacob will discuss “What is Judaism?” Dessert will be served and the event will be held at North Barnstead Church. Please contact Lucy Silva at 603.942.9848 for further info or to RSVP.

Monday 7:00pm Trustees
Tuesday 5:30pm Envisioning Committee
7:00pm Deacons
Wednesday 8:00 am Centering Prayer
11:00am Free Lunch with Norma
5:30pm Worship Leadership Team
Thursday 7:00pm Choir

Friday, September 3, 2010

September 5, 2010 - Announcements & Meetings

Thank you Ruthie!: Today is Ruthie Bencal’s last day as our church organist for this year. Ruthie brings great skill and spirit to our congregation as she helps us to worship with music and song. Next week Judy Frase will return to lead the choir and be our accompanist. They both bring such different spirits and styles to our worship and we are richly blessed by both of them.

Rally Day!: Next Sunday is Rally Day and we would like to have everyone who has ever called this place home join us for the kick-off to our program year. If you know of someone who might find this place a spiritual home, please invite them to come to worship with you on September 12th. Also, if there is someone you notice who is missing among us, let them know they are missed and encourage them to be with us for Rally Sunday.

Bibles for 4th Graders: Notices have gone out to any 4th Graders we know of to let them know we have a Bible for them on Rally Sunday. If you know of someone who would like a Bible, please let us know by Tuesday so we can include them as we give out Bibles.

Confirmation: If you know of an 8th or 9th Grader (or anyone who has not taken Confirmation) who might be interested in Confirmation, we will be having an informational meeting for Confirmands and their parents on Sunday, September 26th. Let Gayle know and we will send them a personal invitation.

NASCAR Volunteers needed: It’s that time again...come volunteer your time to help this NCC Fundraiser. Dates are Friday through Sunday, September 17, 18 and 19th. Sign-up sheets are on the table outside Fellowship Hall or you can contact Michael Magoon at 608.5444.

Deerfield Fair: Deerfield Fair is a great fundraiser for NCC. There are lots of volunteer opportunities available and in order to fulfill our commitment, we'll need everyone possible to help with at least one shift. Our days to volunteer as Ticket Takers will be Thursday, Sept. 30 and Saturday, Oct. 2. Approximate shift times are 7:30-2:30pm, 2:30-9:00pm and one person to start at 6am each day. Approximately21 people needed for Thursday and 30 people for Saturday. Sign up sheets will be available at the church on Rally Day. For information or to volunteer, please contact Pam English at 942-8501.

Real Mugs for Real coffee: Bring your own mug to church so we can cut back on use of paper products during coffee hour. It will taste better and you can take it home to wash it. Thanks!

Communion Offering: The September Mission offering will be dedicated to the American Cancer Society. You can visit their website at: As we have experienced with the recent loss of our wonderful church member Robin Drown, many of our congregational members have been touched by cancer. The American Cancer Society continues its research and fighting this disease that affects so many people we love and who are in need of our prayers. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)

Centering Prayer: A time of Centering Prayer is held on Wednesdays at 8:00am. We meet at MaryAnn Lippincott’s home at 11 Blaisdell Drive.

Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC: While you can order any number of pre-paid card on the third Sunday of each month, we have purchased extra cards of the most popular places. They include Dunkin’ Donuts, Regal Cinema, Restaurant pass, and Lowes, and they are available every Sunday after church while the supplies last. Contact Tiffany George with your questions at 332-5808 or

Requiem: Seacoast Choral Society will be performing their 1oth Annual read-through of Faure’ Requiem on Saturday, September 11th at 7:30pm at the Durham Community Church, Main St., Durham, NH.

Tuesday 6:30pm Christian Education
Wednesday 8:00 am Centering Prayer
Thursday 7:00pm Choir
Next Sunday Rally Day

Thursday, September 2, 2010

From the Mission Committee

The information below summarizes upcoming mission opportunities and the results of our previous mission efforts.  Please note that all dollar amounts described are approximate.
September 2010 - American Cancer Society
The September Mission offering will be dedicated to the American Cancer Society  As we have experienced with the recent loss of our wonderful church member Robin Drown, many of our congregational members, friends and family members suffer from cancer, are undergoing treatment or are beyond current treatment methods.  The September Mission will be dedicated to the American Cancer Society to continue the research and fight this disease that affects so many people we love and are in need of our prayers. 
Future Missions
October 2010 - Domestic Violence Prevention - Annually in October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  We will dedicate the October Mission offering to New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence to assist in prevention of domestic violence which has been increasing as a result of some of the economic challenges faced by many families. Founded in 1977, the Coalition is an umbrella organization for a statewide network of 14 independent member programs committed to ending domestic and sexual violence. To that end the Coalition seeks to:
  • ensure that quality services are provided to victims/survivors of domestic and sexual violence;
  • prevent future violence by educating the public;
  • influence public policy;
  • and encourage the provision of services for perpetrators.
Please check as other opportunities will be posted on the board in Fellowship Hall as they become available or you may receive an email from those coordinating.  Also, feel free to approach anyone on the Mission Committee if you have ideas or interest in pursuing specific mission work or are looking for a way to contribute time and energy to any gratifying endeavor that promotes Christian outreach!
May 2010 Missions - Heifer International
The May Mission offering went to Heifer International, a program dedicated to providing farm animals to needy families.  Amy Lindsay coordinated with the Christian Education Committee and worked with the children to make crafts that were sold during various church events.  Green Mountain Coffee was also sold at church since their fair trade coffee has a percentage of proceeds helping coffee growers in Mexico develop a more sustainable life-style by promoting food crops and market crops that will tide them over during the off-season.  A total of $420 was collected and the children selected the animals in church during the Children's Message given by Rev. Gayle Murphy.  The following summarizes the order from Northwood Congregational Church to Heifer International:

Name Description Quantity Price Total
Water Buffalo Helping Hooves
Water Buffalo: Full Water Buffalo
1 $250.00 $250.00
Trees Trees Are a Treasure
Trees: Gift of Trees
1 $60.00 $60.00
Bees The Buzz About Bees 1 $30.00 $30.00
Chicks Chicks: A Good Choice 1 $20.00 $20.00
Rabbits Rabbits Get Results
Rabbits: Gift of Rabbits
1 $60.00 $60.00

June 2010 Missions - Boston Common Cathedral / Ecclesia Ministries with Additional Summer Efforts at Concord Soup Kitchen and Families in Transition
Peggy Kofer and Reverend Gayle Murphy coordinated a Youth Mission approach that involves working with the Mission Committee to attend three separate events.  On June 20th,  14 attended the Common Cathedral on the Boston Common We served 150 sandwiches and worshiped with the homeless on the Common. It was a great experience and we hope you can join us when we go again.  In August, the Youth Mission Group prepared a meal on a Saturday for 50 for the Friendly Kitchen in Concord, the town's soup kitchen. Then a few days later, seven of us spent the day volunteering at Families in Transition, learning about homelessness and ...volunteering at their pre-school. The Youth Mission Group served God and represented you - and they had fun too!
Of the $126.00 collected during the month of June in the Mission Offering, a total of $21.00 was used to buy supplies for the Concord Soup Kitchen.  The remaining $105.00 was sent to the Ecclesia Ministries to continue the important work providing for the homeless of Boston.
July 2010 Missions - Cocheco Valley Humane Society
During January 2010 we collected $65.00 to support the Cocheco Valley Humane Society  - Animal Shelter operated in Dover, NH.
August 2010 Missions - Minister's Discretionary Fund
The amount collected during August 2010 for supplementing moneys to this important fund for Rev. Gayle Murphy to distribute to the needy at her discretion is not available at this time.
In addition to the scheduled monthly Mission Offerings described above, the Northowood Congregational Church Mission Committee is approached by many other individuals and agencies that could use our help.  Since we cannot possibly meet the needs of all these worthwhile causes, we will occasionally describe them here and will be posted on the Mission Committee section of the bulletin board in Church. 
Zimkids - Priscilla Merrill and Gayle Murphy are working to coordinate a visit to our church with Dennis Gaboury who is the contact for a wonderful organization in Zimbabwe called Zimkids  before he travels back there with his wife later this year.  
The 160 orphans served by the Zimkids Orphan Trust create dolls and wire toys that Dennis Gaboury, the project founder, ships to the United States. There, he speaks at churches, schools and local arts groups about the project and the needs of the orphans before giving the toys, each of which comes with a photograph and mini-biography of the toymaker to donors.

Back in Zimbabwe, he distributes 100 percent of the proceeds of those sales to the children in the form of food, school fees, clothing, medical supplies, or whatever a given child needs. Baskets of maize meal, cooking oil, vegetables, rice and beans, delivered every two weeks, along with monthly deliveries of beef or chicken, keep the children and their caregivers supplied with food from the money the kids themselves earn. If a child needs an emergency visit to a doctor – and doctors are few and far between in Zimbabwe – Zimkids arranges for the consultation and pays all costs. A growing number of children are suffering from scabies, and some of their toy money buys the medication essential to relieve their suffering. In one recent tragic case, the proceeds from the sales of a 10-year-old boy’s dolls paid for his coffin and funeral after he died from AIDS.
To learn more about this check out the  website and plan to meet Dennis when his visit is arranged. 
Our new Mission Committee members for 2010/2011 includes Tom Bobowski, Grace Levergood, Amy Lindsay, Betty Warner, Mary Faucher and Joan Clark.  We look forward to continuing our Mission outreach to benefit the local community and rest of God's world!
May Christ be with you!
Northwood Congregational Church
Mission Committee
Tom Bobowski

Thursday, August 26, 2010

August 29 - Announcements & Meetings

Rally Day!: Plan to be at Rally Day on Sunday, September 12th. We are looking forward to the service being a Celebration of Homecoming. We would like to think that this place is a home to anyone who seeks it, can be a refuge from the demands of the world, and a place to reconnect with our God. We plan on having lots of fun together and worshiping with a spirit of faithfulness.

NASCAR Volunteers needed: It’s that time again...come volunteer your time to help this NCC Fundraiser. Dates are Friday through Sunday, September 17, 18 and 19. Sign-up sheets are on the table outside Fellowship Hall or you can contact Michael Magoon at 608.5444.

Real Mugs for Real coffee: Bring your own mug to church so we can cut back on use of paper products during coffee hour. It will taste better and you can take it home to wash it. Thanks!

Communion Offering: The Mission Committee anticipates some families may be needing help to prepare their children for school in the fall and due to the current status of our economy, their family resources may be depleted. The Minister's Discretionary Fund is used to meet the needs of people who request help from the Church. Often that need is for food or gas to get people to a job. Your generosity will assist us in helping others in Christ’s name. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)

Centering Prayer: A time of Centering Prayer is held on Wednesdays at 8:00am. We meet at MaryAnn Lippincott’s home at 11 Blaisdell Drive.

Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC: While you can order any number of pre-paid card on the third Sunday of each month, we have purchased extra cards of the most popular places. They include Dunkin’ Donuts, Regal Cinema, Restaurant pass, and Lowes, and they are available every Sunday after church while the supplies last. Contact Tiffany George with your questions at 332-5808 or

Wednesday 8:00 am Centering Prayer
Thursday 7:00pm Choir

Friday, August 20, 2010

August 22 - Announcements

Rally Day!: Plan to be at Rally Day on Sunday, September 12th. We are looking forward to the service being a Celebration of Homecoming. We would like to think that this place is a home to anyone who seeks it, can be a refuge from the demands of the world, and a place to reconnect with our God. We plan on having lots of fun together and worshiping with a spirit of faithfulness.

Vacuum Away!: We’d like to thank Jane Roberts volunteering to vacuum the Sanctuary, hallway and choir room for 11 1/2 years...that’s a lot of vacuuming! She has turned in her hat and Terri and Dan Ferguson will be taking over this task until another volunteer steps in. So, if you have available time in your schedule, please consider helping the church with this. All our volunteers help to make the maintenance of this building a success.

NASCAR Volunteers needed: It’s that time again...come volunteer your time to help this NCC Fundraiser. Dates are Friday through Sunday, September 17, 18 and 19. Sign-up sheets are on the table outside Fellowship Hall or you can contact Michael Magoon at 608.5444.

Real Mugs for Real coffee: Bring your own mug to church so we can cut back on use of paper products during coffee hour. It will taste better and you can take it home to wash it. Thanks!

Communion Offering: The Mission Committee anticipates some families may be needing help to prepare their children for school in the fall and due to the current status of our economy, their family resources may be depleted. The Minister's Discretionary Fund is used to meet the needs of people who request help from the Church. Often that need is for food or gas to get people to a job. Your generosity will assist us in helping others in Christ’s name. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)

Centering Prayer: A time of Centering Prayer is held on Wednesdays at 8:00am. We meet at MaryAnn Lippincott’s home at 11 Blaisdell Drive.

Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC: While you can order any number of pre-paid card on the third Sunday of each month, we have purchased extra cards of the most popular places. They include Dunkin’ Donuts, Regal Cinema, Restaurant pass, and Lowes, and they are available every Sunday after church while the supplies last. Contact Tiffany George with your questions at 332-5808 or

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sunday, August 15 - Announcements & Meetings

Talented Trio: Thanks to the talented trio who have enriched our worship with their music. Johanna Chase, Mary Ann Lippincott and Pat Moore are as faithful as they are talented and we know what a gift they share with us!

Vacuum Away!: We’d like to thank Jane Roberts volunteering to vacuum the Sanctuary, hallway and choir room for 11 1/2 years...that’s a lot of vacuuming! She has turned in her hat and Terri and Dan Ferguson will be taking over this task until another volunteer steps in. So, if you have available time in your schedule, please consider helping the church with this. All our volunteers help to make the maintenance of this building a success.

Take This Bread: If you would like to read this interesting book with us this summer, we welcome you to join us in a time of study. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, August 18 at 3:00 at Charlotte Klaubert’s home. We will read chapters 19-25. There are copies of the book for you to borrow.

Real Mugs for Real coffee: Bring your own mug to church so we can cut back on use of paper products during coffee hour. It will taste better and you can take it home to wash it. Thanks!

Communion Offering: The Mission Committee anticipates some families may be needing help to prepare their children for school in the fall and due to the current status of our economy, their family resources may be depleted. The Minister's Discretionary Fund is used to meet the needs of people who request help from the Church. Often that need is for food or gas to get people to a job. Your generosity will assist us in helping others in Christ’s name. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)

Centering Prayer: A time of Centering Prayer is held on Wednesdays at 8:00am. We meet at MaryAnn Lippincott’s home at 11 Blaisdell Drive.

Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC: While you can order any number of pre-paid card on the third Sunday of each month, we have purchased extra cards of the most popular places. They include Dunkin’ Donuts, Regal Cinema, Restaurant pass, and Lowes, and they are available every Sunday after church while the supplies last. Contact Tiffany George with your questions at 332-5808 or

Tuesday 7:00pm Church Council
Wednesday 8:00 am Centering Prayer
9:30am Lay Visitors
3:00pm Take This Bread Study

Friday, June 25, 2010

A fine June Sunday afternoon in Boston

A few pictures taken in Boston as we were helping to provide lunch to the less fortunate.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

2010 Strawberry Fest

Saturday, June 19th 8:00 am to 2:00 pm

Mark your calendars for the annual Strawberry Festival at Northwood Congregational Church, Route 4 in Northwood from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. Catey McCann will be coordinating the event for her senior project. Enjoy a hearty pancake and sausage breakfast with strawberries, butter and maple syrup. If you do not make it for breakfast, we will be barbequing hotdogs and hamburgers for lunch, served with other tasty lunch fare, available from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. Delicious strawberry baked goods, strawberries dipped in chocolate, and homemade strawberry shortcakes topped with whip cream and ice cream will be served up all day long! Plenty of locally picked strawberries will be for sale for your own baking. Stock up! There will be fun activities for the whole family, including face painting and a yard sale. For more details, call Catey McCann at 664-7288 or email her at

Furthermore, we still need volunteers and food!

VOLUNTEERS: 2 shortcake servers (11-2), 1 griller (11-2), and 1 outside cashier (11-2).

FOOD: 8 pkgs Breakfast Sausages
Regular, Decaf Coffee
Hot/cold cups
Heavy duty forks (300), knives (100), spoons (300)
4 pounds hamburg patties
80 hamburger rolls
5 pounds hot dogs
Ice cream scoops
16 cans frozen lemonade

Last, but not least, WE NEED PIES. We have 6 being made so far, WE NEED 14 MORE. Please volunteer to make a pie or 2!

Please respond to this if you can help out with any of the above. Thanks!

Friday, June 4, 2010

June 6, 2010 Announcements & Meetings

Annual Meeting: The Church’s Annual meeting will be held today after worship. This is an important meeting, and in order to conduct our business, we need a quorum to be present. The Envisioning Committee will present its results to the Congregation, the Nominating Slate will be voted into office, the By-Laws Changes will be voted in, and the Budget will be accepted for the next fiscal year. If you are a member it is important that you understand the work of this church and that you are present to have your voice heard. Annual Reports and the proposed budget will be available ahead of time for you to review.

Take This Bread: During the summer the church will together read Sarah Miles’ spiritual memoir, Take This Bread. We will meet 5 Sundays through the summer; June 13, July11, August 1, and August 14. The book raises some very interesting questions about what it means to follow Jesus and what the community of believers should look like and do. We have 6 copies of the book for you to borrow or it is available in paperback.

Wood Donation Fund: Anyone interested in donating money or supplies to the Wood family who lost their home to fire recently (the old Johnson’s Dairy Farm), an account has been established at NE Credit Union, PO Box 1240, Portsmouth, NH 03802 (Account #56493893.) Donations and supplies can be dropped off at the back of the house in the garage, to family friend: Nick Isia, 8 Old Turnpike Rd, Northwood, NH 03261, 942.8575

Return the Blessings: It’s not too late for you to make a pledge or estimate of giving for our next fiscal year. You can directly contact Matt Caron, Financial Secretary at or fill in an Estimate of Giving card (found on table outside of Fellowship Hall.)

Communion Offering: For June’s Mission we will be participating in the worship service organized by the Ecclesia Ministries on Boston Common on Sunday, June 20th. Our role will be attending the service and providing and serving a lunch to the attendees. We will be asking for volunteers from the congregation to provide a total of 150 sandwiches, already made and in individual baggies, a half-sheet birthday cake, 1 large container of powdered lemonade, 200 paper cups, 100 napkins and 1 gallon of grape juice for Communion. We will be limited to 20 volunteers and will be leaving after church on the 20th at 10:30 am with volunteers and supplies. We should return by 4 pm. If you have any questions please contact Grace Levergood or any of the Mission Committee members. Please look for the sign up sheets in Fellowship Hall to sign up for volunteering as well as to providing supplies. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)

Coffee Hour Fellowship: Coffee hour is when we can gather as a community and welcome those who have worshiped with us. This is more than filling our bellies with good food, this is nurturing the soul of the congregation. Please consider signing up to provide treats and serve coffee for a week sometime in the future. You can sign up with a friend to make the load lighter and the food more varied. There is a sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall.

Post-Sabbatical Pot-Luck: Save June 11th at 6:30pm for a pot-luck dinner and a report on Gayle’s Sabbatical. She will show you pictures, share stories and insights, and answer any questions. We are hoping that it will be a wonderful combination of a fun evening and a way for you to learn about Gayle’s adventures while on Sabbatical.

NCC’s Annual Strawberry Festival: Mark your calendars for the annual Strawberry Festival at on Saturday, June 19th from 8-2 p.m. Enjoy a hearty pancake and sausage breakfast with strawberries, butter and maple syrup. If you do not make it for breakfast, we will be barbequing hotdogs and hamburgers for lunch, served with other tasty lunch fare, available from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. Delicious strawberry baked goods, strawberries dipped in chocolate, and homemade strawberry shortcakes topped with whip cream and ice cream will be served up all day long! Plenty of locally picked strawberries will be for sale for your own baking. Stock up! There will be fun activities for the whole family, including face painting and a yard sale. For more details, call Catey McCann at 664-7288 or email her at

NASCAR Volunteer Opportunity: Once again this year we have an opportunity to volunteer at the NASCAR races at NH Motor Speedway in Loudon, NH to raise funds for our church. We are looking for volunteers for on Thursday, June 24, Friday, June 25, Saturday, June 26 and Sunday, June 27. We are scheduled to staff the air conditioned executive suites so it should be fun and not too tiring. If you are available to volunteer any of those days, please sign up on the sheets on the table in the area before fellowship hall. Please indicate if you are interested in the morning or afternoon shift, or both. For more information, please contact Michael Magoon at 603-608-5444.

Summer Flowers: Would you like to help beatify the Alter? Please see a Deacon to let them know you are interested in bringing in your fresh cut flowers/bush trimmings.

“Fix Me” Board: Anyone with a church "care concern" (i.e. fix this please!), let a trustee know or place it on the easel located in Fellowship hall. Your Trustees are Rena, Bruce, Chris, Scott, Dan and Rick.

Centering Prayer: You are all invited to a time of centering prayer every Wednesday at 8:00 am for 30 minutes. Jo Chase is hosting us in her home at 306 Catamount Road.

Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC: If you do any shopping at Shaw’s, Best Buy, Wal-Mart, or Irving Gas (or any number of stores) a pre-paid card to make your purchases. A percentage of the sales comes back to the church and you aren’t spending any more money than you would have anyway. We place the orders on the 3rd Sunday of the month and they are delivered on the 4th Sunday. Please contact Tiffany George if you have any questions about the program at 332-5808 or

Today 10:30am NCC’s Annual Meeting
Monday 7:00pm Trustees
Tuesday 6:00pm Deacons
Wednesday 8:00am Centering Prayer
Thursday 7:00pm Choir
Friday 6:30pm Sabbatical Presentation and Pot-luck Dinner
Next Sunday Children’s Sunday
10:30am Take This Bread Study